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Announcing Clan Invasion Wave 3!

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#581 Cimarb


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 04:35 PM

View PostArchAngelWC, on 18 May 2015 - 06:18 AM, said:

So you are saying you dont understand the dynamics in question...particularly how after the Invasion the IS produces far far better tech and proceeds to **** the Clans...

Perspective...its useful

In this game the IS will be equal to Clans through the Invasion and then get far far better..what do they do then?

You speak of perspective, yet fail to put that perspective to use in what you are talking about. This is not lore. Our (Clan) weapons were nerfed to be balanced with IS, and any new weapons added will be handled the same way.

#582 Kossack 7


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 05:24 PM

After this latest bitchslap of the latest clan mechs, how do I get a refund from clan wave 3? I own both clan and inner sphere mechs and the horseshit that has happened to clan mechs consistently has just made the game unpalatable. I spent hard earned money for every clan mech I have, I gifted the masakari package to my brother, now they nerf the TBR-A model with so much heat when it was as close as we would ever get to the six ER large alpha of the stalker, which, owning one, can afford to do it way more frequently than the laser vomit TBR with the A torso, which had nothing but penalties, I'd remind folks. I literally will not spend money on this ******* game anymore.

#583 Kossack 7


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 05:34 PM

Before any of you IS crybabies start up, "LOREWISE, Clans fielded better tech, yes our lasers should be better, but they weren't, our ERs averaged about 3dps less than the IS regular, our missile guidance was better, our overall tech was better, you want a fair match let these dipshits at PGI adhere more to battle value and the fact that Clans consistently fielded less pilots a factor, instead of just crying because your over quirked hero builds couldn't compensate for the fact that you ******* wanted nothing to fight the clans. You out number us in-game about a 100 to one, the only reason we draw the best merc units during tournaments is because they want the action, which they won't get because of the hit queues. After Tukkayid, Clans still fielded better tech, but resource wise, will never match the IS, who always had a numerical and strategic advantage. Instead of bitching about clan mechs, how about how I fired three ERs with my min/maxed TBR build into a six ER-large laser dead center into his CT and he survived, with torso twist he fired eight alphas into me and didn't miss a beat, Thunderbolts are just as bad, not to mention panthers and firestarters, we can't mount the weaponry the IS mechs do and remain viable before this ******** nerf. So yes I want my money back for the next set of clan mechs you crybabies will ***** about and they will for some reason make worthless. If they don't I just won't spend money on this game at all. Then gleefully watch as they crater because they acted like a bunch of dipshits instead of planning for a long running game.

#584 Ovion


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 05:55 PM

Send a message to support and be civil, rather than what you present here, requesting a refund.

Nevermind that adjustments for balance is included in the terms and conditions of the game, that you agreed to, and it will quite likely help even things out some
Apparently, having a well balanced range of mechs rather than a small number of overpowered mechs isn't something you're comfortable with.

Personally, my Adder out LRM boats my IS heavy boats, my Stormcrow outboats just about anything, and then you get to the Heavies and Assaults.

Clans can carry far more firepower than IS mechs, as well as retaining a high average speed.
Yet they've managed to balance it reasonably well so far.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out though.

#585 Galenthor Kerensky


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 06:01 PM

here is something else for you: ( keep in mind I haven't had the time to read every msg here with 2 kids ) that the damage reduction that we clans have is what you IS should have, while we should have no damage reduction whatsoever according to the lore. There are several things they are doing differently than lore, and to a point I can understand that. That being said, there are alot of things that I feel that they should have stuck to, and the Clans edge on weapons is one of them. You guys complain that the ranges shouldn't be better than what you have, but then you guys field stalkers with 6 large lasers that have range bonuses up the ying yang from the quirks... considering that the average engagement range ends up being under 400 meters, that balances out most of the range problems right there. Before you guys whine any more about any supposed disparity of tech, just remember that those of us who choose to play the Clans accept the higher challenge of taking up the honorable fight to the shattered IS. As for what the last guy said about refunds, keep in mind that alot of us Clanners feel ripped off because the almighty nerf bat spends far more time swinging at us. Should we as a whole or large part do feel the need to request a refund for the monies we have spent to play the Clans, you will end up missing the best fight you can have ( as we proved with tukkyid )

Edited by Galenthor Kerensky, 19 May 2015 - 06:16 PM.

