wanderer, on 23 February 2015 - 01:30 PM, said:
I actually strongly suggest that if you're facing a Clan group, don't do it outside of a large group, ideally a unit one.
Scattered-faction defense groups tend to lack the experience or the organization to do anything except feed themselves into a meat grinder and negatively influence a defense. Consider that PGI even thinks that evenly-balanced tonnage in drop decks for Clan vs. IS isn't fair (for the IS) and is already starting to tweak total IS tonnage higher and you realize their analysis of such conflict indicates that you're already at least at a small handicap even given a full unit to fight with, never mind a PUG.
There are exceptions to this....
if the queues get unbalanced, this can force the game to select a single mode, attack/counter attack for each drop.
for you Southern Pilots who will only be able to drop on a world under clan attack, it is very important to force the clans onto hold missions. You can help do this by making sure the defense queue has a 12 man advantage in the Queue.
At the same time, if a single clan 12 man is dropping on a planet, do NOT queue unless you see a large sized premade in the defense queue. We do NOT want to give them attacks against pug groups, better they waste their time on a ghost drop then provide a mass of solo dropping players for the clan to farm.
Use the Faction chat when in doubt or to group up with others. Units! please be willing to help the newer people, invite them into a faction drop or two. Try dropping in 8 or 10 man groups and pick up a couple solos. teach them how to not only play in drop but how to read the queues and play the queue pre-game.