***dcms Announcement On Marik Relations***
Posted 04 March 2015 - 10:31 AM
Posted 04 March 2015 - 02:53 PM

Guess I'm a little out of the loop here.

Edited by ShinobiHunter, 04 March 2015 - 02:58 PM.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 04:50 PM
Point of order: As of now, Marik has taken precisely as many worlds as Jade Falcon (79) and narrowly more than Smoke Jaguar. It is, however true that Marik also controls more worlds than all 4 Clans combined.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:36 PM
wanderer, on 04 March 2015 - 04:50 PM, said:
Well that is more to say Jade Falcon has now taken precisely as many worlds as Marik with CSJ catching up as well.
Marik was in the lead for capturing planets for a long time before the clans finally started catching up.
Edited by jeirhart, 04 March 2015 - 05:37 PM.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:00 PM
Posted 04 March 2015 - 07:04 PM
PerfectDuck, on 03 March 2015 - 09:34 AM, said:
And Marik still cries about not getting to keep what wasn't even theirs to begin with. Like a slobby freeloading house guest who's been living for free in your spare bedroom and cries foul when you tell him to go get his own place. You guys claim we didn't come to talk to you first over a matter that isn't up to you. Marik were and always had been merely guests, the experiment was a failure, all attempts to modify the situation resulted in unfavorable conditions, and for the last time, get over it. We made a decision that you Mariks claimed from the beginning that you were prepared to handle. When it came time to actually make it, you whined and continue to whine. The hypocrisy here is that Marik leadership said they'd be willing to back out at any time, and when it came time to do it, they flew a petty rebellious tantrum. Then had the audacity to say that we Kurita were the ones who backed out of our word. Ridiculous.
A Few things I would like to point out (I think a few of them are again).
1) Marik acknowledges (from what I got) that you had every right to close down the wormhole project.
2) The Draconis Combine failed to communicate to Marik (at that time a current and long time ally) that they were closing the wormhole. It was only mentioned that the Draconis Combine intended to trim it down from the -MS- explosion that had happened. When it had changed to closing down the Wormhole Project, the Draconis Combine could/should have easily have just posted this information about 24 hours or more in advance so that Marik would know what was going on. (could have been a rouge unit again for all Marik knew)
3) The Draconis Combine (only a few of them, but some of those few includes some of their leader and ambassador figures) didn't have to be an.... (oh whats the word I'm looking for.. oh! there it is!) a gluteus maximus about the whole thing (and yes, some of our members jumped in. As stated before, it was on both sides). To clarify this is more so called 'Trollish" behavior...
4) The Draconis Combine didn't have to also spur any and all Merc help that went up there to help them attack the clans directly, nor did they have to turn their attentions to Davion (while Davion's mercs were up their helping attack the clans on the Draconis Combine's behalf), and then attack Marik (while Marik's Mercs where up their attacking the clans on the Draconis Combine's behalf) (This is also where "Rubbing it in", mentioned below, is the problem. Marik wasn't even at full force, because they had sent their unit's up to help the Draconis Combine, and without any communication as to the Draconis Combine's intent, it was seen as an attack on Marik by many of its members). They also didn't have to "rub it in" Marik's face that they kicked their butts in the closure of the wormhole project.
5) After the wormhole had connected to Marik space as a whole (which was only one planet away at the time) the attack algorithm should have taken it to the Draconis Combine's Capital. This would have taken the wormhole into either Ghost Bear or Smoke Jaguar. Upon hitting either of those clans, the tunnel that brought Marik there could have been reabsorbed into the Draconis Combine, as the original plan was. All this while Marik attack the clans with an additional front. If this was combined with the Draconis Combine, that would mean that either Ghost Bears or Smoke Jaguars would have been losing TWO worlds instead of ONE. This would have made it very hard for them to even advance through Innersphere space again.
In Closing: This whole incident could have been avoided if BOTH sides had just sat down and talked more before acting on anything. It doesn't take much to make a thread for this communication (do you really care if the other factions see this info?). With a thread, each side's leaders could post what they wish to say and the info pertaining to it, whenever they get a chance (and yes, the leader's shouldn't be trolling each other either). As stated, getting all leaders on at the same time for both factions to hammer this out is not easy. I would even go as far to say impossible. For any info you don't want the other factions to know about, one could always send the other leaders a message to them directly.
