So the main base has 3 gates, but the defenders spawn on a high up cliff with plenty of space which can't be camped. They can get off that plateau, but cant get back on top once they drop off. Same story for the attackers spawn.
In addition to the main bases there are 3 capturable outposts. To open the gates the attackers must hold at least two outposts for a total of 10 minutes (culminative). Once that requirement is met, all 3 gates are opened.
In addition, the map is broken into 4 zones. You can drop at any point on the map in each of those zones provided your team controls the base in that area. If not, the active anti air guns at each base prevent your team from dropping there. Should you capture the base, the opposite is true. The first drop is always on the set spawn points, to prevent attackers from being ganked by 12 defenders dropping directly on top of them. In addition, you cannot drop in the opposite team's spawn zone (dark green high terrain). If a team controls no anti air guns/no bases, then they must spawn on their main spawn zone. This means the attacker must take a base in order to secure a drop zone outside their first drop site, and will never be able to drop directly into the enemy base, even when all 3 zones are captured. The base is a separate zone with another anti air gun in it which the attackers cannot secure.
Another thing to note, is that the attackers, once they spawn on their high terrain, can choose to operate outside the walls, rather than spawn right in their base and be forced to wait until the attackers enter.
Lastly, for this map to work, it would have to be quite large, perhaps not quite alpine size, but close, additionally, while alpine has high mountains and commanding sight lines, this map is relatively flat, and there are few places with sight lines that see across the map if any, this means in order to fight, teams must both deal with flat terrain, and use the low hills and cliffs to their advantage. Speed matters here, there are multiple locations where a team can be flanked and destroyed. The focus of this map is mobile warfare, a team that settles in for a slugfest from the main base will find it very difficult to defend omega from 48 fresh mechs, while a team that exits their base early in the game with faster mechs and attempts to do damage to the attackers, slowing or preventing them from capturing the outposts, will find it much easier to defend against between 12-24 mechs if the attackers manage to get the gates open, while on the flip side, attackers that can play aggressively and quickly take objectives and deal massive damage to defenders will find it much easier to take omega at the end of the game.
edit: where the road turns a shade of blue-grey, those are tunnels.
Edited by pbiggz, 12 March 2015 - 01:04 PM.