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Solo Players In Cw - A Pain

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#141 masCh


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 06:43 AM

View PostGyrok, on 11 March 2015 - 05:27 AM, said:

NEWS FLASH: This just in, MW:O is a TEAM game, and the planetary warfare mode caters to TEAMS, "doomed to fail" say self proclaimed experts...more at 6 pm!

So much for that team play. You go thru 30 drops and win two planets all on ghost drops because the opponent couldn't produce 12 pilots to defend their planets.

#142 KahnWongFuChung


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 06:53 AM

masCh:So much for that team play. You go thru 30 drops and win two planets all on ghost drops because the opponent couldn't produce 12 pilots to defend their planets. )

CW is a joke compared to NBT or MWL leagues of the older PC MechWarrior games as far as a planetary setup far to shallow and limited. PGI is just dumb I swear and deaf also not to go back to community run leagues and a new lobby system. CW does not work because players don't like the long wait times and low rewards. Plus the fact MWO has such a low player-base anymore it cannot balance games in CW because of not enough teams.

The actual player-base is getting so low the solo MM cannot work cannot balance so you have 3 year vets playing pug-casuals that have like 10% of there experience it is just sucky now and a joke.If MWO goes on steam it will be short lived as the steam players will go heck no im not playing that garbage game.

Edited by KahnWongFuChung, 11 March 2015 - 06:54 AM.

#143 charov


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 06:56 AM

I'm a solo but I don't recommend cw to any other solo player. Especially if your mechs are not fully mastered, each with its set of 4-6 modules + consumables, you don't use voip and chat and you're not willing be play as a part of a team. CW is not the farming area of MWO. If you suck, get mad and disco, your team and your faction will lose.

I hope PGI will introduce some sort of barrier because losing a game due to players that does 500 dmg with 4 mechs is embarrassing and annoying.

#144 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:01 AM

I find it has all to do with what faction you are playing with. I know this is not a representative list at all. but my own personal experience with the various Factions (and also note, that some of the things may have changed since the 331st was part of those factions as we have been FRR for a while now). This is also from the viewpoint of someone who dropped in larger teams but not quite 12 players, so the few remaining slots were filled with randoms

Marik - Great fun, relatively well organised and PUG player quality was OK. Teamwork was attempted (but dificult at the time due to no VOIP ingame yet).
Kurita - No, just no... Just about every PUG we had there was more interrested in playing solo than work together as a team (best example was one memorable DDC pilot who went to one gate in Boreal while the rest whent to the other.... didnt move until we had opened the gate from the other side for him and then continued to move frowards and backwards in the gate shooting and missing with LRMs). This seems to have changed as organisation seems to be better... but matches like the above really stay in mind.
FRR - Hopelessly outnumbered, pushed back to the homeworld (meaning finding a match against clanners is easy). Every single PUG we had with us, even if we were in a small group of 3+ of us were interrested in working as a team and follwed orders, gave clear orders and gave clear information. Player quality of PUG players like this shows that we are correct with staying FRR for a while.

#145 anonymous161


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:05 AM

Yeah cw really isn't all that much fun, I'm a solo player but work well with a team if they try to, but even then none of us knows what the others strengths are what mech they use n so forth where groups all have a specific build for a wave so they typically dominate.

Not much point in playing cw when it's mostly long waits and disappointing matches.

They need to separate the groups with the solo's. You shouldn't have to be in a group in order to win or to even enjoy the cw mode.

#146 KahnWongFuChung


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:15 AM

Rushin ;Player quality of PUG players like this shows that we are correct with staying FRR for a while.

The devs and most of the player-base that remain in MWO does not understand why CW=Fail and MWO=Fail. It is because no social aspects in MW. In 1990-2002 we MechWarrior pilots had a social lobby launcher system called the MSN game zone.On this lobby system was 15+ leagues that were highly competitive for game play but we also had free fun casual gameplay as well.

PGI has chosen a shallow-grind type experience =MWO that is a alien experience to all the older MechWarrior players and a shallow lacking game to new players to this IP .MWO is a total abortion and plays that way also. The lobby system was used to train a new player to play complex planetary league games and competitive 2v2-12v12 Solaris style leagues MWO has no social training structure to do this so it = fail.