#586 Mad Dog Morgan


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 07:40 PM

View PostGalenthor Kerensky, on 19 May 2015 - 06:01 PM, said:

You guys complain that the ranges shouldn't be better than what you have, but then you guys field stalkers with 6 large lasers that have range bonuses up the ying yang from the quirks... considering that the average engagement range ends up being under 400 meters, that balances out most of the range problems right there. Before you guys whine any more about any supposed disparity of tech, just remember that those of us who choose to play the Clans accept the higher challenge of taking up the honorable fight to the shattered IS.

Er, well, that Stalker isn't nearly as strong as it was (thanks to today's patch). I never liked stalkers, and seeing the cheeseball 4N everywhere made me dislike the chassis even more, but I have to say that the high-alpha long-range laser vomit was a bit much, too. I avoid playing the Meta like the plague because I can't stand boring myself with uninteresting builds.

I want to say that I feel the TBR and the SCR were gimped collectively a little much, but they are the bread-and-butter mechs of the clans. I could see 1-2% laser duration per laser hardpoint, but 3% is still a bit much. You're talking with a 1 second burn, it goes up to 1.1 or 1.2s with a substantial number of hardpoints, which is discouraging. No reason to be vitriolic or caustic, though.

I play both sides, and I'm a bit casual. I've dumped a bit more into this game than I'm willing to admit, but I want to see it thrive.

Edited by Vaskadar, 19 May 2015 - 07:42 PM.

#587 Hawk819


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 07:58 PM

View PostCimarb, on 19 May 2015 - 04:35 PM, said:

You speak of perspective, yet fail to put that perspective to use in what you are talking about. This is not lore. Our (Clan) weapons were nerfed to be balanced with IS, and any new weapons added will be handled the same way.

Personally, I think Clan and Inner Sphere Autocannons: LB-x's, UAC's, and AC's should share the same damage and heat output. However, Cim is right. The weapons are being balanced to go along with the Inner Sphere versions. Realistically speaking, the Clans have way better firepower and weapons capability, yet, the Inner Sphere versions cannot compete with the Clan Counterparts. That's why we have the quirks and nerfs we have now. It makes sense to have them, and it's a necessary evil.

I will agree, that some nerfs don't make a lick of sugar sense on a lollipop, but they're there, and the best we can do is just go along with things and have faith. Cause I'm sick of all the bickering, bitching and complaining this forum has become. I'm tired of hearing about some `Mechs are better than others; and others are way overpowered, etc. As I told Cim earlier in a tweet, "Just relax, and quit gripping."

#588 PraetorGix


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 08:13 PM

View PostHawk819, on 19 May 2015 - 07:58 PM, said:

I will agree, that some nerfs don't make a lick of sugar sense on a lollipop, but they're there, and the best we can do is just go along with things and have faith. Cause I'm sick of all the bickering, bitching and complaining this forum has become. I'm tired of hearing about some `Mechs are better than others; and others are way overpowered, etc. As I told Cim earlier in a tweet, "Just relax, and quit gripping."

No. The best thing we can do is continue to show our annoyance before these exaggerated nerfs until they understand that they are killing their money income.
Some IS players find it all too humorous when someone says they're going to ask refunds, telling wise*ss things like "don't let the door hit you" and they feel very clever but forget that, one, without clan players CW is gonna be very hurt, two, this can and will happen to their mechs at some point (because if clans continue to be hammered into oblivion, IS mechs could end up being completely OP and need an obscene nerf too); and three, no money from us, no game. Go ahead and feel superior, laugh at us for being butthurt. Let's see if this continues to grow out of control; no one will be laughing at the end.

