Russ Bullock, on 16 March 2015 - 12:19 PM, said:
Remember the Clan omnipod amounts are low because players can stack with other pods
Mate i've stacked the quirkl bonuses as much as possible for the summoner and the best i can get is 4% on missile velocity and spread 4% reduction using all 3 of the onmi pods,
4% is shitte compared to things like 10% for catapults and other 12.5% laser, 12.5% large laser bonues that satck for 25%
so don't try and bullshit me, these summoenrs quirks are pretty close to pointless and have done next to nothing to improving the summoner
not to mention the only laser buffs the summoer gets is 1 onmi pod thats 1% for laser 1% for er large, so 2% total is again craptastic when ur giving innner shpere mechs 12.5 lare 12.5 er large laser combo's,
make it 5% for each type then where talking some kinda effect.
Plus i see you nerfed the Summoner prime left arm, it went from 10% ballistic cooldown to 5% for ballsistics and some lbx buffs, nice way to claim to be buffing things while actually slipping in a nerf.
you not fooling me mate.
Edited by Hades Trooper, 18 March 2015 - 12:15 AM.