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Solo Players In Cw - A Pain

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#121 Leeroy Mechkins


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 09:00 AM

View PostHARDKOR, on 10 March 2015 - 07:00 AM, said:

Hehe, pub cue is only place you see heros not named Misery because no one takes those in the more SRS cues.


#122 Mirkk Defwode


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 09:05 AM

View PostHARDKOR, on 10 March 2015 - 08:02 AM, said:

You sound like you are self identifying under the shouldn't play category. No team, bad mechs, already defeated attitude... good luck with that.

I see it as end game content. it provides a reason to make a perfect drop deck. Building the perfect deck for CW makes there be a reason for grinding mechs beyond pokemech OCD.

Jumping in CW without a good deck is like attacking the end boss with the stuff you get from beating the first level boss.

Interesting analogy as this isn't really a good proxy to an RPG or those mechanics. Though if you've spent any time in Helldivers, nifty twin stick shooter for the Playstation platforms, it has some extremely hardcore elements but can just as easily be attempted at level 1 as it can be at 25. Going in at level 1 leaves you woefully ill-equipped to fight the heaviest enemies as you'd have no means to even damage them, but you can continue to run away and finish objectives by just being mobile. Thus still playable.

That relationship is more akin to how CW is. None the less this whole "end game" commentary speaks to WoW's style, which has been emulated to death in every other MMO, of have an interesting journey then nothing to do at the end but loop to get gear to do new raids to get better gear to do more raids to get better gear...and it keeps going. That's boring as hell.

Compare that to some of the Planetary Leagues from MW4 that took what they had in the title and expounded it through external applications and institutions to organize and create a dynamic experience that became a user generated campaign. Deathly loyal players through a bunch of different factions. That's the experience people are hoping for, or at least I was.

But equipment overall shouldn't be a gating factor to playing CW. A worthwhile tutorial that walks you through what you're supposed to do...sure, that's a worthwhile gating factor to have an experience as you're able to learn the appropriate process. And this user base isn't the best at educating people when they see they're doing something wrong. We share that with League of Legends and Dota. More tend to rage at the ignorant and new rather than teach and mentor.

#123 Wildstreak


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:48 AM

View Postkamiko kross, on 09 March 2015 - 09:50 AM, said:

You really gotta not add comments into quotes, makes it hard to respond to points.

No clarification on any sidestepping so no sidestepping made and no streak of truth shown by you. Perhaps you misunderstood my response, my comment was about the chat quality of the guy you spoke to, you may have thought I was talking about you.

Your second item, thing about communication is people will not always read what you write as you intend, note I acknowledge you might have misunderstood who I referred to above. Been happening since before the Internet existed. While you may acknowledge some people have legit reasons for playing solo, you comment in general that appears to lump them all together thus others like myself are going to read it that way.

Our names are not Professor X or any other mutant mind reader.

View PostLeeroy Mechkins, on 09 March 2015 - 05:58 PM, said:

With the current situation unless the meta is changed, this is what will happen on Steam release.

1000s of new players will start MWO.

They will join CW on the IS side because clan mechs are too expensive.

CW Matches will be impossible to get because there will be massive population imbalance between IS and Clan. Most will quit the game because they cannot get matches.

The ones that do get matches will get farmed by Clan units. Then they will quit the game and give the game a bad rep by complaining to others that game balance is a joke.

MWO will get the rep of taking ages to get a CW match and the IS matches are severely unbalanced vs Clan.

You forgot the part where a lot of those new players will fuel the IS vs IS conflicts magnifying what is happening now.

View PostYokaiko, on 10 March 2015 - 03:32 AM, said:

You were in the C2 Dropship

Welcome to Sulfur, the 'safe' play is:
1) Go alpha, get that gen, kill till your first wave is dead,
2) Return via gamma
3) By hell or highwater get the C2 grid

Don't understand the fascination with the C2 grid. When I played CW, killing people in C2 was easy, only comp teams could beat the PUGs and they never relied on the C2 grid, heck some came through Beta gate the worst gate to reach targets easy. C2 has no significance, it is actually easy to kill attackers there.

#124 Jon Gotham


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 11:49 AM

View Postmekabuser, on 09 March 2015 - 03:24 PM, said:

You should apologize for making me vomit with the tripe in the beginning of your post.

you are right.. Its obviously not ALL groups.. but ill tell you one thing.. its NOT an ultra tiny minority of groups that play like complete morons drunk with power.
I will caveat ALL my complaints against groups with the fact that the DEVS have sucked 100percent in understanding that its HUMAN nature for groups to be azzholes.. THat is a fact.. A fact our wonderful devs never got ever..