I really hope that when both factions have had their fill of this nonsense, that they can then set up a communication thread to come to an agreement... (and not an ultimatum thread...)
Posted 04 March 2015 - 07:55 PM
Because, you know, Marik was right and if Kurita didn't see that then Kurita was being closed minded and should have given Marik more time to convince Kurita that Papa Marik knows what's best for them.
This is also probably why Kurita announces literally everything with threads on these forums now. Can't have people claiming no one told them anything if there's a nice, big public record.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:10 PM
Vlad Ward, on 04 March 2015 - 07:55 PM, said:
Because, you know, Marik was right and if Kurita didn't see that then Kurita was being closed minded and should have given Marik more time to convince Kurita that Papa Marik knows what's best for them.
This is also probably why Kurita announces literally everything with threads on these forums now. Can't have people claiming no one told them anything if there's a nice, big public record.
No offense, but how did you hear of this? I haven't read anything about this in those former threadnoughts about this issue. All I have read is about it getting trimmed, and that Marik was to help in that effort. I may have missed something, I mean it is over 70 pages long last I looked. Also, it would have helped if everything was talked about (not like the wormhole was going to go anywhere anytime soon) and more time taken in the decision making. It couldn't have hurt for there to be more time for the members of Marik to get the word about it too. Takes time for this information to get around (as noted by the fact that I could still be getting this all wrong, and its been how long sense the wormhole was closed?). If the decision was made because the Draconis Combine was afraid that it would leave them venerable to an attack from Marik, then I think the problem just got bigger....
And, just because you are here, in your opinion, do you think that the algorithm would have done as I had predicted, or do you think it would never have gone north?
PS: I still don't think Marik and the Draconis Combine should attack each other over this, but the Draconis Combine just keep seeming to want to taunt Marik into attacking (as noted also). (also noted, it does seem to go both ways on the taunting, but it seems to be coming mostly from the Draconis Combine, from what I am seeing.)
Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:33 PM
So it wasn't a complete surprise. As vlad says our leadership was hoping to discuss the complete closure. Somwhere along the way someone tickled n someone else's Cheerios, I don't remember. which side, and the whole thin g escalated to what we have now. Who is at fault is really a pov. There are many causes for the current crisis. Kuritas not communicating their intent o clock i see the wormhole is not one of them.
Edit: Auto correct and a keypad that hides what you are typing make for strange sentences
Edited by ThomasMarik, 04 March 2015 - 09:11 PM.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:46 PM
Third party perspective? The leadership of Marik's faction units are a very old guard sort. They're guys in their 30's, 40's, and 50's who pseudo-roleplay with their units with ranks and command structures and all that jazz. They're used to a certain level of deference and what they would call 'respect' when dealing with other people. They are Supreme High Lord Star Commander, therefore people better shut up and pay attention to what they say.
For the most part, the High Council plays along. They have ambassadors and leaders and whatnot and they all try to be civil and give people the respect they believe they deserve. Why? Maybe because they roleplay like that too. Maybe they just find it easier to work with people that way. I don't know. I'm not them.
What ticked a lot of these Marik leaders off was the fact that NKVA's rank and file really didn't (and still doesn't) give a **** how many titles and badges of honor people have on an internet forum for a video game. They "disrespected" the Supreme High Lord Star Commanders by treating them just like everyone else, and they can't be having none of that **** up in here.
The war against Kurita boils down to a temper tantrum thrown by grown men who don't like the fact that random people on the internet (who aren't even roleplay faction leaders) are not Respecting Their Authoritay™.
Edited by Vlad Ward, 04 March 2015 - 08:47 PM.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:49 PM
ThomasMarik, on 04 March 2015 - 08:33 PM, said:
So it wasn't a complete surprise. As vlad says our leadership was hoping to discuss the complete closure. Somwhere along the way someone tickled n someone else's Cheerios, I don't remember. which side, and the whole thin g escalated to what we have now. Who is at fault is really a pov. There are many causes for the current crisis. Kuritas not communicating their intent o clock i see the wormhole is not one of them.
