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Why Is There No Battletech Movie

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#121 Formosa The God


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Posted 25 September 2016 - 03:42 PM

same reason there is no 40k movie, both have deep and rich universes with iconic visuals, both are very niche in a niche market, so while (if done right) they could be very good films, it just wont happen, as Hollywood will not take the risk on the massive budget they would require to do correctly.

Now a BT tv series, would be good, but the budget would have to be massive to have all the CGI mechs running around.

#122 TygerLily


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Posted 26 September 2016 - 11:15 AM

I wish we had a BT show in the quality of or greater than Battlestar Galactica. I feel the tone of that show is spot on what a BT show could be. High level politics, low level soldier/pilot stories, drama. So good...

#123 JetMech


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Posted 23 October 2016 - 02:16 PM

the rights for a full feature Battle tech movie have been held by electric entertainment since 2003. they never achieved funding for it and likely never well. its never officially been cancelled but like so many other great movie ideas, it likely never will see the light of day. sorry!

#124 Im theTrooper


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Posted 19 April 2017 - 11:33 PM

A movie set up like Fury or Band of Brothers. Concentrate on violence of war, life is cheap. BSG is also a good setting with its dark and dirty space.

We need a kickstarter to buy the rights....

Edited by Im theTrooper, 19 April 2017 - 11:48 PM.

#125 InvictusLee


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Posted 25 May 2017 - 02:56 PM

I mean honestly, the lore is rich and beautiful.

I have the knowledge, ability and equipment to make a AAA movie about battletech. (real world film maker here)

I just don't have the funding or a good script on hand to pitch to investors.
WE got pacific rim. It's not really a stretch to say we could easily have eight sequels movies after the initial movie following the different factions during the succession wars or clan invasion or even the rise and fall of the hegemony.

I just need money, time and a writer that's worth a damn; I also need PGI's blessing and a very long stick to beat living the crap out of harmony gold with. There has to be a way to keep them from suing while stripping them of the ability to sue for damages. freaking IP vampires.

Dude. A movie about the wolf dragoons or the grey death legion would be fracking amazing.
We could do an entire series about the outter rim worlds/kingdoms with their own separate, somewhat tangential lore.

theres like 90 novels to pull from. We'd just have to find a good, profitable spot to start from and then grow the audience.
Just imagine how much our community would grow with just ONE film?

#126 InvictusLee


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Posted 26 May 2017 - 05:14 PM

View PostIm theTrooper, on 19 April 2017 - 11:33 PM, said:

A movie set up like Fury or Band of Brothers. Concentrate on violence of war, life is cheap. We need a kickstarter to buy the rights....

Lets do it! I'm 100% behind this idea!
Fury was great, and I'm pretty sure we can tell a very compelling story if we use parts of south africa the way district 9 did to cut down on the CGI ans use New Zeland/Australia as a base for the planetary drop and subsequent robit battle.!!

#127 James The Fox Dixon


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Posted 27 May 2017 - 04:57 AM

I wouldn't go with the clan invasion or even 3025 because it will force gaps and open up inconsistencies in the universe. I would do Fall of the Star League beginning with the assassination of the child First Lord Cameron and the murder of all his family. The first set of films would be about the Usurper's War and how devastating it was to the IS. The first film will be about the fall and the first part of the war. The second film would be about the dark chapter of the SLDF being battered and weakened. The final film would conclude the Usurper's War and Gen. Aleksandr Kerensky leading the remaining SLDF forces into the unknown regions.

What this does is allow the set up of a cinematic universe that can follow individual units like Eridani Light Horse (it would continue the SLDF thread of the first trilogy) and say the 1st Sword of Light or other House units. These films would be stand alone much like Rogue One is stand alone and brings up the small details that are overlooked.

The second trilogy would be about the First Succession War and so on. This will give the film makers plenty of opportunities to explore the universe and bring it forward to say the end of Jihad.

#128 InvictusLee


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 11:42 PM

Lets stop talking about it and Start a kickstarter.
Help me buy the publishing rights.
And rally behind the project with me so that I can hire the correct people so that we may do the movie and subsequent franchise some much needed justice.

There is no reason why we cant knock this thing the out of the park and into outter-space.
We can make the movie like fury and rogue one and pull bits from BSG.
Hell if we could get production anywhere near the last iteration of BSG I would be supremely happy.

#129 Mad Skull


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Posted 06 July 2017 - 07:04 AM

If it ever went to the big screen i would totally go see it for sure.