It was a common occurrence in the first year of this game to encounter an enemy team that didnt even try to be cool, they would just steam roll across the map with all the various bull shite builds our awesome devs let out into the wild. RUnning meta tripe ALL the time while "chatting with their friends"

Skirmish mode, pub que is excellent.. You can think what YOU want.. Oh.. and yeah about the honor of groups.. constant spawn ******, farming.. Taunting.. you S o b;s taunting pugs with Full 12 mans.. I heap every curse known to man on you.

but seriously, I dont "blame" the groups.. i blame the devs.. Oh.. and no pugs in cw equals/.. idk .. a freakin ghost town by and large. ..

Congrats you just confirmed my suspicions about your beef. Good job on the attitude:(
Just what is wrong with you?!

Oh Wildstreak I pm'd you a response-no point carrying on any discussion here is there?

Edited by kamiko kross, 10 March 2015 - 11:57 AM.

#125 Necromantion


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 11:54 AM

View PostDawnstealer, on 10 March 2015 - 07:51 AM, said:

CW's an interesting animal. 12-person vs 12-person is very tactical, but also kind of boring: you'll see the same mechs over and over and over. PUG vs Prebuilt is a joke. PUG vs PUG is some of the most fun I've had in MWO: you see weird builds, weird tactics, ebb and flow that's just fun to play in.

Thats the thing, I for one like when there is variability between faction loadouts etc. People keep crying about well Clans dont have this IS doesnt have that when really a homogeneous game would be boring even more than current with the meta builds that are seen by both factions.

Once more weapons and chassis are brought in line hopefully we will see more viability for more mechs but in such a way that different strengths and weaknesses still exist.

View PostGyrok, on 10 March 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:

Probably not...unless you catch a group of the guys telling bad jokes...some of them are a bit off kilter...

You should hear the things that go on in our TS.

#126 Mavqie


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 12:42 PM

to the 2 steiner units who are doing the 3 or 4 light rushes per map against pug units in the games today be ashamed

it was that bad in the 5 or 6 games i seen it happen in even the pug players on your own team abused you

all i can say is no wonder IS complains they have all the newbie pug players, because all the others are probably getting bored of the light rushes and moving to the clans

gg (or not as it was a waste of time)

Edited by Mavqie, 10 March 2015 - 12:43 PM.

#127 Zordicron


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:42 PM

View PostYokaiko, on 10 March 2015 - 03:32 AM, said:

You were in the C2 Dropship

Welcome to Sulfur, the 'safe' play is:
1) Go alpha, get that gen, kill till your first wave is dead,
2) Return via gamma
3) By hell or highwater get the C2 grid

Here is the thing C2 on sulfur is such a monumental design flaw I don't believe it made production. Once you have a toe hold on that grid you have basically won the game you can get two generators AND Omega AND farm a dropship LZ without budging from that back O-gen area. Added bonus, if you don't let the enemies get you out of there, you essentially take 12 mechs or so out of the game because four people are going to fall out of that dropship right in front of you, at close range with weapons primed. That happens to everyone.

In short you got farmed, weather the OLD guys knew about that flaw or not I don't know (I'd assume they did), but defending sulfur requires that you hold that grid down, or lose.

In fact speaking of sulfur, why the hell is 3/4 of the map OUTSIDE the gates, its such a silly design.

Not with the contract system as it is.

You are correct in your assesment. OLD did know about this, it was inherent in their initial "commands" on the VOIP to the 4 solo's. When I described being perpetually outnumbered, that is when we lost total control of that grid, but we DID manage to fight back for it, and even the score out before I was out of mechs. And yes, 4 players, myself included, lost a mech to stupid spawn camping.

I know it can be attributed to a map design flaw, but the camping spawn BS happens anyway, and I put that on PGI 100%. If the tryhard "elite" can do something, and it helps to win, they will do it regardless of how ****** it makes the gameplay. It's just tryhard nature. It falls then on PGI to make it impossible.

IMO, they should have a mech hanger for the base. it should have some very short range, but well protected(as in map asset cover not armor) very potent turrets to protect the "door" and the hanger itself should have a doorway that provides cover for the whole team, where even if the enemy is able to get a bead on the door, they have to contend with powered up mechs shooting from a sort of cover from inside the hanger. If the enemy is able to get past the turrets into the hanger- well in that case, IMO, thats actually fit to go with lore as if the enemy lance ins in you hanger shooting it up, you SHOULD lose your base. It should be profoundly difficult to achieve that though.

On the flip side, the dropships should be dropping attackers, and they are a good bit out. IF we implement the hanger idea, then there is no reason they shouldnt make dropship weapons UBER SMASH, because the base defense should not be running way out to the field- the only reason to do so would be to spawn camp. Without dropships IN the actual base(because there is a hanger) there would be no issue with crazy strong dropships interfering with base attack.

