Adder Up Event Feb 27Th To Mar 2Nd
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:30 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:53 PM
There should be a massive c-bill penalty if you kill yourself.
That, and I had at least 6 matches where I was the only player getting a kill. You can't have an assist unless someone kills a mech you've damaged. I've never been this burned out from MWO.
Edited by Greenjulius, 01 March 2015 - 04:56 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 05:05 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 05:23 PM

Posted 01 March 2015 - 05:55 PM
most of the time i didnt get the point due to me pumeling the target sensless and then someone runs in, and gets the kill.
at times the same guy did this 4 times in a match, waited and did nothing just to take it at last shot. its a pity pure streak-crow boats cant target a team member, otherwise i would have killed him at that point to get at least one kill. GRRRRR. at least he wouldnt have further interfered. i can live with 150 point minus, if i get my counter - at least in current mood.
i had someone complain i killed his mech when he walked into a Nova Prime alpha for killstealing. not me shooting him, he ran into there. some of the matches i was the guy getting the kills and zero assists happened. its very frustrating walking out 3-5 kills and not getting a point. i think this game is unplayable during events, because the egomaniac gene some ppl suddenly get. suiciding, stealing repeatedly even though every after 1st dont count... etc... IT SUCKS.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 06:28 PM
I know PGI is following the metrics and trying to have events during peak times with the most players, but Most players does not mean All players. Some people never get a chance to play at all on Saturday & Sunday.
The winning conditions of events has rarely been an issue an for me, kills , assists, wins, points ect ect. The only issue for my personal playing experience is that events always happen over the weekend. I work Saturday and Sunday and my "Weekend" is Tuesday & Wednesday. I would like to see events happen during all different days of the week or last for a seven day period so that everyone gets a chance to participate during their "Weekend".
Usually my experience with the events goes like this: Friday Event starts at 10:00AM PST, I have to be at work in 2 Hours Maybe I get to play for one hour. Get Home Saturday night at 11:00 PM PST play for maybe two hours before bed. Sleep, Commute, Work, Come Home Sunday at 11:00PM PST play for two hours sleep, commute, work. Come home Monday at 11:00PM PST play a marathon session for 4 hours. Sleep, Wakeup Monday about 8:00AM PST play for 2 hours. Event Over. That gives me about 11 hours if I use all my free time.
So with the Current Adder-Up challenge, finding and playing each match takes on average 15 minutes so in 11 hours I can play approximately 44 Matches. Assuming I meet the requirements every single match I play That puts me about Halfway through the challenge and not even enough to Win to the Adder mech. Ugh!

That is the end of my own mini rant

Edited by DHethcat, 01 March 2015 - 06:29 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 06:30 PM
Seriously...way too many points required for this. Not that I'm ungrateful, but...point requirement was too high, and I prefer challenges that focus on teamwork rather than the individual; like the lance challenge, or even the faction challenge.
Out of the Victors, Op 24, and Raven Champion Challenge, this one took me way too long, although Victors was seriously tough enough...
Edited by Commander A9, 01 March 2015 - 06:30 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 06:42 PM
Edited by G S Tickle Stick, 01 March 2015 - 06:43 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 07:28 PM
1) This game does not have enough content to justify playing it that much. Three game modes that all play EXACTLY the same, plus CW which is more of the same plus a 20min wait timer. Grinding is not fun, grinding has never been fun, and the good games are the ones who include enough content so the player doesn't know they're grinding.
Content is a combinations game. You need the maximum number of combinations to keep things fresh and interesting. Right now the game revolves around 3 things: Mechs, Maps, and Modes. You have almost 4 dozen mechs, a dozen maps, and only one game mode. So you get the most playable content by adding new game modes at this point, because that's the weak link in the chain. But what is getting added? Well, probably the one of those three that you can charge money for.
You keep extending and extending these sales and trying to add other benefits when what you don't realize is the value the customer gets on each successive mech pack continues to drop as you fail to create enough of the other content to balance it. That's why people aren't buying as much as you like. That's why the ship is slowly sinking underneath you. The fact that the actual real money cost of individual mechs is so ridiculous as to be the punchline in the joke that is free-to-play gaming doesn't help you either.
2) The way the game requirements are structured brings out the a-hole in everyone. It rewards bad gameplay and there have been enough of these events that PGI knows exactly what's going on. Therefore, they either want the game to start moving in that direction or they just don't care enough to change it in lieu of continually manning the pump trying desperately to vacuum cash out of their customers' wallets.
Everything is pointing to a few last desperate cash grabs as this game slowly goes underwater. Are any of us going to miss it when it's gone? I don't think so.
We're going to miss what it could have been.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 08:10 PM
This isn't "an event"...or "a challenge"...hell, I wouldn't even call it a "grind" anymore (ok, maybe I would--80 points, blah)...
It's cyber-douchebaggery. Yeah, it is too a word!! Or should be.
My brain hurts.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 08:25 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 08:45 PM
If PGI created a challenge/event where individuals were able to win more than 1 point a match (example, this weekend 3 kills/3 assists in one game = 1 point) I think you'd see a drop in poor games.
You'd have certified badasses doing their best to earn multiple points per game...and they'd be done SO much quicker with the challenge. You wouldn't have every player ONLY caring about getting their 1 kill/1 assist or JUST their XX points/match score.
You'd see people pushing AS HARD AS POSSIBLE for a win, like they should anyway, and getting rewarded for it. You'd see GOOD games that reward players in the event.
Just sayin.'
Edit: And even if you didn't...it'd save a LOT of us a tiring friggin' grind. So, win/win. Please make this happen PGI.
Edited by Ghost Badger, 01 March 2015 - 08:46 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 09:05 PM
April Showers, on 01 March 2015 - 05:55 PM, said:
Sweet, gentle, jesus, you crammed in 278 matches this weekend? Did you even sleep? I estimate that my 133 games took around 22 hours, at <10 minutes a game.
I thought the 50 from last challenge sucked, as it required me to run 106-108 games. This one was worse. 133 games for 80 points is close to critical mass for me. I can never get in more than ~50 games a day without hating the game.
I'm already taking a one week break. Perhaps I'll try to level my Enforcers and Panthers, or Cicadas, Crabs, Adders, Battlemasters, etc. Or any other the other mechs I've amassed that I don't have time to grind because of these challenges.
I pray we get a double XP weekend soon, just so I can relax and HAVE FUN in the game.
Edited by Greenjulius, 01 March 2015 - 09:06 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 09:54 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:39 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:45 PM
Greenjulius, on 01 March 2015 - 09:05 PM, said:
I was thinking the same thing. You should get the hamster wheel cockpit item at 250 matches played this weekend.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:53 PM
So I close the client, come back in, and now both mechs seem to be permanently locked, and I can't rejoin the games nor can I get into new games. Here I am, stuck at 79/80, and while I want to go to bed and be done, I don't want to not finish this off. It's absolutely torturous- this is terrible timing for server trouble.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:56 PM
It is now stuck apparently/possibly permanently in a match that glitched out, just as I got on a tear and was starting to rack points up. Was at 41 or 42 or so.
Trying so hard to not just be like...

Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:02 PM

Edited by p4r4g0n, 01 March 2015 - 11:06 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:04 PM
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