There is a pay2play private system but it is a =fail also because it is not free and is shallow as far as drop options like the older games had it is really not even good for training drops.So it is hardtop recruit pugs train pugs and get them to team competitive level in MWO at all.The whole MWO system =fail even with VOIP because MWO=ANTISOCIAL GAME.

#147 Gyrok


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:00 PM

View Postred devil2, on 11 March 2015 - 06:56 AM, said:

I'm a solo but I don't recommend cw to any other solo player. Especially if your mechs are not fully mastered, each with its set of 4-6 modules + consumables, you don't use voip and chat and you're not willing be play as a part of a team. CW is not the farming area of MWO. If you suck, get mad and disco, your team and your faction will lose.

I hope PGI will introduce some sort of barrier because losing a game due to players that does 500 dmg with 4 mechs is embarrassing and annoying.

We had to carry a solo pug with our 10 man the other night that did 162 damage in 4 mechs.

Yes...1 6 2 ! ! ! !

He ended up with us in an 11 man later and managed 67 damage in 4 mechs. 6 7 ! ! ! !

67 damage? How can you not manage to alpha strike something at least once per mech? Hell, an artillery strike, just one, that hit anything...would have done more damage.

We won both times, but it was in spite of him...



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Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:04 PM

View PostGyrok, on 11 March 2015 - 12:00 PM, said:

We had to carry a solo pug with our 10 man the other night that did 162 damage in 4 mechs.

Yes...1 6 2 ! ! ! !

He ended up with us in an 11 man later and managed 67 damage in 4 mechs. 6 7 ! ! ! !

67 damage? How can you not manage to alpha strike something at least once per mech? Hell, an artillery strike, just one, that hit anything...would have done more damage.

We won both times, but it was in spite of him...

Think of all the damage the dropships did when he spawned in, though!

#149 Gyrok


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:08 PM

View PostHARDKOR, on 11 March 2015 - 12:04 PM, said:

Think of all the damage the dropships did when he spawned in, though!

It was counter attack both times...lol. Dropships were not much help to our attack. Though if it had been defense that would have been more useful!

#150 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 01:52 AM

View PostKahnWongFuChung, on 11 March 2015 - 07:15 AM, said:


I see some aspects have not changed after all. If you insist on thinking that the game and the community is antisocial and offers no options (note. such as faction chat, ingame VOIP, central faction TS ingame text chat...), then you will be doomed to a terrible experience. Maybe it would help if you yourself took command of a drop instead of complaining that the other 11 arent doing it to your expectaion.

View PostRushin Roulette, on 11 March 2015 - 07:01 AM, said:

Kurita - No, just no... Just about every PUG we had there was more interrested in playing solo than work together as a team

Just like in this post. This is the exact impression I received while our 2 week stint in the Kurita sector. Try playing as a team, work together with the others, ask if the groups you drop with want to command, listen to what they command and follow it. If no one replies or wants to command, then try taking it yourself and hope that the others are remotely interrested in winning as a team.

As for your point about casual gameplay... that is what the regular drops are there for (note, this does NOT include CW, as has been stated multipe times, even from the devs, this is more competitive and there is NO Elo or group matching).

Regardign leagues... How about MRBC, MBO, RHoD, Marik planetary league, Stock Monday (not really a league, but still player run event) and many more? You just have to search the player created content forums to find them easy enough. No Unit? Go to the multiple forums and search for the available options and choose the most interesting ones and ask them).

A game is always antisocial, purely because it is not part of society due to the fact that it is just a computer software. The players making up this community have done a lot to be social and helpful as well as create loads of lore RP or additional content for each other... not really what I would call Antisocial.

#151 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 01:54 AM

Community Warfare should be renamed to Premade Arena....

Community Warfare kinda sounds like everyone can join and have a good time, when its really just premades that get any enjoyment. When a pubbie gets fortunate enough to drop alongside a premade, CW is alot of fun, but when your on the receiving end of a premade....its just like, what is the point?

Edited by LordKnightFandragon, 12 March 2015 - 01:55 AM.

#152 Ozric


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 03:15 AM

I have been that 500 damage guy. In fact I was that guy a few times last night.

