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Ooc: F Is For Fanfic, Gamma's Unnamed Rp

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#1 G is for Gamma


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 12:14 AM

TL:DR, I'm starting an invite-only Battletech play by post RPG. Check this thread for OOC updates

Hey lads and ladyfriends, its your favorite Gamma with an important announcement. I couldn't think of a clever opening so I'll just jump write into the details. I'm starting a new play by post role play. Now I know what you are thinking?

Wait! Is this that Gammadin guy whose writing is like...scrub teir?


Didn't you start one of these already that failed before the second page of posts?

(I mean...technically)

"Heh. I bet He's going to bail on this like he did on literally every other one."

(You are a horrid person)

"That's awesome Gamma! Whats it about?"

What a fantastic question!

My yet to be titled RP is the story of "The New Musketeers" a group of vaguely Davion aligned mercenaries hired to defend the nearly forgotten world of Gran, located deep within the Free Worlds League, on the eve of the 4th Succession War and the various trials they must face in order to survive. Now, i know the mercenary card has been played out a million times on these forums, but unlike the traditional "We all meet in a bar for the very first time and go an epic quest and its all very coincidental and also the Clans are here too" Dungeons and Dragon style story telling we tend to fall back onto as a community, not that there is anything wrong with that. Those kind of stories are pretty awesome in their own right, i'm trying to shake things up a bit with this project.

Instead of being a freshly gathered band of misfits, the Musketeers are an established command with several decades of history and successful mercenary work under their belt, but is now standing on the precipice of oblivion following an ambush that saw the majority of the unit, and almost all of its command staff, slaughtered because of the arrogance of their late commander. Our heroes consist of the few battered survivors who (for various reasons) are either unwilling or unable to find a berth in a different unit and have chosen to stay with the Musketeers and pray that the units fortunes change.

"Whoa. Isn't that a little bleak, Gamma?"

I know, I know, maybe i'm over selling the idea a bit but I think there is a lot of potential for great story telling here and I've been putting a decent amount of work into this, as well as bouncing ideas off of the "old guard" about how to play this out. I have a lot of hope for this, and I think it can be a real success.

Of course, before we can jump feet first into this some basic ground rules need to be laid out.


1.) Player participation is Invite Only.

The very intrigue heavy plot strands and small group atmosphere I'm hoping to cultivate for this story works best with a small group and I've already gotten in touch with the various writers I'd like to see participate. However, if there is little to no interest in this project from them I may consider opening enrollment up.

2.) Keep character concepts reasonable and matching the timeline.

None of us, no matter how awesome we may be, are super heroes and while writing fiction should be a form of escapism writing your character as the unholy love child of Han Solo and the Hulk, if it was raised by lions and tutored by Captain America breaks the feel of the story and can really ruin the story telling options of the other players.

Also, as mentioned above the campaign is set just before the outbreak of the 4th succession war characters and equipment should conform to this time frame. Please no Direwolves piloted by warriors loyal to Stefan Amaris please. Not only is it silly its also a little insane.

3.) All 'main' characters will be Mechwarriors.

Trust me on this, playing a non-mechwarrior in one of these can be a real pain in the butt, not just for you but for everyone involved. The story is about Mechwarrior mercs, lets keep the focus on them. However, if there is a side character or dependent you'd like to add to the story for side plot/role playing purposes please do so, just remember what the "focus" is.

4.) Don't be disrespectful to your fellow posters.

While my character and your character might have a heated argument in the story, that doesn't mean I'm allowed be a jerk to you in the OCC for no reason. The Fanfic community is small enough with out us trying to kill each other.

5.) Don't God Mode another posters character

This really should be part of bullet number four, but I felt it needed to be addressed separately. Considered a vile heresy by most writing community, God Modeing refers to taking control of another posters character and having them do/say things that they weren't ever intended to say. People work hard on the characters they make and they are an extension of their own personality and imagination, its rude to have them burn down an orphanage or punch themselves in the junk just because you have the ability to write it.

However, i do highly encourage joint posting for scenes involving long conversations or personal plot reveal, just please get permission from the owner of the other character before doing anything with there creation.


Well that's it for the rules, most of them are relatively self explanatory but it never hurts to set expectations before the kick off.

