MikeBend, on 01 March 2015 - 03:12 PM, said:
Fixing HowerJets will inevitably brake CW even more, as even Assaults will be able to jump the gates. So there are consequences, imo. But i agree, that something has to be done about those HowerJets.
That may be so. Just means CW bases need better design. Also "better JJs" does not mean your average Highlander is going to rocket over massive walls. I don't believe pre Nerf even the Heavy MEtal would. But one should see a lot more return for investment than they currently do.
Cathy, on 01 March 2015 - 03:16 PM, said:
this is why poptarting was so powerful, you could 'pop' reposition and pop again from behind the same ridge, corner popping your all ways going to be at the same corner at the same level, corner popping is just a good way of getting shot to pieces by any half awake pilot with some brains.
In fairness most poptarters who did not change positions a lot got shot by good players, too. As a medium, I find it advantageous to constantly shift position and corner peak from different corners. Get predictable you deserve to get face melted.
Naduk, on 01 March 2015 - 03:10 PM, said:
I agree with OP 99%
Jump jet heat needs to stay
Its a great decision maker
Do you jump and snipe that 3rd time and risk a shutdown
Better hope you land the killing blow
Really all that needs to happen at this point is the jump thrust ramp need to scale up more for the larger mechs
1-2 jets should do almost nothing like now, but max load should be like days past jj power
We have the systems in place
Just need to tune them
I did forget the heat part, which I agree, should stay. Thanks, will add that to OP.