Extension Of Clan Wave 3 Early Adopter Deadline!
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:17 PM
So it look like´: Lets see how many it will be. Oh, not enough then lets expand the time.
It ist not, that i would have been also happier to spend this money some days later.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:18 PM
This is what we expected from IGP's turn and then the whole wonkiness with giving people two releases of the anniversary packages. Just curious what's going on with PGI and their marketing division?
(Did you know you can have them remove the extra mechs from your account... woo hoo. (I'd be happy with a second chance to get a kerensky hologram :|
Edited by Daisu Saikoro, 01 March 2015 - 01:19 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:19 PM
Cmdr Hurrell, on 01 March 2015 - 11:30 AM, said:
What it's not enough that you get more shiny mechs for almost 200 bucks? I'd say it serves you right for just throwing money away at more mechs when you should have enough cbills to get them for free and upgrade them in time. Having everything right away just takes away more point in playing the game.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:20 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:36 PM
mechbane, on 01 March 2015 - 11:55 AM, said:
You put off paying your RL bills....for pixels.
Review your priorities when a game is more important than a bill you just chose to rage about not paying on a videogame forum.
Seriously, this should have been how it is in the first place. Let's not rush people with a product you didn't even have concept artwork for again, eh PGI?
Edited by wanderer, 01 March 2015 - 01:37 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:50 PM
Darth Bane001, on 01 March 2015 - 01:19 PM, said:
What it's not enough that you get more shiny mechs for almost 200 bucks? I'd say it serves you right for just throwing money away at more mechs when you should have enough cbills to get them for free and upgrade them in time. Having everything right away just takes away more point in playing the game.
The point is, this game does not get development and support from hopes and dreams. People that buy MC and packages keep this game going. There is no advertizing in the game, no other sources of revenue. So when we are told to buy by a certain date to get certain things, and then that date is changed, yes we feel cheated or lied to.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:55 PM
LordLosh, on 01 March 2015 - 11:22 AM, said:
Agreed. It sucks for those of us that jumped on it. I hope PGI gives us just a little something special to set us apart.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 01:56 PM
wanderer, on 01 March 2015 - 01:36 PM, said:
You put off paying your RL bills....for pixels.
Review your priorities when a game is more important than a bill you just chose to rage about not paying on a videogame forum.
Seriously, this should have been how it is in the first place. Let's not rush people with a product you didn't even have concept artwork for again, eh PGI?
Read before being clever dude, I paid the bill i simply had to "put it off" for a bit, creating a bit of an headache for me to "rearrange" paying it so i could meet PGI's deadline, If this was the date to start with I would have had time to adjust for it, Simply put...... it was a scum move IMO, happy they extended, Angry the way they done it!
Posted 01 March 2015 - 02:20 PM
PadreGrimm, on 01 March 2015 - 01:55 PM, said:
Russ has said he will try and find something even if its small.
But I bet there are complaints about that too, someone will whinge that they didn't buy before the deadline because they saw it was extended 30 seconds before cutoff and now miss out on the extra cockpit item or whatever trinket.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 02:59 PM
Mimic666, on 01 March 2015 - 01:17 PM, said:
now I am sending millions of deadly animals your way Canada. you will "appreciate" their uniqueness.
then I might leave em all there, and say "sale EXTENDED"....!
I paid for Resistance pack, no faction content selection yet.
And considering that wave III "early adopter" mechs will be available afterwards for CBILLS.....
I don't think I want to "invest" another $ in this game now, considering all I got to do to get "early rewards" is to wait.
Actually, guess what!?
There IS Faction content selection for the Resistance pack now!!! Check your profile

Posted 01 March 2015 - 03:01 PM
- PGI releases Clan Wave 3 and it looks exactly like Wave 2 just with different mechs. They also throw in a 4th variant for those who preorder early.
- In response, folks voiced their concerns because they either wanted to get a look at what these mechs would look like before buying (a legitimate concern) and/or the time window was too short to be able to jump in on this.
- PGI then decides to extend the deadline so that those folks who need more time can have that time (something that they did NOT have to do)
- In response, people are now bitching...
I swear to christ, you people are never satisfied. How dare PGI listen to their customers! How someone decide to extend a deadline! How *DARE* last minute changes happen!
For people who are bitching that the mechs that are being released early are just going to be for CBills, I have news for you: All of the mechs are going to be released for CBills! This is not any sort of magical secret. Nor are they super-exclusive 'better get them now because they're never coming back again!' things. Hell, the only reason to jump on early and pay real money at all is for the extra bennies (Premium Time, etc.) and the fact that you get those mechs before anybody else.