Thank you everyone for reading this announcement, Over the next few days I'll be posting additional information about the project so everyone can get a better understanding about the the world of Gran and the history of the New Musketeers before we put it into high gear.

Thanks again,


P.S. Most of you know what our little corner expect character bios to look like but just in case I stole Thom Frankfurt's template from the ongoing epic "Life and Death; Rainbow Rising" to use as an example

Call sign
Current Mech:
House/Unit Affliation:
Military History:
Physical Apperance:
Open background: (Readily available stuff. The stuff most people could look up about your charecter. Things like place of birth, schooling, etc)
Deep Background: (This is where you put the skeletons you don't mind the other players knowing about, but the Character's should not k now unless they found out during the events of the game)

Edited by G is for Gamma, 23 March 2015 - 12:21 AM.

#2 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 11:16 AM

Did somebody say my name? :P

Umm.... you expecting bios and whatnot to be posted here? That's if I'm invited to this bar be que.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 23 March 2015 - 04:13 PM.

#3 G is for Gamma


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 04:52 PM

Yeah Thom, and everyone else too, bios should be posted in here. THis is going to be the official OOC thread for the RP.

And of course you invited Thom, it wouldn't be the same with out our favorite metal head.

#4 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 05:39 PM

Name: Zachariah Humboldt
Call sign: Smokey
Date of Birth/Age: 2/20/ 2996 Age 32 or 33 depending on start time

Birthplace Tigovosye, Andurien
Current Mech: FS9-K Firestarter
House Affiliation: Marik (Duchy of Andurien)
Military History: Like many orphans, Zack was conscripted into the military at the age of 16. There attached to the 6th Defenders of Andurien, Zachariah preformed mediocrely as a peace keeper in an infantry cadre in the years leading up to the Marik Civil war. In early Fall of 3014, at the age of 17, Zach was presented with the opportunity for more advanced training, namely battlemech training. Drilled mercilessly as the growing civil unrest grew, Zach preformed admirably, showing great skill for light mech operations. Passing the batteries of questions and test, Zach was rated fit to become a mechwarrior.

(From Sarna) On May 22, 3014 calling Janos a "madman" and a "tyrant", Anton Marik openly challenged his brother's reign. Self-declaring himself Captain-General, he called upon all provinces and military units of the Free Worlds League to rally at his side.

In wake of the declaration of war, Zach, was once again marched alongside the 6th, this time heading headfirst into the maelstrom of war.

During Anton Marik's revolt, the Sixth deployed from Andurien and visited Wallacia and Ipswich before arriving on Calloway VI alongside several other FWLM regiments. There they fought against Wolf's Dragoons Beta Regiment, holding the elite mercenaries in place long enough for other units to defend the Earthwerks plant. The Sixth Defenders held until the Dragoons were reinforced by Gamma. The Sixth Defenders continued to fight, putting pressure on the Dragoons. Eventually the Dragoons were driven off-world.

On Calloway VI he was wounded by shrapnel when his Hermes II received critical damage from a missile hit to the cockpit which shot out his life support system and caused his cockpit to fill with smoke earning him the nickname 'Smokey.'

In the wake of the civil war, Zach once again was pressed into the role of peace keeper, where he served out the remainder of his time in the FWLM with the ever present rumors of civil war on the horizon.

Eventually he left the 6th, Andurien, and the entire FWL behind to head to Galatea where he would sign up with a certain disorganized mercenary unit in time for their leader to forgo his scouts, one of which was Zack and blunder into an ambush

Physical Description: roughly 5'8'' and stocky, Zach shaves his down to stubble like many MechWarriors, he however has grown out a big blond bushy beard. He often walks around with a broad toothy smile, and a twinkle in his blue eyes. He has let himself go since leaving the military, enjoying non military life and has put on some bulk.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 23 March 2015 - 05:45 PM.

#5 G is for Gamma


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 07:33 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 23 March 2015 - 05:39 PM, said:

The Sixth Defenders held until the Dragoons were reinforced by Gamma. The Sixth Defenders continued to fight, putting pressure on the Dragoons. Eventually the Dragoons were driven off-world.

Maybe if they would have sent more than just me to reinforce them they'd have kept the world, eh?.

