As anyone familiar with Kerensky's legacy is aware, all clans have a totem animal, whether it be something from holy Terra, or a more exotic creature found on one of the many worlds settled during the Exodus. For Clan Davion, our totem animal is the majestic Hanse.

Such a powerful, virile creature as our totem of course inspires us to greater heights. Where other Clans and Houses of the Inner Sphere are concerned with taking Terra, becoming Star Lord, etc. we keep our purpose firmly locked in; to rule the Inner Sphere through the awesomeness of our mighty Davion loins.

As anyone can tell you, a Clan Davion member has two things that separate us from the other factions; our dedication to packing LRMs on mechs in CW and our amazing virility. Whether the daughters or grand-daughters of Inner Sphere royalty, Clan Davion members have proven thoroughly dedicated to introducing them to the wonders of Davion manhood. The Inner Sphere and Star League won't be reunited by fighting like technologically advanced cavemen; it will be reunited by impregnating the women of the other royal houses and inseminating them with our powerful beliefs.