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Town Hall Meeting On Twitch.tv With Russ Bullock - Feb 19Th. 6 Pm Pst

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#61 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:49 PM

Dear Russ.

Happy to see MWO growing patch by patch!
1. Will we see a geometry tweak to the Awesome? This chassis does not reflect weapon loadout.
2. Will the Pretty Baby ever get a real third energy hard point? It would make it a viable mech.
3. Will Mechs like the Atlas, with full actuators in the arms ever be workable? Shooting into the ground has gotten old over the last few years.

#62 Cimarb


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:52 PM

View PostParjaiSkirata, on 17 February 2015 - 02:39 PM, said:

2 part question here regarding camo patterns:

1) What is the status (if any) on getting the Clan camo's to work with the Wave 1 mechs?

2) Will future Clan mech waves be able to use those patterns?

In addition to those...

3. Can we get an update on the decal system?
4. When will we be able to use faction camo on the Invasion variants?

#63 Vincent V. Kerensky


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:56 PM

I have a few questions for Russ. Third time some of these are posted as they did not get a response the last two times, even with all the other questions combined....

General questions;

* New modules? Food for thought; Elemental Power Armor Star?

* IS vs Clan Light 'Mechs. Hitboxes and speed. Any comment on that? Right now we are seeing quite a few IS Light 'Mechs rushing in CW and not stopping at all. IS Light Mechs seem to have magical hitboxes which ties it in with speed and hit registration. Comment?

* Additional voice acting? Will more voice acting to the game? "Power curve optimal.... Dropchecks complete... All systems nominal... Drop sequence commencing", "Gyro overload" and stuff like that? And with that, actual Gyro Overloads, Death from Above and such?

* What are your comments on the community calling for even more nerfing of Clan Technology? Lately there has been a lot of individual opinions in the IS camp that Clan Technology should not necessarily be nerfed but that IS Technology should be boosted or IS Mechs be given even more powerful quirks. What are your thoughts on that?

* Clan Quirks? Some Clan 'Mechs are suffering, namely the Adder, Ice Ferret, Nova and Gargoyle to say the least.

* IS Quirks. Just checked out some of them... Even if you have given the 9S a "minor" debuff, there are certain 'Mechs you now release that can do a very -very- similar job... Please, do check the quirks before you decide to go live with them. Also, comments on this?

* Camo Specs and colors. General sale? And when will the Wave 2 Clan Mechs have all Camos available?

* Iconic 'Mechs. Like the Hatamoto-Chi, Emperor or Venom. Would love to see some of them added to the mix and I am certain the Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation would love to see these too. Specially the Hatamoto-Chi.

CW questions;

* The sound of the dropships... It is a bit loud, aff, but at the same time it gives a much needed atmosphere to the drop. Would be nice to keep it but just a bit lower volume on it.

* Sticking with dropships... Union Class? Overlord Class? Thoughts on bringing them in as well?

* Mercenaries. Please elaborate. I have asked and submitted in my questions earlier about a PGI run MRCB (Mercenary Review and Commissioning Board) or it being run perhaps by Loyalist units. Thoughts?

* LONG AND IMPORTANT! What is wrong with the attack paths? Several times now we have seen factions able to attack planets far away from their own boarder. When will this be fixed? This has become a bigger and bigger problem. Clan Ghost Bear one night got EIGHT attack vectors and with their high population at the time could have made great advantage of it.

I can see why you wanted the Ghost Bears to clean up their back yard but honestly... From a personal point of view it seems more and more that your real life preference of faction and people who have some connection to NGNG or PGI are getting the better half of the cake. Favouritism seems to somehow affect the game. Are you truly neutral when it comes to factions and players?

* Population issues in CW seems to be a thing now adays as well. Any comments?

Thank you.

Star Captain Vincent V.
The Widow's Horses
13th Wolf Guard
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Clan Wolf International

Edited by Vincent V., 19 February 2015 - 06:39 AM.

#64 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:59 PM

When is PGI going to accept the inevitable and hire Bishop Steiner? :ph34r:

#65 Kodiak Jorgensson


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:59 PM

2 questions for russ.

1. have the team considered Re-Woking the heat penalty system in to a chassis specific flaw, I personally think this would help under performing chassis that require boating large amounts of one weapon system and help keep those chassis that can easily abuse a single weapon system under control.