Welcome aboard Thom, I appreciate the quick turn around for the bio. I'm hoping to get the Musketeers unit history posted either later tonight or tomorrow before I head to work.

#6 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:02 PM

Yeah while I was editing the post I saw that and chuckled. Currently in the process of moving, so internet may be down for a little bit, but it should be back online by the time this RP should get going. Just giving a heads up.

#7 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 08:15 PM

Name: Lord Gustave Carpeaux, Baron of Lensemahy
Callsign: Downtown

Current Mech: Black Knight BL-7-KNT
House Affiliation: House Davion

Physical Appearance: 6’2” with a build that some describes as like a bundle of sticks in his teens but has filled out to become merely “angular”. His shoulder length, walnut brown hair is usually tied back into a neat ponytail and he wears a thin, well-trimmed mustache. Perhaps as a subtle reminder of his authority, he has taken to wearing a red and brown waistcoat out of uniform, the colours of his estranged barony.

Background: Technically, the Carpeauxs are the hereditary lords of the Barony of Lensemahy on the world of Rosamond. Though the title still exists, the lands were merged into those of the Barony of Iles de Brancy in 2982. All that remains is a paltry stipend and the family’s BattleMech, an elderly Black Knight BL-7-KNT.

On finding himself landless, Gustave’s father, Roger Carpeaux, performed a few independent mercenary operations, before signing on with Abigail Leclerc’s Nya Musketörer. Gustave was born into the unit in 2992, working first as an astech to his father, before taking over piloting the Black Knight after his father’s death to cancer in 3014. Initially part of First Company’s battle lance, Gustave earned his callsign after a fast-running urban brawl when a fellow MechWarrior observed that “there’s that much rubble, it looks like Carpeaux is dragging half of downtown behind him.”

Gustave was granted command of Second Company’s battle lance in 3021 after several years as a trusted second to Lt Greg Keyes. The former lance leader, Laria Nikolaou, had challenged Reinhard Leclerc several times on the field of battle, leading to a falling out that saw her leave the unit. Gustave was promoted into her former position, partly as a way of weakening Keyes, who was also occasionally insubordinate to Leclerc.

Edited by Sparks Murphey, 23 March 2015 - 08:15 PM.

#8 G is for Gamma


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Posted 23 March 2015 - 11:31 PM

As promised here is the unit history for the Musketeers, I did my best to copy the style used by the various battletech field manuals. Spelling and Grammar are most likely awful and i'll be doing an edit pass every time I spot an example of me butchering the English language. If anyone has questions about the unit please let me know.

Also, thanks for the character bio Sparks. Looks good.


New Musketeer: All for one, Free-for-All

Officially chartered in the year 2988 by then Captain Abigail Leclerc the founding of the mercenary unit known as the New Musketeer was a direct result of the Siege of Fletcher. Having served with the 42nd Avalon Hussars Abigail was dismayed by the flippant attitude the 42nd's Command staff had towards its light and medium mech assets which time and time again had been used to “tie up” the heavier mechs of the defending Cappellen forces so that the 42nd's large detachment of Marauder class battlemechs could deliver a “coup de grace” against their ancestral enemy. While effective, this tactic decimated the lighter weight lances of the 42nd and caused the death of many fine mechwarriors when more passive tactics could have carried the day without such casualties. Disgusted with the senseless loss Abigail would eventually leave the Fedcom military, taking her families Marauder and two lances of equally disenfranchised warriors with her.

Making their way to Galatea the newly established command was able to quickly expand to a reinforced company of eighteen mechs before taking its first contract defending the Lyran back water world of Derf. Though a quite contract that lasted the better part of three years, the units time on Derf allowed them to train with the local militia and hone themselves into an effective fighting force. Following their deployment to Derf the Musketeer accepted a contract with House Mairk that would have them hunting pirate bands along its periphery boarder. Though a profitable venture Leclerc wanted more for her unit than fighting the dregs of the periphery and choose not to renew the contract. Instead returning to garrison duty in lyran space while taking “side contracts” to raid the Draconis Combine's border worlds. By 3015 the Musketeer had expanded greatly. A steady stream of recruits arriving from Federated Suns space as well as the “absorption” Sharpe's Longrifles, a company sized unit that was suffering fincial problems following a tour of duty in the Magistracy of Canopus, had pushed the Musketeer to battalion strength.