#589 Michal R


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 09:31 PM

What they do to Cat and Storm is bad. And for the game its very bad. Meny players will stop to play game. And this is a problem. Pgi don't understand what they do. They thing that claners will play balistics or lrm? No, some of them will start to use Loki but some will leave game. This is sad when you see that Dev of the games are stupid. Another great move from them.

#590 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 27 May 2015 - 07:07 AM

QUESTION: Will the 4th variant omni-pods be available for ingame purchase with C-bills for early adopters? Or will it be similar to gift store Clan mechs in that you only get one set and have to wait until they get released later. I certainly hope that is not the case :(

#591 Cimarb


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Posted 27 May 2015 - 07:36 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 27 May 2015 - 07:07 AM, said:

QUESTION: Will the 4th variant omni-pods be available for ingame purchase with C-bills for early adopters? Or will it be similar to gift store Clan mechs in that you only get one set and have to wait until they get released later. I certainly hope that is not the case :(

If it follows the previous packs, it will be only that one set until the mechs are available for cbills/mc/cashstore. I see no reason for it to be otherwise.

#592 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:31 AM

View PostCimarb, on 27 May 2015 - 07:36 PM, said:

If it follows the previous packs, it will be only that one set until the mechs are available for cbills/mc/cashstore. I see no reason for it to be otherwise.

Really? I mean we didn't really have 4th variants in previous packs so it is different by its very nature, and all the omnipods you got in the pack were available for C-Bills. That is kind of disappointing if that is the case, to be honest..

#593 bossclan


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:56 AM

What the OP is saying is if you own the variant that has the omnipod you also own the omnipods and can swap them around as you wish.
And on the subject of nerfs the 4N stalker got a nerf but is still buffed "they only reduced the buff"
The timber and crow got slammed with massive nerfs.

#594 Twilight Fenrir


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:57 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 28 May 2015 - 08:31 AM, said:

Really? I mean we didn't really have 4th variants in previous packs so it is different by its very nature, and all the omnipods you got in the pack were available for C-Bills. That is kind of disappointing if that is the case, to be honest..

It would be like the reinforcement mechs, more so than the previous packs... I don't think there is a way setup to segregate the mechlab between people who got it, and those who didn't. We should have access to multiples of the base 3, because you can only buy the omnipods if you have the mechs. But the 4ths are gonna have to wait 2 months for multiples...

At least, that's what makes sense to me...

#595 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 09:13 AM

View Postbossclan, on 28 May 2015 - 08:56 AM, said:

What the OP is saying is if you own the variant that has the omnipod you also own the omnipods and can swap them around as you wish.
And on the subject of nerfs the 4N stalker got a nerf but is still buffed "they only reduced the buff"
The timber and crow got slammed with massive nerfs.

Yes, they got nerfed, but they still wreck face. I usually take 2 Timber Wolves every match in CW, and they are awesome.

#596 Polkastein


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 09:29 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 28 May 2015 - 09:13 AM, said:

Yes, they got nerfed, but they still wreck face. I usually take 2 Timber Wolves every match in CW, and they are awesome.

They do indeed still wreck face. Our moto in the IS is to never go toe to toe with a clan mech, bring a friend!

#597 Cimarb


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 05:49 PM

View PostPolkastein, on 28 May 2015 - 09:29 AM, said:

They do indeed still wreck face. Our moto in the IS is to never go toe to toe with a clan mech, bring a friend!

Once I got used to the duration change - maybe half a match or so - I have seen zero change in the performance of my laser vomit Timbie. It literally has not changed anything at all for me.

#598 Scout Derek


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Posted 01 June 2015 - 06:57 AM

So what I'd like to know....


#599 Twilight Fenrir


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Posted 01 June 2015 - 08:30 AM

*girlish squeel* Just TWO weeks 'till my glorious Ebon Jaguar! :D :D

Edited by Twilight Fenrir, 01 June 2015 - 08:31 AM.

#600 KursedVixen


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Posted 01 June 2015 - 08:44 AM

then about two months till it's nerfed.

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