BSK, on 01 April 2015 - 01:36 AM, said:
honing the skills of our pilots.
Your pilots have 0 skills in communication and coordination. They have ruined so many of our drops, sometimes even intentionally, that I considered talking to you a worthless effort. We, the BerSerKer, are the third biggest permanent Ghost Bear unit full of founders. But after all the struggles we had with other GB units in our drops, we are now only here for loyality points and c-bills. We have so many friendly contacts to units from Davion, Rasalhague, Marik and many Mercs, how come other GB units are so bearheaded when we try to coordinate a drop with pugs?
Honestly. Due to internal issues CGBI has almost been built from the near ground up aside from a couple of our clusters. We had most of our proficient players disband and go to mercstar because they got tired of trying to bring players up to their level, they had their cliché and dropped in that cliché and most of them jumpship to Merc Star because it suited them and they were burnt out trying to train new members. We had a near open door policy before this happened. We had 5-10 applicants a day, and accepting them all hurt us badly. We have changed our recruiting, we have installed basic training for new members and keep improving our current Mechwarriors. We have a lot of real good pilots but we also have a lot of fairly green pilots. Maybe, maybe 20 percent of our group is Founders now. A lot of our Mechwarriors are still learning that if the DC says push, you push. It is hard to break a pug mentality of I am going to push and no one will follow. Sorry we ruined you match, but not every unit accepts only 90 percent Founders.
Even with the whole issue of some members taking the easy road out and jumping to mercstar, (i understand their reasoning) we have to rebuild our touman, it is growing and the gears are being greased but we also have had a slew of pilots who really had no idea how to play past a pug level and we have helped them grow. That is what we have been focusing on. Great you have 80 high skilled members. So does CGBI, but we also have about 40 Sibkin, who are still training, and 100 who are still developing their skills.
This takes time. I do foresee CGBI becoming a valid Ally in CGB in the future but right now we focus internally. We play CW but it is not our main focus. We try nor to just drop in CW to drop in CW, we would be causing more harm then good, but we still do play some CW as there are members who that is their preferred game mode and others who are still developing join them. If pgi would give private matches CW maps to practice with, this could be so much easier teaching CW without having to ruin others games.
Edited by CoffiNail, 01 April 2015 - 04:20 AM.