Tragedy struck on Januart 31st, 3017 when Abigail Leclerc died suddenly in her sleep while on the world of Goodna. Following her funeral, a military affair in Davion tastes, her son Reinhard took control of the unit. Unable to foster the same level of respect from his troops as his late mother had, Rienhard accepted a series of short objective raid contract from the Free Worlds league pitting 'His' Muskteers against the Cappellen Confederation hoping the “fires of war” would make the unit strong again. Though losses during these excursions where minimal it became readily apparent that the thirty five year old Leclerc lacked the tactical acumen of his parent. Throughout the 3020's the Musketeer once rising star began to fall as Reinhard's ineffective leadership in the field sapped unit moral, with various company and even lance commanders at times countermanding his orders. Worse yet an argument with the head of the units technical staff saw the majority of the expert support personal join Carson's Renegades, a well respected and competing mercenary unit, when the two units where stationed on the same world leaving the mercenary battalion with less than a fourth of the men mercenary to keep the units mechs in proper order.

Desperate to reestablish his authority Reinhard took a contract to defend the Mairk world of Lahti while launching several unsanctioned raids against worlds of the Circinian Federation in hopes of attracting favorable attention from the League High Command. Targeting the resource poor Circinian worlds did little to improve the fortunes of the unit, however it did draw the attentions of the dreaded Black Warriors the elite mech regiment of the raiders.

Attacking Lahti in force the Black Warriors intitially withstood heavy losses, their lighter Commando and Hermes II's unable to stand against the superior fire power of the heavier Musketeers battlemechs. During the confusion of one of the Black Warrior attacks the Musketeer's intercepted an unencrypted communication that signaled the location of the Black Warrior's drop ships. Quickly ordering a hasty charge to the coordinates listed by the Warriors in the hopes of catching the prized vessels on the ground. However, Reinhard was unaware that using “open coms” to lure overeager opponents into ambush was a favored tactics of the piratical Warriors. Ignoring the warnings of his units own light mech pilots Reinhard charged his command head long into the teeth of the Warriors heavy mechs. As the Musketeers suffered beneathe the withering PPC and autocannon fire of their attackers Leclerc lost control of the battlefield as conflicting orders from his various company and lance commanders turned the ambush into a rout as each lance sought to follow its own commanders.

When the smoke cleared the ambush had claimed more than half the units mechs. Counted among the dead was Reinhard Leclerc and both of his subordinate company commanders, to make matters worse Sandra Vong-Leclerc Reinhard's daughter and the last remaining descendant of the units principal founder Abigail Leclerc had also died. Without strong leadership the few remaining lance commanders each began to proclaim their “right” to inherit unit command, however with no candidate able to claim a majority in the various “votes” that followed the position remained empty for several months.

Factions soon developed as mechwarriors each began to support the candidate they felt was most qualified or deserving of the position. As the gulf between the various cliques grew larger and large heated debates and petty arguments began to flare up. These squabbles would eventually turn violent during a routine training exercise when warriors from factions started a “fist fight” from inside their battlemechs, leaving both war machines severally damaged and one unfortunate pilot placed in an intensive care unit because of his wounds. With any pretense of civility amongst the unit members gone, the vast majority of the remaining pilots left the unit either individually or in groups.

Now the Musketeer are little more than a specter of the command it once was. Less than a company of warriors have remained “loyal” while their once sterling reputation is now worthless. Time will only tell if the new commander Gustave Carpeaux (Spark's Charecter) will be able to reverse their fortunes.

Edited by G is for Gamma, 23 March 2015 - 11:32 PM.

#9 Zedrei


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 04:42 PM

Name: Volker Sabine Stutterheim

Call sign: Stazi

Date of Birth/Age: 3/8/ 3003 Age 26

Birthplace: Oberon

Current Mech: CRB-20 Crab

House Affiliation: Oberon Confederation

Military History: Volker took part in a number of skirmishes against the lesser bandit kingdoms surrounding the Elysian Fields, which had become a de-facto protectorate of the Oberon Confederation as part of Hendrik Grimm’s attempts to improve relations with neighboring factions.