Really, that was the worst thing of the whole match, and yeah, OLD knew about it and was prepared, and quite honestly the fight itself turned out to be a close struggle for the controling grid. It was just the BS cheap **** shooting mechs out of the air that made it feel so unsatisfying in that regard.

#128 Zordicron


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:46 PM

View PostGyrok, on 10 March 2015 - 06:21 AM, said:

There are literally 4-5+ people in CWDG who are well beyond 4 figures into this game....the wave 3 pre-order was a drop in the bucket compared to what was spent before it. I am not ashamed, embarrassed, or worried, I have spent money that would have been spent elsewhere on enjoying this game. Some of our guys have spent twice or more compared to what I have. One of them has 2 warhawk packs and a gold TW...

But, you must be right...pub queue players spend that much all time...how many thousands have you spent?

I am into 4 figures also. Assume much? You know what they say about that.....

Also, consider: taxes. Lets say 4-5, hell we will say 6!! Of your good pals spent 1000, no! 2000!! dollars on MWO.
Then, lets say 300 pug players spent 50 dollars on an MC pack, for a hero mech, for paint for the one mech, for some premium time to try, whatever. None of them bought pre-orders, they just bought a little MC to get that one thing and some paint etc.

Who spent more money?

a million tax payers giving the gov't a dollar is more than one uber rich guy paying in half a million. Thats why Murica keeps squeezing out the middle class and the rich dont want to have a flat tax.

Edited by Eldagore, 10 March 2015 - 02:55 PM.

#129 Ace Selin


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:15 PM

CW is getting to a point I don't want to play it anymore.

As a PUG in CW im ok with getting beaten my teams more often than not.
The spawn camping is annoying, they should allow you to choose your drop point after the first one.
The light rush's are a good part of the reason CW sucks (with Clans now following suite).
Waiting 10min for a game and then having it end in one turn (or nearly) by a side that doesn't want to fight, simply knowing killing the gens and omega is a win they can achieve with quick lights before they can all be killed.
Even more horrid is the waiting for a game, to then be bumped from the queue because a larger group has entered - fark that!!!

#130 Gorgo7


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:23 PM

View PostAce Selin, on 10 March 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:

CW is getting to a point I don't want to play it anymore.
I LOVE playing CW!
As a PUG in CW im ok with getting beaten my teams more often than not.
I hate getting beaten!
The spawn camping is annoying, they should allow you to choose your drop point after the first one.
I don't remember the last time I was spawn camped.
The light rush's are a good part of the reason CW sucks (with Clans now following suite).
Light rush's suck indeed.
Waiting 10min for a game and then having it end in one turn (or nearly) by a side that doesn't want to fight, simply knowing killing the gens and omega is a win they can achieve with quick lights before they can all be killed.
I don't remember the last game to go under 20 min's.
Even more horrid is the waiting for a game, to then be bumped from the queue because a larger group has entered - fark that!!!
I find that games come pretty fast if you are part of a group of six or more.CW is for groups or those that are willing to enter some groups TS...you know? and play like you are a part of the team? To win? Not just being OK with losing?


Edited by Gorgo7, 10 March 2015 - 03:24 PM.

#131 Jon Gotham


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:24 PM

View PostAce Selin, on 10 March 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:

CW is getting to a point I don't want to play it anymore.

As a PUG in CW im ok with getting beaten my teams more often than not.
The spawn camping is annoying, they should allow you to choose your drop point after the first one.
The light rush's are a good part of the reason CW sucks (with Clans now following suite).
Waiting 10min for a game and then having it end in one turn (or nearly) by a side that doesn't want to fight, simply knowing killing the gens and omega is a win they can achieve with quick lights before they can all be killed.
Even more horrid is the waiting for a game, to then be bumped from the queue because a larger group has entered - fark that!!!

They could try only allowing 4 of any weight class spawned at any one time. Everyone has to have 1 of each class. No more light rushes then as the largest one would be four strong.
I enjoy CW and prefer it to any other game mode-even facing light rushes. At least I can get some sembelance of co ordination in CW, solo and group queue is just like watching lsd addled senile cats stagger about.

#132 Gyrok


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 05:54 PM

View PostEldagore, on 10 March 2015 - 02:46 PM, said:

I am into 4 figures also. Assume much? You know what they say about that.....

Also, consider: taxes. Lets say 4-5, hell we will say 6!! Of your good pals spent 1000, no! 2000!! dollars on MWO.
Then, lets say 300 pug players spent 50 dollars on an MC pack, for a hero mech, for paint for the one mech, for some premium time to try, whatever. None of them bought pre-orders, they just bought a little MC to get that one thing and some paint etc.