My personal experience as a solo player has always shown that the larger and better organised the group I am dropping with, the more my performance drops regardless if we win or lose. Something to do with being a step behind the hive-mind of the team I suppose, and being a few seconds off every time an enemy is focused. I have often spent more of the match trying to follow whatever the 10 man is doing than actually shooting things, which I couldn't anyway because they already killed it.

This used to happen in the old solo queue (when it wasn't solo), but since the fix my performance in that environment has been much easier to track. CW is a lot like the old solo queue really.

Edit: Also, CW teams made up of solo players and small groups can totally destroy even 12 man groups, depending on the quality of players of both sides. Nobody that plays CW a lot really thinks that 12 mans always win. Its just particular 12 mans that always win, and they tend to win as 10 mans and 8 mans and probably solo too.

Edited by Ozric, 12 March 2015 - 03:22 AM.

#153 charov


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:23 AM

View PostOzric, on 12 March 2015 - 03:15 AM, said:

I have been that 500 damage guy. In fact I was that guy a few times last night.

My personal experience as a solo player has always shown that the larger and better organised the group I am dropping with, the more my performance drops regardless if we win or lose. Something to do with being a step behind the hive-mind of the team I suppose, and being a few seconds off every time an enemy is focused. I have often spent more of the match trying to follow whatever the 10 man is doing than actually shooting things, which I couldn't anyway because they already killed it.

This used to happen in the old solo queue (when it wasn't solo), but since the fix my performance in that environment has been much easier to track. CW is a lot like the old solo queue really.

Edit: Also, CW teams made up of solo players and small groups can totally destroy even 12 man groups, depending on the quality of players of both sides. Nobody that plays CW a lot really thinks that 12 mans always win. Its just particular 12 mans that always win, and they tend to win as 10 mans and 8 mans and probably solo too.

Ok, I get your point: basically the premade kills so fast and so efficiently that you don't have time to do enough damage. Never happened to me but it's possible, I guess.
However, you can't drop and do 500 dmg and lose the match. It can be an exception but if happens regularly, there's a huge problem.

#154 KahnWongFuChung


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:47 AM

Rushin (snip) your just another TOOL that thinks the devs and pgi staff are the greatest thing since ice cream was invented sorry but you =FAIL.

The sad fact is I can load up MechWarrior4 Mercenaries and play the PVE campaign and have more fun than playing MWO that's pretty sad when after 12 years a new game is worse than a old one. Plus I reloaded GameRanger back up reinstalled the MekTeK MOD and had a great time chatting with players there and playing fun battles that I did not feel like I was thrown into a stanky meat grinder over and over again like when I play MWO.

SORRY BUT MWO =TOTAL FAIL compared to the older MechWarrior games and as long as you all TOOLS keep praising and paying the devs and pgi for a terrible game it will not change.

Edited by KahnWongFuChung, 12 March 2015 - 08:48 AM.

#155 charov


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 08:56 AM

View PostKahnWongFuChung, on 12 March 2015 - 08:47 AM, said:

Rushin (snip) your just another TOOL that thinks the devs and pgi staff are the greatest thing since ice cream was invented sorry but you =FAIL.

The sad fact is I can load up MechWarrior4 Mercenaries and play the PVE campaign and have more fun than playing MWO that's pretty sad when after 12 years a new game is worse than a old one. Plus I reloaded GameRanger back up reinstalled the MekTeK MOD and had a great time chatting with players there and playing fun battles that I did not feel like I was thrown into a stanky meat grinder over and over again like when I play MWO.

SORRY BUT MWO =TOTAL FAIL compared to the older MechWarrior games and as long as you all TOOLS keep praising and paying the devs and pgi for a terrible game it will not change.

Are you leaving? Can I have your stuff, please? :)

#156 KahnWongFuChung


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 09:12 AM

Are you leaving? Can I have your stuff, please?

Sure NP I have 1 commando and here is the email and password

russisapinhead@yahoo.com = email




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Posted 12 March 2015 - 09:22 AM

View Postred devil2, on 12 March 2015 - 08:23 AM, said:

However, you can't drop and do 500 dmg and lose the match. It can be an exception but if happens regularly, there's a huge problem.

