o7 Jeirhart, thanks for the well thought out response.
And yeah, pardon me about the Stormcrow, you're right.
Your argument regarding "counters" is a bit redundant in my opinion, since we're talking about CW here... the utility of having 4 Hellbringers on field at any given time can't really be countered by much in my opinion. We're not talking about one on one battles, the combinations of those 3 mechs I mentioned in a drop deck can be nothing short of devastating.
Obviously the fact that IS teams do often win games doesn't mean it's hopelessly OP... but I think that it's much easier for a clan team to overpower an IS team than the contrary.
The assault mechs you mentioned are definitely tanky, of course. But the issue doesn't only lie with damage output. Of course the STK-4N delivers at range, and the BNC-3E can be pretty devastating, but I contend that a good pilot in a TBR could probably solo all three of those mechs. By virtue of it's maneuverability alone the TBR can outclass just about anything 20 tons either side of it. I don't only play IS mechs, in my TBR I've been able to pull off some absolutely ridiculous plays. I don't really think any IS mech in the 65-75 ton range comes close to the combination of speed/agility/firepower the TBR has. I'm not going to whine endlessly about it though. Just stating the way I see it.
Of course the DDC is an absolute tank with ECM, but it still doesn't really compare with the Hellbringer, which is close to twice it's speed, and definitely twice as maneuverable. But the Atlas has always been an underperformer, and playing an Atlas you'll be a sitting duck for the much better armed and armored Clan assaults, such as the DWF and WHK, and soon to be - Executioner.
I run a 5SS myself, and I'll definitely agree that it's damage output is quite devastating, and has very nice quirks... but it will still generally come off second best to a Timber Wolf. The Hunchback is also a notorious underperformer, in my opinion.
I will agree with the light mechs you mentioned. Together with the Huginn, who's quirks are just absolute nonsense... IS lights are definitely much better than their clan equivalents. The RVN-3L is a must have in a CW drop deck.
Even a heavily armored 3L can be one shotted from behind by a streak/ SRMcrow though.
Thanks for the time taken in your reply.
Edited by LifelesssGraphitePlanet, 15 March 2015 - 06:26 AM.