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Why Is There No Battletech Movie

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#101 VinJade


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 02:40 AM

I loved that(MW3) intro and would love to see any movie done with that feel which was lost with the later games from MC - mw4 and all of their incarnations.

lacking actual components needed for piloting mechs (Nero helm & Coolant Vest), and yes the mechwarrior would be in scantly clad outfits as they needed to be(Why am I even explaining this as it is well known why).

Oh and we need to stay away from the scum bags that did the game of thrones.

BT isn't about murdering impregnate women, prostitutes, ect.

they wouldn't know how to create a story worthy of the richest history of any games out there.

and to hell with stockpole he was a traitor who worked for the very same people that tried to murder BT in it's infancy(over the word droid) and he allowed sw to bleed over into BT with the phantom mech ability(I am surprised he didn't allow him to use the force).

we would be better with the actual authors of this game. after all Coleman wrote the script for the granddaddy of all mech warrior games, and if I recall correctly he has some hand in MW 3.

also the storyline was much better than Stockpole's story in battletech crescent hawks interception.

if anything I think if we have the seasoned writers over any hack jobs we seen doing movies or the DA writers who didn't know a pea shooter from a PPC.

not to mention having mechs do things that should have been seen in anime.

though I feel I have to remind you all that if something went wrong it could hurt BT over all. remember SW ep 1 and how badly it hurt the franchise?

I don't even like sw and yet even I felt sorry for the fans.

in the end I think BT movie/TV show would be a bad idea.

Edited by VinJade, 28 July 2015 - 02:41 AM.

#102 Paigan


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 02:46 AM

My bet:
Because BT is WAY too cheesy and WAY too 80ies (read: naive) in all its tech, lore, etc.
It's basically made for children or people with similarly complex minds.
I left it when I was ~17 and came back only briefly for Mech Commander and now for MWO.

But then again, there is Avengers which is WAY more infantile than BT and it's a gigantic success. It just got reworked very professionally to be presentable (outfits, actors, etc.).

BT would have to be reworked in a similar way, e.g. 90% of all mechs look like child toys (that they are) instead of proper bipedal tanks.

Edited by Paigan, 28 July 2015 - 02:48 AM.

#103 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 03:08 AM

View PostPiney, on 26 March 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

Well, there was Robot Jocks........... :lol:

Cheesy as it was I liked it. :unsure:

#104 VinJade


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 03:14 AM

if it's tech is so out of date then why are we seeing the us military using new gyro rifles found on their drones or Gauss Rifles that will be mounted on US naval ships in the near future?

Edited by VinJade, 28 July 2015 - 03:15 AM.

#105 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 03:18 AM

View PostPaigan, on 28 July 2015 - 02:46 AM, said:

My bet:
Because BT is WAY too cheesy and WAY too 80ies (read: naive) in all its tech, lore, etc.
It's basically made for children or people with similarly complex minds.
I left it when I was ~17 and came back only briefly for Mech Commander and now for MWO.

But then again, there is Avengers which is WAY more infantile than BT and it's a gigantic success. It just got reworked very professionally to be presentable (outfits, actors, etc.).

BT would have to be reworked in a similar way, e.g. 90% of all mechs look like child toys (that they are) instead of proper bipedal tanks.

If you do't like the look or the story... Why are you here? :huh:

View PostVinJade, on 28 July 2015 - 03:14 AM, said:

if it's tech is so out of date then why are we seeing the us military using new gyro rifles found on their drones or Gauss Rifles that will be mounted on US naval ships in the near future?
It was mid 80s for me and I was a US Marine(19 Y/O) when Introduced to this genre.

#106 GeistHrafn


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 03:24 AM

Sigh. Necro thread.
Putting it in Battletech Discussion sub-forum. Carry on! :)

#107 VinJade


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 04:49 AM

I am glad I didn't necro this thread by mistake, or else I would be called a troll, lol.

#108 Lily from animove


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 04:55 AM

View PostHighTest, on 26 March 2015 - 10:40 AM, said:

OMG that's an awful lot of crazy. Probably more crazy than can safely be had on one place. I think it might cause the Earth to implode or something.

if thta happens I hope it WILL cause earth to implade, because thats what mankind woul deserve in such a case.

