Tennex, on 11 July 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:
Oops typo.
The "Knee Joint" Is not present in birds either. Because it is internalized. As our mechs are trying to simulate.
Yes, but the movement type does not actually work without that. Instead it becomes a very sloppy reverse plantigrade.
Without that "internal" hip to knee movement, the digitigrade method of locomotion DOES NOT WORK. What these Mechs, called chicken walkers, incorrectly do, is simply a reverse plantigrade, period.
Digitigrade / Ungilade in Mechwarrior


regardless of how much you want to claim otherwise, that is NOT a digitigrade mech, and thus one cannot transcribe digitigrade movement onto it.
So, please, before reverting to insults and an attitude, perhaps YOU should learn the subject matter. I am not saying this to attack you, but because it is a FLAWED premise.
the old Robocop Ed-"09 is actually one of the best designed examples of a classic "chicken walker" in motion

note the feet, the weight is centered over the middle.
honestly one of the better designed physical models of that locomotion, probably because back then it was still a practical model/effect and not CGI handwavium. And it required a massive amount of hipsway to compensate.
Even the AT-ST uses extra joints (look at the forward ankle set up) and if you look close to the hip, a secondary cross joint that flexes behind the visible "hip" to move smoothly.
Both features lacking in your Battletech "Chickenwalkers"
the point being it's one of the most common misconceptions and arguments on the subject.
So continue to be hostile and dismissive, but, you sir, are wrong.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 11 July 2015 - 10:25 AM.