MechaBattler, on 02 March 2015 - 06:41 PM, said:
They're bias because they play more IS? I don't know even know how to respond to that. I really doubt that affects their judgement.
The Thunderbolt quirks were an attempt to bridge the range gap. But it got nerfed. So it's kinda irrelevant now. Then they changed the Large laser Ghost Heat. To accommodate the use of 3 ERLL instead of 2 without triggering ghost. To bridge the gap with the Clans. They are trying to balance without gimping the Clans.
As to the new quirks for Clans. The Stormcrow, Timberwolf, Hellbringer, and probably the Direwolf will not be receiving quirks. Their under performing cousins will. So it won't really change things for those already using the best mechs in the game. It'll make more Clan mechs perform closer to their level.
You're bringing up statistics from where?
It was a typo from Serbian grammar to English. Sorry that not everyones first language is English.
And here are my reasons against your claims.
"stormcrow, Hellbringer, Timberwolf, and Direwolf not getting any quirks"
Oh really? Tell me how often will a player take Timberwolf S torsos... and if so, would it be both?
How often do people run an LRM 20 or 15 in the timberwolf? it was most iconic for it's missile launcher and shape that resembles the catapult which is an LRM boat.
How often do you see a person run MG's on this mech that had MG's nearly on every variant?
UAC 5 on the variant famous for carrying a ballistic weapon that isn't a MG? ER PPC's or streak 6's on the D?
How about the stormcrow...
How often you see it successfully LRM boat?
OR how often you see someone using the LBX 10...
Medium pulse lasers and/or large pulse?
Hellbringer? How often do you see anyone running er ppc's? missile boating? using a build without ECM? LBX 5? LBX 10?
Hell, I htink there is basicly only 2 builds I ever see with that thing and they only changed the ballistic around.
Direwolf? You see anyone running the following....
LBX 10, UAC 2, Large pulse lasers, UAC 20, LRM 10, SSRM 6, Medium pulse laser, etc? These are just listing weapons this mech was known for having...
Another thing is that people hate it when you take a Direwolf to CW because they consider it (Well any clan assault) to be completely useless in CW.
I'm sorry, but I fail to think of any of these 4 mechs to receive no quirks at all. It'll end up just like the cataphract. Apparently it's so Op that hte 3D has no quirks, that is why it's the most popular heavy mech in game even after they added quirks recently?... oh wait....
Yea. I can see T2 quirks on the majority of omnipods for the timber and stormcrow, while the hellbringer and Direwolf settle around T2, 3 , and 4 depending on omni pod.
Most of the other clan mechs are around the T3 to 5 margin for me.
But I do not think it's logical for me to do a tier list, everyone has different views, for eg "Nova is a T2 mech while stormcrow is a T4" is one I heard earlier ...
Sn0wman G18, on 02 March 2015 - 11:00 PM, said:
can we all stop the complaints and agree, there are perks to both sides?
if u want to be a clanner be a clanner, if u want to be is be is, if u want to be a transgender bookself go to tumbler, but at the end of the day each side has "meta" builds that are gonna seem op, military history has always been find a way to counter and one up ur enemy, lose matches, change the build, find the counter,
Well the thing is most clan mechs do not have any quirks/ perks (beyond the very basic stuff like "2% more leg armour". which isn't going to help seeing that on the mechs those are on is only 1 to 4 points of armour...
Also the thing is technically clans do not have a meta build as there is no clear go to build for clan mechs, sure most of them juggle around the generic weapons but it isn't as crystal clear as all previous IS meta's...
Btw, if you wanna be a transsexaul chair, where do you go?