Example :- Nova Prime could have a heat penalty flaw of firing more then 8 ER Med Las will result in a heat penalty.

Example :- Dire Wolf Prime could have a heat penalty flaw of firing more then 6 ER Med Las will result in a heat penalty.

they probably aren't the best examples but I'm just trying to convey the general idea.

2. currently <ER Small/Pulse ER Medium/Pulse> are grouped together for a heat penalty can we have them separated into there respective groups, example <ER Small/Pulse> <ER Medium/Pulse>?

Edited by Kodiak Jorgensson, 17 February 2015 - 02:59 PM.

#66 Alistair Winter


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:03 PM


Can you give us any more information about PVE? A lot of players are begging to pay money for a single player campaign or coop mode!

#67 Kanajashi


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:05 PM

I had a question about the rewards within CW matches but first some context. Currently If I am pugging and end up with a team of singles or small groups vs a 10-12 man there is an extremely high chance of us loosing and making a very small amount of c-bills compared to the time invested to find and play that match. While I am not complaining that teamwork is op (i'm fine with loosing against a more skilled enemy), I do feel discouraged to play CW matches because my time is better spent elsewhere in terms of making c-bills.

My question is: could the contract rewards be given to those that loose CW matches as well?

I would be fine playing the cannon fodder for larger groups if I was guaranteed at least some quantity of c-bills for my time. There would be concerns about people going AFK and farming these rewards but i'm sure that something could be written in to the code so that you would have to be connected and active in order to recieve a reward.

Edited by Kanajashi, 17 February 2015 - 03:07 PM.

#68 Azakael


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:05 PM

Question two from me:
Why such a heavy de-quirk to the LCT-3M?
With the SPL quirks, the LCT-3M had a niche that made it an alternative to the LCT-1E. Now, there is no build that can be put into an LCT-3M that cannot be improved by putting it into an LCT-1E, except for anything using the Dual-AMS.
Identical builds has the 1E running cooler, with a longer range. Even running a 6xMLas build on the 1E runs cooler over time than the 3M. So what was the thought pattern on this?

Math comparing a 6xMLas, 10xDHS LCT-1E build versus a 5xMLas, 11xDHS LCT-3M build, hiding behind spoiler.

(And yes, I know it is *just* a Locust, and Wubberine, Wubbanshee, and TDR-9S all got nerfed... but this bothered me infinitely more, after all, why nerf the Locust?)



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:07 PM

Can we please have a Solaris arena with a c-bill entry fee that works like a poker room at a casino(winner takes all but house takes a cut) and different game modes in it like FFA, 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2, 2 vs 2, 4 vs 4, 4 vs 4 vs 4. Maybe make the game modes rotate so it's like its own challenge every day and we could have leader boards and true competitive play?

#70 Felbombling


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:08 PM

Could you please go into some detail as to the process of taking a model and producing hit boxes for it... both Mechs and terrain features? Also, could you go into the reasons why invisible walls happen and if the hit box artist knows at the time of production that there will be a problem, or if they are surprised when something like a pillar on HPG blocks weapon fire unexpectedly, based on the model.


#71 Wing 0


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:11 PM

Russ. Heres my question:

1. Can there be some sort of a new hit indicator when shooting at an enemy mech that can help the current cross hair indicator we have in game?

For example: a simple, very low "click" soundbyte to help indicate the player that his/her shots are registering on what he/she shot at.

2. If it was considered, can it be an option for players?

#72 DustySkunk


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:11 PM

Will we see another large tournament again like last year?

NGNG did a great job casting it and I really enjoyed watching those streams

#73 EvilOwner


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:15 PM

Are there any plans for melee mechs (Axeman, hatchetman, etc.)?

#74 DigiEXE


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:17 PM

1) Will we see any Machinima like tools coming to the game at some point in the coming future? Like the ability to have replays on a match, which then players can free-roam around the replay taking screenshots and videos to make nice background art and content for YouTube?
No Guts No Galaxy might benefit from this via their All Systems Nominal Web-comic and Animated Series they have.

2) Free-Roam Spectator Mode? Might make for some good shout-casting for some actual MechWarrior Online Tournaments in the same way that Smite, League Of Legends and Dota 2 gets on Twitch.TV and such.

