@Hades Trooper
What has been diminished is PGI's integrity.
You really don't get that they made a statement and by statement a promise,
They then sent out emails reinforcing their statement of limited time to get EXCLUSIVE CONTENT by adopting earlier then what others are willing to do. Adopt with out art, and minimal information.
So. They lied.
PGI took money with a promise to reward exclusive content by purchasing before a period of time.
It would be no different then PGI today using the same argument for this early adopter package saying,
[color=#4f4f4f]The Early FOUNDERS EXCLUSIVE(pheonix or whatever) CONTENT have been really well received, but we've received lots of feedback that the deadline wasn't convenient for some players, particularly in certain regions. ( I copied this and edited out Wave III to be the Founders Exclusive content in case you didn't know from here [/color]http://www.reddit.co...opter_deadline/ )
We have heard the community and are opening up to them because they didn't know about the game and or the mechs back then.
So to be FAIR to the community because. "IT IS WHAT THEY ASKED FOR".
We are opening up exclusive founder content for ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE time period because it is what the community wants.
For the good of the community.
Do you get it?
It has to do with integrity. With making a statement and sticking to it.
Break it and you can break any promise or statement. PGI has broken trust.
It has everything to do with being lied to through forums and emails.
One day, one minute or one year means little.
A dead line is a dead line.
They lied, so there is nothing stopping PGI from reopening any and all exclusives that they promised would be exclusive
PGI, I WANT ACCESS TO EXCLUSIVE CONTENT THAT I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT AND IT WAS AN INCONVENIENT TIME FOR ME THAT I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS GAME. So I should have access to it. It is also really cold in my region (What the hell does a region have to do with a dead line anyway)
And on that note.
Adder Event.
Since the WAVE III Early Adopters LAUNCH has been extended you have to extend the adder event that is celebrating this very launch.
Because I know the community wants it.
I have seen many posts about how people just missed this level or that.
But alas, I don't feel that PGI should give me access to that content as it was EARNED by the early adopters and founders. They EARNED THE RIGHT TO IT BY ADOPTING within the time frame set. So YES THEY ARE SPECIAL and that is what sets them apart.