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What Would Make You Spend [Another] 50 Bucks On This Game?

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#81 Macster16


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:33 PM

Probably wouldn't go to $50 on a single purchase, but only thing I would "extend" myself towards would be a Nova Cat package if/when they're released.

#82 Vassago Rain


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:40 PM

Mech customization and decals. You know, like they said they'd add once they had DX11 in the game.
I'm talking things like head swaps, not more dashboard bling.

Edited by Vassago Rain, 16 February 2015 - 10:40 PM.

#83 Karl Marlow


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:43 PM

The Fight Club pack.

Working melee combat along with the following mechs.

#84 DjPush


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:44 PM

What ever they put in front of me!

#85 Karl Marlow


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:49 PM

View PostDjPush, on 16 February 2015 - 10:44 PM, said:

What ever they put in front of me!

This is, sadly, also true

#86 xengk


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:53 PM

Pretty much got all the mechs I want, would pay money for: Thug, Clint, Crab, Wolf Trap, Kodiak, Ebon Jaguar, Woodsman.
Another MC sales will tempt me into buying more.

Alternative polygon for mechs
ie: alternative shield on centurion, different spoiler on jagermech, change wings on spider, etc.

#87 MikeBend


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:56 PM

Down where i live, 50$ is 1/10th of an average monthly salary, so i guess if i got a third job, i could spend 50$ more :D

#88 Brody319


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 11:05 PM

I would Adore a shadowhawk with ballistics in each side torso!
double cannon power!

#89 Kilo 40


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 11:12 PM

You know..I don't know what would get me to spend another $50.

I'm not mad at the devs or the state of the game really. I just kind of have all the (clan)mechs I want. Frankly I'm sick of heavies, I suck at assaults, lights are worthless for the most part(they can be fun in the right situation), and there's only one good medium.

maybe if they did something to make lights more valuable I'd buy some more of them. Or make the crappy clan mediums better. I don't know. But one thing I do know is that I have no intentions of buying another mech package. a la carte or the whole thing. I have mechs already. I want more ways to use the ones I ahve. then maybe I'll spend some more on them.

#90 Zergling


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 11:16 PM

Urbanmech IIC

#91 ZdUbZ


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 11:37 PM

It's a ways away in the timeline, but I would pay $50 for a blood asp.

#92 Duke Nedo


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 12:42 AM

Also more or less have all the mechs I need, 100+ bays, so I feel I can easily wait until new mechs are released for cbills now. Didn't buy resistance pack because as far as I can see none of these mechs bring anything I don't already have. Possibly the Grasshopper but I can wait for it. So... I don't know. Something major, like porting MWO to another Engine or a major metagame with player-driven economy and player-owned assets. Something to fight over.

#93 Eider


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 12:45 AM

Honest answer? when they fix the glaring issues mostly the hit reg. Just played a match where 90% of my teams shots went through the opponents.. perfect shots.. nothing but ground hit. I cant justify paying money for a game that broken.

#94 Myke Pantera


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:02 AM

I would pay $80 for MASC + Flea + Vulcan + Lancelot + Charger in a Speed Pack

I am really hoping that they fix some issues in this game, but i enjoy it well enough too keep supporting it nonetheless... Call me stupid, but I have a really soft spot for this game.

Edited by Myke Pantera, 17 February 2015 - 01:04 AM.

#95 Lily from animove


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:06 AM

urbie IIC, because we clanners need a trashcan to play as well


probably user submitted decals, because suddenly many mechs would need some.

Edited by Lily from animove, 17 February 2015 - 01:07 AM.

#96 NextGame


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:07 AM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 16 February 2015 - 03:41 PM, said:

Some of us have spent a lot of money on this game already. Some have spent very little or nothing at all. Whatever the case may be, the game is growing older and I imagine people are spending less now than before. There's people making threads about having 100 mechs, or the 200 mechs club!

What would make you spend 50 bucks on this game if you haven't already, or another 50 bucks if you've already spent >50 dollars.

Keep in mind, I'm talking about spending 50 US Dollars or more. Is there anything that would still make you spend that amount of money on this game? If so, what?

Me, I have all the mechs I want. I'm still hoping that the Shadow Cat, Axman, Mauler and Cougar will make it into the game at some point. But I don't think I'd pay real money for them, at this point. I need Solaris or PVE. Mostly PVE. I think that's the only thing I'd still be willing to pay 50 bucks for.

TL;DR: What could PGI sell that would make you spend 50 US dollars more on this game?

More mechs

PvE Co-Op campaigns

Some sort of worthwhile mechanic worked into CW

Some sort of fund to buy out the unseen issue

Probably other stuff

Edited by NextGame, 17 February 2015 - 01:08 AM.

#97 Paigan


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 01:59 AM

New MAPS (for normal games as well, not just CW)
A replay function (even paying per saved replay, like 1 MC or so)
New game modes (e.g. asymetrical: One Team has 12 mechs, other team has 4 dropship waves of limited tonnage)

Personally, after 2 months of playing, I already have almost all the mechs I want (mastered KFX, SCR, HBR, TBR, WHK, few scrap..uhm..IS mechs) and more equipment than I can eat. C-Bill income even without premium time will be more than enough for maybe a future DWF and a few more modules.
I will hardly pay any more real money to buy inferior/boring mechs. I have no primitive collector's drive and I hate cockpit items.

#98 xengk


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:15 AM

View PostMikeBend, on 16 February 2015 - 10:56 PM, said:

Down where i live, 50$ is 1/10th of an average monthly salary, so i guess if i got a third job, i could spend 50$ more :D

Over here, $50 is about a month's rent. :wacko:

#99 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:22 AM

Stone Rhino.

#100 Ursh


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:27 AM

Spent around $400 or so I think. Last purchase was 12,000 MC when they had an MC sale in May of 2014. I've got pretty much no MC in the bank right now, blew the last of it buying 17 mechbays when they had a sale months ago. With around 74 mech and 13 empty bays, I'm at a happy point. I've got enough mechs to where I can do pretty much any loadout I want to try.

They'd have to do something to really entice me, like having every match be a CW match. Solo queue could be called "Border Skirmish" or something like that, while group queue could be called "Planetary Assault". It would give more purpose to the game for us solo players who don't have the time or inclination to join a group, but who are still valuable, paying customers.

Oh, and they'd have to fix things like hit registration. As a bonus, they could someday do something to eliminate PP insta-convergence.

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