3) Will the the House Cameo's be applied to all Inner Sphere BattleMech's once they're available? (The ones that are featured on the Resistance Package)

4) Will the Clan Cameo's get applied to the Wave 1, Reinforcements and future Clan Packages? (The Cameo's that were released in the Wave 2 package for those 'Mechs)

5) Will Wave 2 Mechs be getting the option to use all the other Cameo schemes soon?

6) Any ETA on the Clan Quirks?

7) Any news Single-Player Campaign? If one is still planned at some point in the future would it feature Co-Up with friends?

8) Any more on FPS Optimization for low-powered PC's for both normal matches and Community Warfare?

Keep up the good work! Loving the latest patch!

#75 Gumon Choji


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:28 PM

I have a few questions
1. Will you open up developer tools to the community and perhaps make a map building competition where intrepid players can win a hero mechs? Of course your company would tweak it but perhaps make it a "map of the month". If it is loved it can be brought back after you tweak it for real. Leverage the complainers into the solution.

2. What if Locusts get 10 engine heat sinks even on silly small engines or lower the HS limit? Would this be a good solution you could use to save a few of the difficult builds?

3. What is the next joke mech? I get the impression they are where the money is. Locust, King Crab, Urban mech.

4. Why no special I "Hug" you and I "Wub" you sale? Huggins and Pulse laser builds sale.

5. Can we have a few tanks and helicopters to smash? I want to feel like mechs are powerful and part of a war effort.

6. Can we get hand weapons? Make them like the table top game. As in you must have all actuators in the arm and weight reliant so they are fair. Thus no assassin spiders.

Also thank you for making some different looking maps and improving the experience.

I think the Hatchet is the new joke money maker after reading the posts. The new super sale pack for the IS.

7. Also a very important one. Can targeting not use flash?

#76 Evgenyd92


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:29 PM

Good day. I have some questions. Before I asked them, I want to apologize for my English, last time I used it 2 years ago. First of all, I want to asked about Executioner. It is my favorite clan omnimech, and I really want to see it in MWO. I am not a game maker, and I don't know everything about it, but I think you should test game without any mech quirks, it's more close to battletech world. Third question about armor. I have idea: Armor cannot be changed, if Victor have 368 armor in specific head-c.torso-r.torso-l.torso-r.arm-l. arm-l.leg-r.leg -so be it. Because of this, players won't choose between Victor and Awesome, because they became a very different mechs. And in final, l really want to see Wolfhound, Hatchetman, Executioner and Crusader mechs. Thank, and again sorry for my English.

#77 Navid A1


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:30 PM

The art team seem to be really busy with the new clan pack. I'd like to ask if art/animation/camo passes for the current mechs are still on the board. Things like:
  • Animation passes on DWFs/WHKs/TBRs/SMNs/KFXs/ADRs/STKs/etc... (as acknowledged by Mr. Enrique Barahona Ramos... the lead animator).
  • Art passes on models like catapult modular missile bays
  • The highly awaited camo patterns/faction camo on clan invasion (i) variants (or phoenix (p)).
Question 2:
is there any ETA on clan quirks?

Edited by Navid A1, 17 February 2015 - 03:39 PM.

#78 Dayuhan


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:32 PM

Are there any plans to incorporate the original maps in to Community Warfare?

#79 Choppah


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:34 PM

Has any testing been done for straight armor/structure buffs? Example: instead of buffing the Atlas K's weapons with quirks, give it solely armor/structure quirks to make it super tanky.

Were any quirks tested for FF armor? Like equipping FF armor on certain mechs gives it increased damage resistance.

Will there ever be a real benefit to equipping more than 1 JJ or max JJ?

Edited by Choppah, 17 February 2015 - 03:35 PM.

#80 Mcgral18


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:39 PM

Are Clan quirks going to work the same way as IS quirks, or will they have some emphasis on the various Omnipods?

A nice example is the Nova; where the Prime has 6 E hardpoints per arm, while the S has 3, and the A has a single one.

If you follow the current IS quirk system, the A will get more quirks than the others, but likely just become a shield arm for the Prime or S on the opposite side, since the quirks are global.
Is there a way to restrict the quirk to the appropriate component? The Nova-A could get significant ERPPC quirks if they weren't shared with the ST or S/P arms, to avoid the sword and board.

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