#109 TheArisen


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 10:12 AM

A BT movie series should follow the exploits of Wolf's Dragoons. Easy introduction to all the IS & Clans.
Then it could introduce Kai Allard Liao as the main character for the invasion.
Also, any movie would have to be based on and not an exact copy. It would basically need to be done like recent superhero movies have been. Be mostly loyal but with some modernization & changes necessary to get it put on the "big screen".

Edited by TheArisen, 28 July 2015 - 10:16 AM.

#110 VinJade


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 03:50 PM

as long as they have the nero helm/Coolant vest/suit, not moving like some cheesy Japanese anime mecha where a mech can do hand stands, judo moves, too nimble , ect.

also don't need and shouldn't have big name actors like jackson(I already felt he was a bad choice for Nick Fury) or other big name actors.

don't need 'em nor do we actually need 'sex' in the movie ether as it isn't about any of that and would only be used to draw in those with such limited attention span that I doubt they would understand any of the story behind the movie.

all they will most likely take from it is 'big robots, go boom, bam, burning, sex, ect"

that will most likely all we will end up with.

and still the underling thing is I don't want to see a movie that could ruin a game that many of us grew up with, great memories(like when I first started 30 years ago with my older brother) and a game that struggled for years to pull themselves out of the grave and reborn like a phoenix only to be wounded or just killed because of some failed movie.

Edited by VinJade, 30 July 2015 - 03:53 PM.

#111 TheArisen


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 11:22 PM

View PostVinJade, on 30 July 2015 - 03:50 PM, said:

as long as they have the nero helm/Coolant vest/suit, not moving like some cheesy Japanese anime mecha where a mech can do hand stands, judo moves, too nimble , ect.

also don't need and shouldn't have big name actors like jackson(I already felt he was a bad choice for Nick Fury) or other big name actors.

don't need 'em nor do we actually need 'sex' in the movie ether as it isn't about any of that and would only be used to draw in those with such limited attention span that I doubt they would understand any of the story behind the movie.

all they will most likely take from it is 'big robots, go boom, bam, burning, sex, ect"

that will most likely all we will end up with.

and still the underling thing is I don't want to see a movie that could ruin a game that many of us grew up with, great memories(like when I first started 30 years ago with my older brother) and a game that struggled for years to pull themselves out of the grave and reborn like a phoenix only to be wounded or just killed because of some failed movie.

I agree a bad movie would hurt but on the flip side, what if the movie was good or even great?

#112 Chafe


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 11:33 PM

Its an indie effort but I believe one is in the pipeline using mwo itself for its graphics.


#113 MauttyKoray


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 09:46 AM

View PostHighTest, on 26 March 2015 - 09:17 AM, said:

As much as I'd love to see one, it might be somewhat impractical. While there are a definite group of people (me included) that are nearly fanatical about the franchise, most people in the world really have no idea what it is. Even if you dropped the rulebook or a box of pewter miniatures on their big toe.

For this to work, you'd need to have a director that doesn't mind dabbling in some Sci-Fi and that knows how to use B-list or C-list actors (I'm thiking someone like Guillermo Del Toro or Neill Blomkamp). I'd then suggest that, as blasphemous to some as it may be, toss out pretty much all of existing canon and come up with a fresh new script that would appeal to the masses, but one that still hearkens back faintly enough to canon that those of us that do care would recognize it.

Then, a Mechwarrior/Battletech movie might have a shot...

God help us all if Michael Bay gets involved in something like this... :)

A Battletech TV show would be FAR better suited in my opinion. Too much happens in BT outside of combat as well that a movie seems like it just wouldn't be long enough to make a combination of combat, story, and politics any good. But hey, I could always be proven wrong.

#114 VinJade


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 06:51 PM

They already tried a BT tv show and seeing how stupid the First one was and how bad it was they never even made it available on video nor has anyone cared with every single episode popping up on youtube.

I would rather not have a second screw up that could hurt the game.