PGI never once suggested that anything else would be the case.
Now, I will say the fact that the Faction Choices regarding the colors is kinda 'meh', as colors only have to be unlocked once, and if you picked all 4 factions for Wave 2, well... that's a bit of a waste. The cammo patterns themselves apply only to the Wave 3 mechs...just like the patterns from Wave 2 apply only to those mechs. So either way, you're really just losing out on colors more than anything else. Meh?
Forgive me if I have no sympathy for those folks grousing about the timeline extension and for having no idea what the actual problem is, because from here, it seems you are bitching just to *****.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 03:24 PM
Odanan, on 01 March 2015 - 11:33 AM, said:
"It's the internet. People will complain for everything".
Mostly, I've been fine with what PGI does, and it's good they extended it, but a lot of people moved things around or struggled with the decision to pay by now.
Personally, I could have paid on payday, rather than using all my personal money for the month early.
I would normally spread these packs out, but with the loss of the paint value I decided I'd like the extra variants just to make it a little more worth it, so went for the pack.
Put off buying irl Battletech stuff and a new mouse - nothing urgent or important, but stuff I could have sorted now if this had been the original deadline, and got the mechpack on payday, or spread it in 2 payments even.
Just mildly annoying.
plus it still slightly irks me that it feels like we're penalised for having bought into the previous packs this time, in that we lose out on potentially 12 colours (US$50 worth of content) for having bought them both, whereas with the Wave1/Wave2/Resistance packs, we were rewarded for having bought multiple, (getting around $180 worth of extra content for it).
Not raging, just makes it feel like less of a good deal and is mildly annoying.
I still get my mechs, and I still get the Cauldron born so I'm ultimately happy.
Darth Bane001, on 01 March 2015 - 01:19 PM, said:
For me, I work full time. With travel, that's 10-11 hours most days dedicated to work. Then 8 hours sleep, washing, eating, etc.
Most days I get 3-6 hours of free time.
2 days a week I get off, and a portion of that is usually dedicated to housework / repairs / anything my partner can't do / needs help with.
I have to split that between my fiancee, possibly friends if they come over, other hobbies (TT Battletech, Warhammer, TTRPG of the month, other video games), and MWO.
I'm also setting up a 3D printing project and need to prep for that.
I really enjoy MWO, it's one of my main hobbies and when I was working part time, I had the freedom to play for 2-6 hours any given day, and could split grind and casual pretty well to earn mechs, rather than having 1-3 hours to play, some days.
For some of my paycheque, I get mechs I want, premium time to help upgrade them and get other mechs I want, and cosmetics.
If I hadn't bought in I would probably have... Kit Foxes and maybe Mad Dogs at this point?
Instead I have all of them.
This way I can just play for fun in the time I can, rather than having to play the hard grind to get anything I want.
And being it works out to around 1-2usd an hour put into this game for me, I don't think it's that bad.
I paid £45 for Evolve and that has been ultimately dissapointing and used for 1-2 hours so far (that's what... 30USD an hour atm it's cost me?)
So yeah, I've spent the money, and I feel I've got my moneys worth and I've enjoyed it.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 03:31 PM
AnimeFreak40K, on 01 March 2015 - 03:01 PM, said:
- PGI releases Clan Wave 3 and it looks exactly like Wave 2 just with different mechs. They also throw in a 4th variant for those who preorder early.
- In response, folks voiced their concerns because they either wanted to get a look at what these mechs would look like before buying (a legitimate concern) and/or the time window was too short to be able to jump in on this.
- PGI then decides to extend the deadline so that those folks who need more time can have that time (something that they did NOT have to do)
- In response, people are now bitching...
I swear to christ, you people are never satisfied. How dare PGI listen to their customers! How someone decide to extend a deadline! How *DARE* last minute changes happen!
For people who are bitching that the mechs that are being released early are just going to be for CBills, I have news for you: All of the mechs are going to be released for CBills! This is not any sort of magical secret. Nor are they super-exclusive 'better get them now because they're never coming back again!' things. Hell, the only reason to jump on early and pay real money at all is for the extra bennies (Premium Time, etc.) and the fact that you get those mechs before anybody else.
PGI never once suggested that anything else would be the case.
Now, I will say the fact that the Faction Choices regarding the colors is kinda 'meh', as colors only have to be unlocked once, and if you picked all 4 factions for Wave 2, well... that's a bit of a waste. The cammo patterns themselves apply only to the Wave 3 mechs...just like the patterns from Wave 2 apply only to those mechs. So either way, you're really just losing out on colors more than anything else. Meh?