Um, as far as I can tell, it takes an average team damage over 1000 to win a CW game by killing the enemy. 500 damage means you got carried.

And yeah, the quality of your team does determine your score. I get 2000 damage games when the A list(2000 damage a game, 90% of the time) guys aren't on, but the second they show up, my score drop back to the 1000-1800 range, depending on how many of them are in the game.

#158 Mirkk Defwode


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 09:30 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 12 March 2015 - 01:52 AM, said:

A game is always antisocial, purely because it is not part of society due to the fact that it is just a computer software. The players making up this community have done a lot to be social and helpful as well as create loads of lore RP or additional content for each other... not really what I would call Antisocial.

The game itself is a social tool, you can't say the community is required for all the communication. There needs to be additional avenues within the title to communicate.

Having VOIP helps...I use it, not everyone wants to. But not everyone used the chat functions in MW4 Either

The faction chat has always been dead, but I ask why is it limited to the community Warfare screen? Why are any of the chat channels limited in the screen you're possibly not actively using at the time versus a floating window that can be observed while you're say customizing a mech?

The title itself should provide the avenues to generate the community we're looking for. Strides have been made in that direction but considering how long it took before we saw these changes it's a fairly sad statement of affairs. Even so I've added folks to my friends list from exchanges here on the forums...never grouped up with any of them, our schedules don't mesh. I've randomly run into others that aren't friends in matches with no exchanges at all.

I recall from NBT sitting in lobbies with people from opposing units/clans and having long friendly exchanges of just using it as a chat room essentially with a round every 10 minutes or so. We don't have that availability anymore, or it's behind a pay wall or buried within the UI that needs a better flow.

#159 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 09:42 AM

View PostMirkk Defwode, on 12 March 2015 - 09:30 AM, said:

We don't have that availability anymore, or it's behind a pay wall or buried within the UI that needs a better flow.

Umm.. do you even know how the Lobbies work here? Every point you made is just completely wrong. Anyoen can set up a lobby adn play a 12 v 12 game one a random map with the 3/3/3/3 team setup. The players can freely be moved rom team 1 to team 2 and back as needed, so it can be easily set up to play oen unit vs another unit.
The only thing you need Premium for is so that the lobby owner can choose which map and get rid of the 3/3/3/3 restriction. If you wan to play with smaller groups of say 10v10 or lop sided teams such as 10v12, then one on each team needs premium.

Its not much of a pay to win wall if only 2 out of 24 players need premium. There is a pretty high chance, that there are at least 2 players out of 24 who have active premium. Every one else gets to play in that fully customised lobby without even knowing what premium time is.

#160 Mirkk Defwode


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 09:56 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 12 March 2015 - 09:42 AM, said:

The only thing you need Premium for is so that the lobby owner can choose which map and get rid of the 3/3/3/3 restriction.

This is called a "pay wall" You also need a means of having to know people for 12v12 if you wanted a private lobby, not like there is a lobby browser for all the private games currently behind held...

View PostRushin Roulette, on 12 March 2015 - 09:42 AM, said:

Its not much of a pay to win wall if only 2 out of 24 players need premium. There is a pretty high chance, that there are at least 2 players out of 24 who have active premium. Every one else gets to play in that fully customised lobby without even knowing what premium time is.

That's true, but there is no general chat, no means of monitoring a chat if there was a general chat beyond sitting in the "social" section of the UI that only manages your friends list and effectively private messages right now. Yes there is also the faction chat...which only functions when you're in the Community Warfare map, but ceases to function if you've picked a queue to sit in for attacking or defending a planet...There isn't a queue chat to talk to others that may be waiting for a game...

Not a large means of communication or camaraderie building through random matchmaker games. Most communication is curt in matches as a means of just getting the point across. Even after being killed in pub queue or CW idle conversation is rare. I observe more people leaving, probably to just rapidly get into another match with a different mech rather than wait for this one to finish.

So not exactly how you build relationships or solidify a community surrounding a niche product and genre.

With all of that I'm sure people will say, go to the forums, or go to the faction teamspeak...All of these are 3rd party things, and if I'm exiting the title experience to talk about the title to anyone other than friends I might as well be talking about Table Top for this niche genre, or outright playing another game where I can talk to people there about that game and what's good and bad there.

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