Ah makes more sense now, but still a decision made in haste, based on the actions of -MS-, which is a Ghost Bear primary faction unit (as far as I know). Well the jokes on us. The clans have out maneuvered us on that one, and the Draconis Combine loses an ally, and some Merc unit support on the clan front, as well as having to fight another front....
Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:57 PM
Vlad Ward, on 04 March 2015 - 08:46 PM, said:
Third party perspective? The leadership of Marik's faction units are a very old guard sort. They're guys in their 30's, 40's, and 50's who pseudo-roleplay with their units with ranks and command structures and all that jazz. They're used to a certain level of deference and what they would call 'respect' when dealing with other people. They are Supreme High Lord Star Commander, therefore people better shut up and pay attention to what they say.
For the most part, the High Council plays along. They have ambassadors and leaders and whatnot and they all try to be civil and give people the respect they believe they deserve. Why? Maybe because they roleplay like that too. Maybe they just find it easier to work with people that way. I don't know. I'm not them.
What ticked a lot of these Marik leaders off was the fact that NKVA's rank and file really didn't (and still doesn't) give a **** how many titles and badges of honor people have on an internet forum for a video game. They "disrespected" the Supreme High Lord Star Commanders by treating them just like everyone else, and they can't be having none of that **** up in here.
The war against Kurita boils down to a temper tantrum thrown by grown men who don't like the fact that random people on the internet (who aren't even roleplay faction leaders) are not Respecting Their Authoritay™.
The problem I would have is that everyone should be respecting everyone else. Rank should not matter in this. They should be respecting me even though I'm just a rank and file, week end warrior with about average skills. I don't role play my part, and if forced to I would quit, I only fly with Marik because I liked them in lore and have followed them sense MW2, and through the card game they had for a little while.
On the point of rank, well this is a war game. It is nice to have some form of command structure, some leader to give orders. Know which faction to attack and which ones not to. Someone to coordinate the 'war effort'. But that shouldn't prevent the 'low ranks' from getting their say in, or to promote disrespect to those lower ranks from above (or vise versa).
Posted 04 March 2015 - 09:09 PM
The worst part about it is that NKVA don't even troll everyone they fight. They troll the people they stomp into the ground. For them (and frankly a whole lot of other people on the web), teams and players earn merit by playing the game well. Having a unit that was founded 2000 years ago with 10 different stars and badges next to your name on the forums doesn't mean crap.
My team's played both NS and NKVA and won. Do they talk crap to us when we drop against each other? Hell no. They're great games, everyone has fun, and we say our gg's at the end of the day. What happened when Marik faction teams played against NKVA in the wormhole? It was a string of 48-15 shitstomps, and they told them to their face that they're bad.
That's what this is about. NKVA called certain people bad at video games when they lost against them. They didn't hold back because they were Supreme Star Lord High Commanders of whatever units they're in. They didn't play well, and they told them they didn't play well, and now they're throwing a tantrum and trying to rile up their faction by convincing them that Kuritans are all evil, trollish millennials from 4chan who need to burn in a fiery hellfire of sweet, Gen X Justice.
Edited by Vlad Ward, 04 March 2015 - 09:12 PM.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 09:43 PM
Vlad Ward, on 04 March 2015 - 08:46 PM, said:
I love Mechwarrior Online.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 10:18 PM
ThomasMarik, on 04 March 2015 - 08:33 PM, said:
So it wasn't a complete surprise. As vlad says our leadership was hoping to discuss the complete closure. Somwhere along the way someone tickled n someone else's Cheerios, I don't remember. which side, and the whole thin g escalated to what we have now. Who is at fault is really a pov. There are many causes for the current crisis. Kuritas not communicating their intent o clock i see the wormhole is not one of them.
Edit: Auto correct and a keypad that hides what you are typing make for strange sentences
I think we all need some ice cream.

Posted 04 March 2015 - 10:25 PM
Edited by MischiefSC, 04 March 2015 - 10:26 PM.
Posted 04 March 2015 - 10:38 PM
Posted 05 March 2015 - 01:00 AM
Posted 05 March 2015 - 01:03 AM
Posted 05 March 2015 - 01:03 AM
Cleaver404, on 05 March 2015 - 01:00 AM, said:
Out of the loop of "politics"? We are at war son!
We warned Marik not to provoke us, Purple Fried Chicken is on the menu.
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