Forgive me if I have no sympathy for those folks grousing about the timeline extension and for having no idea what the actual problem is, because from here, it seems you are bitching just to *****.
Your dumb as ****! We are bitching cause its a slap in the face for those that bought when we were asked too. no one liked the 8 days but some of us did it. Now all of a sudden they listen to us and change it like how it should have been from the start. its flipping frustrating is all we are saying
Posted 01 March 2015 - 03:55 PM
LordLosh, on 01 March 2015 - 03:31 PM, said:
So you're upset that PGI made a change to what you feel it should have been in the first place? Still not sure I understand this. To be clear, I went and got the early pack as well. No, the limited timeline was not convenient considering that I wasn't sure I was going to have funding. In all honesty, I pushed the 'pay here for shiny cool stuff that will be delivered in 4-6 months' button and prayed. It went through and nothing blew up in my face, so all is right with the world.
You say 'frustration' and looking at what others have written, I see rage and bitching just to *****. In all seriousness, what do you have to be frustrated about? Not being able to react to something that you did not realize was going to happen, but had you known it was going to happen, you would have reacted appropriately to it? Last time I checked nobody can see into the future, that is reality, and being angry, upset or frustrated about things that happen in the future that are by no means predictable is kinda like being upset at water for being wet.
Folks would be better served by realizing that deadlines change and take solace in that because they got it taken care of early, there is no need to worry about it later.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 03:59 PM
However, it is deceptive to remind people "get it before X date" and THEN on the very last moment to "change your mind" and extended it. It doesn't sit well with people.
You either do things early or do things right the first time. Neither was accomplished here.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:23 PM
AnimeFreak40K, on 01 March 2015 - 03:55 PM, said:
So you're upset that PGI made a change to what you feel it should have been in the first place? Still not sure I understand this. To be clear, I went and got the early pack as well. No, the limited timeline was not convenient considering that I wasn't sure I was going to have funding. In all honesty, I pushed the 'pay here for shiny cool stuff that will be delivered in 4-6 months' button and prayed. It went through and nothing blew up in my face, so all is right with the world.
You say 'frustration' and looking at what others have written, I see rage and bitching just to *****. In all seriousness, what do you have to be frustrated about? Not being able to react to something that you did not realize was going to happen, but had you known it was going to happen, you would have reacted appropriately to it? Last time I checked nobody can see into the future, that is reality, and being angry, upset or frustrated about things that happen in the future that are by no means predictable is kinda like being upset at water for being wet.
Folks would be better served by realizing that deadlines change and take solace in that because they got it taken care of early, there is no need to worry about it later.
No, no and no.
Many bought the pack sight unseen because they were promised something. Something for being swift. Then it was changed for those not as swift. The swift ones just want to be compensated for answering the call when the call went out.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:27 PM
"it is deceptive to remind people "get it before X date" and THEN on the very last moment to "change your mind" and extended it. It doesn't sit well with people."
"It really does feel this was a scam. A week was a ridiculous amount of time to set, and then to change it immediately as the date ran out."
"I don't think I want to "invest" another $ in this game now, considering all I got to do to get "early rewards" is to wait."
Bitching is saying you got a bigger cookie then me. voicing our opinion about a questionable marketing and shady business practice is another thing you will learn in time. Regardless our voice was heard and Russ is going to make it up to us. So we win you lose STFU and move on.
Edited by LordLosh, 01 March 2015 - 04:29 PM.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:28 PM
Scrap Catastrophe, on 01 March 2015 - 04:23 PM, said:
Many bought the pack sight unseen because they were promised something. Something for being swift. Then it was changed for those not as swift. The swift ones just want to be compensated for answering the call when the call went out.
Okay, *that* I can actually wrap my head around a little better, though only marginally. Again, keep in mind that I too answered the call when the call went out and I neither ask for, nor require being compensated for such... though I won't turn down any freebies!
But that's not what a lot of what I'm reading comes across as however. A lot of it comes across as people bitching for getting what they asked for a week too late for their preferences even though it works out better for others.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:39 PM
Posted 01 March 2015 - 04:46 PM
Amer, on 01 March 2015 - 10:28 AM, said:
Oh well.
Got my pre-order on day one though. It would've been much easier to pay 60$ twice within 2 weeks though, especially since I have a birthday on March 18.
You got point but being rude for little reason doesnt help i think. Maybe a reminder or asking nice would go further.
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