Creovex, on 10 March 2015 - 07:12 AM, said:
And when I started, you didn't get the Cadet Achievements paying out 8 million and other achievements helping you along.
Don't like the Cbills, buy a Hero and/or Premium time. Still not happy with the payout, then maybe there is an issue. However F2P is a choice, pay or don't.... and at least you have access to the same content as premium players
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Look at this guy talk.
So you didn't get the Phoenix pack eh? Wow, that really must have hurt you on grinding when you have all the other packs. Just the fact you bought everything due to the grind taking longer, already justifies my argument.
Didn't start with cadet bonus? Did you know that PGI had given EVERYONE who had played before the implementation of Cadet bonus all the bonus C-Bills once achievements were implemented? You got yours as well as any other players. Talk about ignorance. Not to mention the fact that in pre-12 v12, casuals used to earn more C-Bills than now.
Kristov Kerensky, on 10 March 2015 - 07:15 AM, said:
That said, the 'grind' is about half of what it is in any OTHER F2P game, including LoL and WoT, where in order to get the top tier goodies, you don't only grind a LOT, you also end up having to spend real money to get the top toys.
Wrong. In LoL you can buy ALL the champions with in game currency. MWO on the other hand has Hero mechs that are MC only. Also it gates you with MC only mech bay. Add to that, LoL grind is arguably less than that of MWO since you can share rune pages with all the LoL champions you got, as opposed to MWO where it requires you to purchase upgrades such as Endo/FF/Artemis/DHS for each individual mechs.
Not to mention LoL boosters offer 100% gain, as opposed to 50% of MWO.
Edited by El Bandito, 10 March 2015 - 08:01 AM.