Physical Description: Volker is tall at 6ft 5in, slim, and pale skinned, with a high-cheekboned, aquiline face. His hair is dyed a dark, inky blue, and long, reaching just below his shoulders. When he was ten, his Father was demonstrating how to reload ammunition when an ember from his carelessly lit pipe ignited some spilled propellant on the worksurface, shattering glassware and slashing the child’s face with the shrapnel. As a result of this, he lost the use of his right eye, and now bears a long white scar stretching from his hairline, across his eye and cheekbone, curving and barely missing his mouth and ending just above the jawline. A series of smaller scars radiates backwards across the right side of his face. In not quite unintentional homage to the stereotypical space pirate image he wears a black eyepatch, strung around his head at a rakish angle. In addition, a specially modified black utility jacket sits across his shoulders, with a plethora of pockets, internal aramid padding to protect against blunt impacts and sharp objects, and all the necessary sockets and hardware to function as a Mech pilot’s suit. Inside he carries a long, slim-bladed knife, a gift from his Father. It hangs inside a sumptuous black leather scabbard, the hilt emblazoned with a bull-horned silver skull, eye sockets of empty blackness, clenching the very same knife between its snarling gap-teeth. Heavy black trousers with more pockets and padding and immense steel-capped boots complete the ensemble.

Open Background: Volker was born in a ship’s medical bay in orbit around Oberon, the only son of a moderately successful pirate who settled planetside as the Jolly Roger Affair began to abate in 3004, using the nest egg of wealth built up during his years of banditry to provide a comfortable early retirement and a stable environment for his child. Largely protected from the violent and chaotic society of the early pirate kingdom by armed guards and stout walls, Volker was given a varied education by a scattering of recordings and learning programs, as well as his Father’s knowledge of space flight, small arms and hand-to-hand combat. His Father particularly enjoyed regaling his son with tales of his exploits raiding the Elysian Fields and beyond, and occasionally brought out tapes of his own gun cameras in the middle of combat, guffawing delightedly at each of his favorite kills. As Hendrik Grimm III took over the Oberon Confederation in 3012 and civilizing reforms swept the planet, his Father wasted no time in sending his son to school, and as he grew older, he entered one of the many new Mechwarrior Training Facilities. At the encouragement of his Father, he later signed up with one of the many ex-pirate battalions recently repurposed as mercenaries in Grimm’s service, taking part in a number of small skirmishes against the lesser pirate kingdoms around the Elysian Fields, lucky enough to never see particularly heavy combat. His callsign originated purely from the mockery of his fellow Mechwarriors. Having piloted a series of mechs, he eventually settled on his favorite CRB-20 Crab, which received many battle-scars throughout his short career, all of which he repaired meticulously. Deciding that remaining in the Periphery was not for him, he left his old mercenary company in good standing and travelled freely, eventually applying to the Musketeers on impulse after reading of their grand exploits and glowing reputation. Upon arriving, he discovered his information was somewhat out of date, and the company had deteriorated considerably since its glory days. Here he remains, unwilling to behave in a disloyal fashion and leave, but seriously considering his prospects.

Deep Background: While Volker himself feels no shame regarding his origins, his Father was a prolific and efficient pirate, and had no qualms about instilling fear in his victims. His path of destruction ranged far and wide from the system where he eventually chose to settle, and it is entirely possible he may have left bitter enemies. His Father also maintains sporadic contact, occasionally checking on his son’s progress, offering equal parts advice, fatherly concern and spirited mockery.

Edited by Zedrei, 13 May 2015 - 07:15 PM.

#10 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:17 PM

That is an awesome bio, Zedrei.

#11 Zedrei


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Posted 07 April 2015 - 03:26 PM

Why thank you. I came across the Oberon Confederation by chance as I was browsing Sarna and as soon as I found out there were such things as pirate states I just had to get involved.

#12 G is for Gamma


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 10:14 AM

Quick update: Due to illness and work I've not been able to pump out much stuff the last two weeks, however I do plan on getting more info up for you lads by the 12th. Thanks!

#13 CyclonerM

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Posted 10 April 2015 - 10:48 AM

On the eve of the 4th Succession War? That is too early for me :( Have fun!

