Voivode, on 18 March 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:
You mean skills like protecting a stripped side torso for half a match because losing it with the IS XL will straight up kill me?
Skills like half popping out of cover in order to trick a Dire Wolf or Timberwolf into wasting their alpha strike since my firepower couldn't compete with theirs?
Skills like keeping my Atlas alive as long as I can under withering fire from two Dire Wolves while my teammates circle around to hit them in the back, knowing the whole time that each Dire Wolf held double my payload?
It's cool though, clearly going a little slower when you lose half your mech is just gonna be a test of your leet skills.
skill makes you know how and when to come with an X and when not, skill makes you know how to use your emch to not hve an issue with an XL death ST.
Kristov Kerensky, on 18 March 2015 - 10:11 AM, said:
Get it through your heads, all of you who keep bringing up 'it's not competitive!', NO KIDDING! That's by design kids, PGI has been real clear on this subject, so stop whining about it!
With this in mind,we actually wouldn't need any Xl nerfs anymore.because "Thats by design kids" and we would have never needed any IS buffs. LOL, this logic is mostly flawed.
but you know the issue IS has? customisation.
loads of IS pilots just fail to build a proper mech. only a few, like above have the balls to ask for help, the others hide behind their ego screaming "Clams OP; pls nurf"
Then the entire IS complains about clanners only bringing the same chassis into CW, yeah guess why this is? if the other mechs are performing that horrible in comparison you will never see them come to the table, especially not after even more across all chassis nerfs.
you need to understand that when people play competitive they will be better than non competitives, if you now create "balance" by balancing the side with less competitive players, competetive players swithc sides and the imbalance will be worse than before.
And now lets talk about this urbie. You bring the urbie to CW for fun. You sacrifice the fun of probably 11 other guys dropping with you, your teammates at the end will get mad or butthurt coming to the forum (again) screaming "clams are op pls nurf" And so because of someone having fun, the numbers PGI pulls of his "statistics" get screwed and the wrong adjustments will be done becaue they see: clans win more often, people cry about Op clans, must be true lets change. Yes YOU KNOW that urbie is not competitive so YOU do not care about it being not good. But there is a big bunch of IS players, thinking they have the "best build" while in reality it just sucks, and then "OP clam nurf pls", because they are just not able to see how horribly bad their build is. Everytime someone screams "bad team" and such, you often find these people doing the worst, simply because they have not a single piece of self criticism and so will never improve.
And then the few competitive player, those that are able to know how stuff works that probably sacrifice some k/d and such and go for a bit more challangign mechs, will afetr these nerfs go back to the TBR and SCR. And then much fun, because that "XL nerfed" TBR is still way more problematic for you than the currently non nerfed Nova I am using the most time.
This kills my fun because the Nova is now abyssimal bad, and it kills my opponents fun too because they then have to face a tbr instea a Nova. But no problem, they continue screaming for the next nerfs.
But as player able to be competitive, I tell you by what I see (and what I had to argue with IS pilots) that the majority of them is just building and piloting their IS emchs wrong. Most do not even udnertsand what heat efficiency is and why the IS has a big advantage here. And if you try to help them explaining it and hope they improve. No they just tell you that you are wrong and start getting hostile and whatever. With that mindset they will be doomed to be inferior.
And this incoming nerf will not improve chassis diversity, it will not balance anything, it just makes anything worse, because this is not the right way to do it.
too many people rant about everything, TBR got fixed JJ'S much drama, because of 2 tons on this mech, wow that never hurted someone except an OP mech. But this is going to bury some emchs that you hardly see. and this to a degree where its questionable why they even were implemented into the game in first place.
@Russian because I don't have any FS9s anymore, sadly, because they got so powerbuffed LOL. I needed the room in mechbays for some reinforcement variants and a KGC and further Atlas to master them. yur LL kfx will not beat a FS9 full of SPL's you would really need to avoid cover massively to make this happen. I also don't have much time the last days in the evening.