lacking actual components needed for piloting mechs (Nero helm & Coolant Vest), and yes the mechwarrior would be in scantly clad outfits as they needed to be(Why am I even explaining this as it is well known why).
Oh and we need to stay away from the scum bags that did the game of thrones.
BT isn't about murdering impregnate women, prostitutes, ect.
they wouldn't know how to create a story worthy of the richest history of any games out there.
and to hell with stockpole he was a traitor who worked for the very same people that tried to murder BT in it's infancy(over the word droid) and he allowed sw to bleed over into BT with the phantom mech ability(I am surprised he didn't allow him to use the force).
we would be better with the actual authors of this game. after all Coleman wrote the script for the granddaddy of all mech warrior games, and if I recall correctly he has some hand in MW 3.
also the storyline was much better than Stockpole's story in battletech crescent hawks interception.
if anything I think if we have the seasoned writers over any hack jobs we seen doing movies or the DA writers who didn't know a pea shooter from a PPC.
not to mention having mechs do things that should have been seen in anime.
though I feel I have to remind you all that if something went wrong it could hurt BT over all. remember SW ep 1 and how badly it hurt the franchise?
I don't even like sw and yet even I felt sorry for the fans.
in the end I think BT movie/TV show would be a bad idea.
Edited by VinJade, 28 July 2015 - 02:41 AM.