#14 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 04:13 PM

View PostCyclonerM, on 10 April 2015 - 10:48 AM, said:

On the eve of the 4th Succession War? That is too early for me :( Have fun!

That's too bad, you're a good writer.

#15 Spokes


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Posted 01 May 2015 - 01:18 PM

Name: Seeley Donaldson
Callsign: Rampart
Birth Date: 1/17/2991

House/Unit Affliation: Free Worlds League

BattleMech: LCT-1V Locust "Gracie Dane"
Manufacturer: Free Worlds Defense Industries, Gibson

Physical Appearance: 5'8", Caucasian. Lanky, with a worn, "weathered" appearance from a hard life lived out of doors. Thin, dark hair with a rapidly receding hairline that he often covers with an old stetson. Has several dental implants that have discolored unevenly due to an old betel nut habit, earning him the nickname "Rampart".

Background: Seeley hails from the world of Simpson's Desert, where he was the LoggerMech* driver and nominal leader of a small group of on again, off again "wildcat" loggers who eked out a living in the less accessible areas of the planet's vast forests. The group would eventually accept employment with a large off-world timber conglomerate, only to be drawn into a labor dispute that devolved into a general strike. The company tried to keep it "in the family" by hiring a private security firm to clean up the mess, but the workers came out on top and several people died. The company settled out of court with the workers, each of whom received a sizable sum of money. But in the company town environment of the logging communities, there was little question as to what would happen once the media coverage faded and the lawyers crawled back to their cities. Seeley and his wildcatters pooled their settlement money, purchased a factory fresh LCT-1V, and headed off world to seek their fortune as mercenaries.

Seeley has taken to his new role as a MechWarrior well enough, though he has had some difficulty adjusting to the Locust's speed and his marksmanship consists mostly of "spray and pray". He is comfortable in difficult terrain and has an eye for good ground, but does not have what most would call a warrior's demeanor. The Locust has the name "Gracie Dane" painted along the upper right side of the hull, and sports a brindle camo pattern. Seeley says he named the 'Mech after an old hunting dog.

He is accompanied by a small group of fellow loggers who were involved in the strike on Simpson's Desert, and who serve as semi-competent technical support and occasional scouts. Most of the men have a financial stake in the Locust, though Seeley has been slowly buying them out. Military discipline is virtually absent in the group, and there is a general tendency to treat orders as suggestions.

Deep Background: Seeley was a member of a student protest group that conducted independent acts of amateur terrorism in support of Anton Marik during the Civil War of 3014. Young and stupid, the group never managed to accomplish much of anything beyond racking up criminal charges. Seeley's fiance, Grace Daniels, was killed during a riot along with most of the rest of the group during the closing months of the war. Seeley escaped both the riot and the notice of the authorities, and has spent most of the intervening decade trying to forget that part of his life. Not even his companions from Simpson's Desert know of this part of his past.

* My idea of a LoggerMech is very different from the Dark Age stuff listed on Sarna. It is drawn from the original BattleTech novels, and is in the general neighborhood of the AT-ST walkers from Return of the Jedi, if they had been built as machines of labor and not war. The Locust has a somewhat similar shape.

#16 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 01 May 2015 - 03:24 PM

You always write such lovely bios, Spokes. Odd to see you play a guy for a change though... That being said it's nice to see a bit of FWL love going on...

Now that I think about it, I think I should read the FWL book, for I know next to nothing about them leaguers.

#17 G is for Gamma


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Posted 03 May 2015 - 10:24 AM

Sweet bio Spokes! Can't wait to see what your lumberjacks get up to.

Also, everyone, sorry for the delay on getting all of this kicked off, but I'm going to be putting some more background information up as well as my character sheet today (and hopefully the first post) so we should get the ball rolling soon.


Unit Background Information:

( TL;DR - This is a list of the Musketeer's prior to the ambush and then the restructured lances following Spark's Charecter taking command. )

If you've spent much time here on the fanfic forums you may have noticed that we love flashbacks. I can't think of a single story we've told that didn't involve some kind of flashback to a previous battle or child hood event or what not and while these are awesome, one of the things i noticed very early when developing this concept is that a lot of the players will have been involved in the same battles, most notably the ambush by the Black Warriors that decimated the unit. Instead of everyone pulling npc names out of their butts and us trying to keep track of them all as we go I went a head and flushed out the entire Musketeer Battalion for ease of use and friends to kill. Now if you want to have a flash back in which a Black Warrior Warhammer crushes the face of an Archer with its ppc barrel, you have a name to put to the scene.