#130 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 02:40 AM

only good for a Movie for me...James Cameron

Ridley Scottt can only make now Movies with Pilots thats run with open Cockpit over Spaceship and forget to laoding his Weapons and make the some fails ever and ever and ever ...
JJ Abrams...you Have Lensflares, Super Super Weapons to destroying Planets , and Very Bad Overpowered Badguys , thats failed a Fistfight against The little Girl next door or Vulcanians after alone destroyd a Clan Galaxie with own Hands

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 20 July 2017 - 02:48 AM.

#131 Karl Streiger


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Posted 20 July 2017 - 03:04 AM

View PostOld MW4 Ranger, on 20 July 2017 - 02:40 AM, said:

Ridley Scottt can only make now Movies with Pilots thats run with open Cockpit over Spaceship and forget to laoding his Weapons and make the some fails ever and ever and ever ...
JJ Abrams...you Have Lensflares, Super Super Weapons to destroying Planets , and Very Bad Overpowered Badguys , thats failed a Fistfight against The little Girl next door or Vulcanians after alone destroyd a Clan Galaxie with own Hands

Is it the fault of the director or the fault of the script?

look i only watch seasons in TV (or better streaming) - when ever i watch a movie I wonder - oh already finished? The movie didn't even seem to have a start.
Some movies don't feel this way - for example Pirates of the Caribbean, John Carter or Avatar? Hm even black hawk down or Battle of LosAngeles Those films have a good pace and are almost able to deliver the "big" picture.

But the chance is high that a BT Movie becomes similar to Assassins Creed or Star Wars (Force Awakens) [Rouge one was ok] - the later Underworld movies (1 maybe 2 were ok too).Speaking of - pace - the new StarTrek(1) was ok - the others had a different pace and felt to short.

#132 InvictusLee


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Posted 08 October 2017 - 06:37 PM

I'm going to bump this thread because I still believe!

#133 Bombast


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Posted 08 October 2017 - 09:01 PM

It isn't happening. Too many fingers in the pie to be affordable, not a big enough fanbase to justify the risk.

#134 Star Rod


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Posted 11 November 2017 - 02:41 AM

Battletech IP and rights ownership is such a mess that no one wants to even think about making a movie using this IP

#135 Koniving

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 09:38 AM

I want to see this...
You can say what you wish but one thing is
certain: Chancellor Kurnath knew how to start a war
the right way. Kumath was one of those people who
hated empty diplomatic creations and haled wasting
time even more. When the Free Worlds Ambassador
was received for the last time, the potentate began
by expressing, in the loudest and sloppiest terms possible,
his "sincere devotion to the cause of peace· and how it pained
him to announce the inability of his government to comply
with the chancellor's request ...

To !his !he Chancellor remained quiet and motionless,
save for a slight twitch at one eye.
For the next ten minutes !he League spokesman continued
in a similar vein, mouthing compliment after compliment,
paltry phrase after paltry phase. All the while the Chancellor
stood, hands quietly folded; not a word could he get in ...
At long last, the ambassador paused for air and Kumath
seized the opportunity to interpose a remark of his own.

"My dear sir, in the interests of saving time. may I assume
you are now finished?"
"Yes, your lordship, with all humble thanks for the gracious
time you have allotted me in your presence."
"You're sure that you're through?"
"Quite certain, your Illustrious majesty, sovereign of light
and understanding ..."
"Absolutely, divine one"
"You're posttlve?"
"Oh yes, Illustrious guiding light."

Chancellor Kurnath turned to the commander of his
"For God's sake, shoot him before he starts up again
-From Tristam Henn, Kumath Liao: The Official Biography,
Capellan Government Printing Office. 2404


Someone animate it, please...

#136 Khobai


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 11:12 PM


Why Is There No Battletech Movie

because it would be a bad movie

#137 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 09:13 AM

View PostFormosa The God, on 25 September 2016 - 03:42 PM, said:

same reason there is no 40k movie

There's definitely a film (though the official site is long dead).

#138 Humpday


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Posted 23 November 2017 - 03:55 PM

Wish they'd finish the cartoon series off, especially with all the new rendering techniques available modern day.

#139 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 01 February 2018 - 10:23 PM

would love to see a movie or a tv series but gods no keep JJ out of it.

#140 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 02 February 2018 - 09:43 PM

A tv show might help the BT franchise and if it was good might lead to a 2 hour movie or if we were truly,blessed a trilogy.

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