Who spent more money?

a million tax payers giving the gov't a dollar is more than one uber rich guy paying in half a million. Thats why Murica keeps squeezing out the middle class and the rich dont want to have a flat tax.

Our resident pokemech extraordinaire has *multiples* of most hero mechs, including 3 Misery stalkers, 2 dragon slayers, 2 oxides, 2 YLW, and 2 firebrands, plus a gold TW, plus 2 warhawk packs, and he speculates a number that leaves you around 40%, I can guarantee I am close to what you put forth give or take $100 or so. Not sure about the others...

Either way, how many pugs do you think spend what you have? 1 in 50? 1 in 100? 1 in 500?

For every pug that spends what you do, there are likely over 100 or more with less than $20 in the game.

I know a guy who got intoxicated (he is not a drinker and lives in california, do the math) and he accidentally sold his heavy metal, bought a new one...then sold that one by mistake, and bought another one within 45 minutes one night (he was trying to sell his 733P but kept selling the wrong mech). It was quite hilarious for us, but that is just another instance...

#133 mekabuser


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 06:57 PM

View PostGyrok, on 10 March 2015 - 05:54 PM, said:

Our resident pokemech extraordinaire has *multiples* of most hero mechs, including 3 Misery stalkers, 2 dragon slayers, 2 oxides, 2 YLW, and 2 firebrands, plus a gold TW, plus 2 warhawk packs, and he speculates a number that leaves you around 40%, I can guarantee I am close to what you put forth give or take $100 or so. Not sure about the others...

Either way, how many pugs do you think spend what you have? 1 in 50? 1 in 100? 1 in 500?

For every pug that spends what you do, there are likely over 100 or more with less than $20 in the game.

I know a guy who got intoxicated (he is not a drinker and lives in california, do the math) and he accidentally sold his heavy metal, bought a new one...then sold that one by mistake, and bought another one within 45 minutes one night (he was trying to sell his 733P but kept selling the wrong mech). It was quite hilarious for us, but that is just another instance...

please stop. You are embarrassing yourself. wtfig are you clan bourgeois? clan nouveau riche ? certainly not clan blue blood.
No, a blue blood would pay what this game experience is worth.. nada mucho.
perhaps you can pay some lowly pugs a stipend to form a 12 man for you to have a battle royale?

#134 Wildstreak


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:19 PM

View Postkamiko kross, on 10 March 2015 - 11:49 AM, said:

Oh Wildstreak I pm'd you a response-no point carrying on any discussion here is there?

Actually, I am probably going to either find a topic focused on the subject or start one but that is tomorrow when I have time.

#135 Gyrok


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 09:01 PM

View Postmekabuser, on 10 March 2015 - 06:57 PM, said:

please stop. You are embarrassing yourself. wtfig are you clan bourgeois? clan nouveau riche ? certainly not clan blue blood.
No, a blue blood would pay what this game experience is worth.. nada mucho.
perhaps you can pay some lowly pugs a stipend to form a 12 man for you to have a battle royale?

A blue blood would actually pay the asking price if the service was deemed worthy.

*thumbs nose and walks off*

#136 Leeroy Mechkins


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 09:48 PM

I repent I laughed at the Fang. That thing good in the right hands.

Next thing you know I gonna see some ace in an Anansi. But not likely.

#137 Ace Selin


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:04 AM

View PostGorgo7, on 10 March 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:


you sound like a bit of a t@sser

CW is doomed if it focuses on teams only.

Edited by Ace Selin, 11 March 2015 - 12:06 AM.

#138 Gyrok


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 05:27 AM

View PostAce Selin, on 11 March 2015 - 12:04 AM, said:

you sound like a bit of a t@sser

CW is doomed if it focuses on teams only.

NEWS FLASH: This just in, MW:O is a TEAM game, and the planetary warfare mode caters to TEAMS, "doomed to fail" say self proclaimed experts...more at 6 pm!

Edited by Gyrok, 11 March 2015 - 05:28 AM.

#139 Mavqie


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 06:19 AM

View PostGyrok, on 11 March 2015 - 05:27 AM, said:

NEWS FLASH: This just in, MW:O is a TEAM game, and the planetary warfare mode caters to TEAMS, "doomed to fail" say self proclaimed experts...more at 6 pm!

take away the pugs who fill in the gaps and then it will be pointless with not enough players :)

#140 KahnWongFuChung


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 06:35 AM

Well UnicCorn PGI should just pull the plug on CW kick out the teams and make it solo pug-casual play. I personally hate CW and its a waste of time trying to find a good group to play MWO with an the rewards are so lousy for the pug solo player I can see why so many turn away and wont play.

Of course rewards now in solo play have become so bad for the average pug-casual im surprised anyone but hardcore players even play MWO anymore.

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