as any of the SA folks can tell you, I am a chatty guy. I talk all day long given the chance. But when in battle, I also believe in keeping the chatter to important info. With that in mind, here are my suggestions for basic comms rules we should all try to adhere to and POLITELY ask others to use as well:
In regards to behavior:
- Don't be a dickl. I wont go into all the ways, but will call out racist, homophobic and sexist crap especially.
- No music please.
- Try to avoid hot mics (I fully admit this happens to me sometimes if I am uber focused, I dont ealize that I am holding down the PTT.
- PTT only (lets hope against hope that this is required.)
- No bitching. This is a hard one for all of us. We all get frustrated. Someone goes rambo. Someone does not target mechs, someone stops behind you. It will happen. let's try to be polite.
- If you lose your temper and say something impolite, apologize immediately in both voice and chat (since you were probably muted). We are all human. Admitting your mistake after it occurs is not as good as not making it in the first place, but it goes a long way towards mitigating the bad behavior.
- Don't complain about loadouts. Whining about LRM's or weird stock loadouts or whatever helps nooone and only fosters discontent.
- Remember national and cultural differences. What is ok in your country may not be in another.
In regards to actual play calling
- When calling targets, state the GRID (if needed), CHASSIS and LETTER, and OPEN SECTIONS.
- If someone calls a push and you are not going to push, SAY SO. It will save them from charging alone.
- When spotting scouts and flankers, call grid and # of mechs at a minimum.
- If someone wants to take lead and you are not going to go along, let them know. Just to be respectful. It only takes 2 seconds.
That is all I can think of at the moment. The first set should not really even be necessary, but this is the internet. We are a mature community. We have more of a chance to use social pressure to maintain some level of civility than most games. It is upon each of us to do our best and to encourage others to do so as well.