JaxRiot, on 24 March 2015 - 10:30 AM, said:
If it refers to the game then why not just post it Here instead of Twitter? Not all players have a Twitter account, but yet All the players have a forum account.
Maybe its just me, but I dont see the reasoning behind making a post about a game someplace that doesnt reach your playerbase and doesnt let them participate unless they take added steps to install things they may not be interested in.
Leads me to believe that hes only watching his own Twitter, and not even looking here. Hes only interested in the views of people with Twitter accounts I think. Which is a bit rude imo. The people Here are the ones buying MC and Mech packs (Because you must have an account here to do so) to help support the game.
So much here. First, you don't need a Twitter account to read his posts. Just click the link I posted above, or the link already pinned in the Dev Tracker. No need to create an account or "take added steps to install things they may not be interested in." And it is all from Russ, in one simple spot. It is actually easier and faster than reading the forum, even using the Dev Tracker.
Second, Russ does post here. See the Command Chair and announcements threads. We get an in depth monthly road map, which is detailed even further once the patch notes hit. I don't understand why people are so offended about little preview details or answers to pressing questions. Russ regularly helps players with support ticket issues get things expedited. He and Paul give updates on the CW map. Occasionally a Joke Bomb is dropped. I fail to see the harm here, when for a couple of years we were all clamoring for increased communication.
This same argument applies to the town hall meetings. If people do not want to bother to listen to them, or read Zeece's transcripts, they could scream that Russ is communicating with players poorly because everything said in the Town Hall should have been officially posted in the Forum by Russ or another Dev. This is nuts.
That's just so inefficient. If someone has a good suggestion or asks a good question, he responds with an answer. That's a good thing, guys. Then the community reposts it, with a direct link to the source, with a convenient forum title like, "X confirmed by Russ via Twitter." This is easier than finding random responses in the Dev Tracker, and certainly more frequent than official forum posts.
Why is it better that Russ make the post that says simply: "CW Maps coming to testing grounds in April Patch." How does that get you any more information than when I make the post? Why should Tina have to make that post, either, just to get the text in Teal?
The Devs are communicating with us, more than ever before. If you choose not to listen, I still don't know how to help you.