Also, because this is a military unit I had Sparks make a current unit roster as well so everyone can know what lance they are in and who their lance mates are.

Original Strength:

1st Company,

Command Lance:

Reinhard Leclerc, Marauder MAD-3L
Samantha Konkle, Clint CLNT-2-3T
Emmanuel Howard, Archer ARC-2K
Damien “Goblin” Harris, Archer ARC-2K

Battle Lance “Keyes' Killers”

Lt. Greg Keyes, Quickdraw QKD-4G
Zed Taylor , Griffin GRF-1N
Tyson Christopher, Rifleman RFL-3C
Demetri Bondarev, Griffin-1N

Recon Lance:

Lt. Gabby Forbeck, Shadowhawk
Marcus Alston, Hermes II
Lamar Johns Stinger STG-3R
Zachariah Humboldt (Thom Frankfurt). Firestarter

Second Company:

Command Lance:
Cpt. Shandi Oliver,Grasshopper GHR-5H
Christos “Chris” Sartzetakis, Assassin ASN-21
Early McCoy, Pheniox Hawk PXH-1
Stacy Nicholas, Scorpian SCP-1N

Battle Lance:

Lt. Gustave Carpeaux (Sparks Murphey), Black Knight
Shelia Haywood, Centurian CN9-AH
Thomas Thompson, Enforcer- ENF-4R
Jon Pierre Lafayette , Jagermech- JM6-A

Urban “Assault” Lance “Sandra's Schoolyard Bullies”

Lt. Sandra Leclerc – Ostroc OSR-2C
Ibrahim ibn Hakim ibn Kahlid Odessa (The True Space Pope) , Dragon Custom
Leonard Hjalmarsson (Listless Nomad) , Hunchback HBK-4G
Sarah Wolfe, Trebuchet TBT-5S

Third Company: Long rifles

Command Lance:

Cpt. Erin “E.J.” James, Enforcer ENF-4R
Victoria Burns, Enforcer ENF-4R
Katie Bull, Blackjack BJ-1
Mark Howlett (Sloth's Character), Hunchback HBK-4N

Recon Lance:

Lt. Andrew Luck, Pheniox Hawk LAM
Lt. Brian Sanderson, Javelin JVN-10N
Chelsea Martin, Javelin JVN-10N

Third Lance: Fire Support Lance

Lt. Alexis Dubious, Trebuchet TBT-5N
Sebastian Sisley , Goliath GOL-1H
Arianrhod Jernigan (Rogue's Charecter), Dervish DV-6M (maybe something else)
Mario Miles, Dervish DV-6M

Current Unit Roster. ( Characters with * next to their name joined the unit after the ambush)

Gustave Carpeaux (Sparks Murphey) - Black Knight
Leonard Hjalmarsson (Nomad) - Hunchback-4G
Volker Sabine Stutterheim (Zedrei)* - Crab
Seeley Donaldson (Spokes)* - Locust

Arianrhod Jernigan (Rogue Spear) - Dervish
Mark Howlett (Sloth) - Hunchback-4N
Ibrahim ibn Hakim ibn Kahlid Odessa (Space Pope) - Dragon
Zachariah Humboldt (Thom Frankfurt) - Firestarter

Edited by G is for Gamma, 03 May 2015 - 04:07 PM.

#18 G is for Gamma


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Posted 03 May 2015 - 07:24 PM

Okay Lads and lady friends, the opening post is up. Haven't had a chance to finish writing out the full character bio for Arjan but didn't want to drop the deadline for the post.

#19 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 03 May 2015 - 11:48 PM

Not sure if there are any designated lance leaders at the moment. We going to pull straws on it or anyone want the spot?

#20 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 04 May 2015 - 12:33 AM

I was planning to select either Ibrahim or Arianhrod, but I'm waiting to see their bios before I make a decision.

Hey, Rogue and Space Pope! Get your bios together!

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