#115 JayceWolf


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Posted 29 May 2016 - 07:33 AM

Guys.. guys.....HEAR ME OUT!!

all the ideas and plans in this post sounds great, but don't you all realize that we just don't have enough fan base for this to become reality?

we have like what? maybe 4k people playing MWO (at peak time)? mayyybee, that is just generous number.

here is sauce = http://steamcharts.com/app/342200

and compare this to HALO series? they have like over 10k (more like in the millions) people and fan base, AND EVEN THEN! they made like a handful of video shorts and animated shows to go with the game..... and it didn't even get that much recognition. "Forward unto dawn" wasn't even a big budget movie.

so comparing the two...... I doubt we will even have enough fan base to keep this game going in the future, let alone a well-budgeted movie or show....

the battletech world just doesn't target enough audiences.
and with how PGI handle MWO in the past, it really took a huge punch to the community, losing a **** tons of players a year back.

#116 JayceWolf


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Posted 29 May 2016 - 07:40 AM

personally, I think the Mechwarrior series will be one of those very rare gem that could have been BIG really BIG!

but due to ****** managements and crappy leaders that leads its productions throughout the years.

the battletech world will slowly dies off once the senior fanbase is too old to play video games and the younger fanbase is moving on to better things.

I think in the future, this game and it's series will be studied as ancient projects that "could have been"

and production companies will probably use it as an example to teach their new-comers how crappy leadership can turn gold into turds in a flash.

#117 seveneyedfox


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Posted 31 May 2016 - 01:19 AM

Battletech was simple enough to make a somewhat compelling kids show. I actually thought it was fascinating watching it as an adult since it manages to pack in enough lore for you to learn how precarious and tentative the Inner Sphere's alliance against the Clans is. The events of the show and MW:2 mercs are especially interesting since detail a really desperate--mostly failing--effort by a rag-tag and potentially mutinous team to match clan military prowess and technology and just learn who they even are. In general, think a discerning mind that was willing to take liberties/have fun with the canon could see that Battletech is kind of Game of Thrones in space. They would have to not get too lost in the aristocratic family intrigue, lore and "realpolitiks", i.e., they would have to stick to an adventure plot, in order to make something with broad appeal though.

I was introduced to Battletech through MW2:mercs so my vision of Battletech might be skewed but it seemed like a world run by acronym centrist alliances run by paternalistic autocrats--which I had no qualms about betraying, mind you, buccaneer pirates, corporations and mercenaries, etc, etc. BT (although more so the inner sphere) is a universe that would make for a GREAT movie because there is so much--you know--adventure (nevermind treachery, intrigue, and reasons to blow stuff up in general). A really fun Crusher Joe, Serenity, or New Hope styled movie could come out of it if they put some half-interesting characters together to romp through the it. They could even realistically have a princess, a smuggler, and a rookie "no nothing" pilot the other characters had to explain everything to as a main characters and it would be totally in line with the canon.



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Posted 31 May 2016 - 05:13 AM

Been wanting a Battletech movie for awhile as I think there is something there to build on especially in the present with Battlebots being a big hit and soon a real mech vs mech competition between Japan and US. Pacific Rim at least showed you can make a somewhat decent mech movie ( I try to forget Robot Jox ). Still that movie had shallow characters. A Battletech movie would need to harness as others said Game of Thrones in space and honesty I believe the mech combat should not dominate the show. Strong story arcs with strong acting will make such a movie appeal to masses more so it succeeds. Then have epic mech battles and mini skirmishes throughout the movie. Today, CG can be created by indie and hobbyists and still be close if not as good as Hollywood.

#119 Hoshi Toranaga


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Posted 19 September 2016 - 01:11 AM

What I am wondering: I mean the Warrior Trilogy is basically Game of Thrones with SciFi and big stumpy Robots instead of swords and magic.
If I were to compete with HBO (say Amazon Prime, Netflix,...) I would get the rights as quickly as they are still dirt cheap.
Also if successful you have a Myriard or spinoff and sequel (kerensky trilogy) possibilities.
Plus it is much easier to produce, since you do not have endless books to conclude a storyline, you can easily do 3 seasons per Trilogy and put in Mini-Series content for things like Wolfs books etc.

#120 KeeperVS


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 05:16 PM

View PostElizander, on 26 March 2015 - 11:31 AM, said:

Same reason why there is no Dragon Lance D&D movie... reasons Posted Image

I'm sorry in advance, but how could you NOT know about this:


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