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Tired Of The Same Old Mwo From Pgi

42 replies to this topic

Poll: Disappointed (133 member(s) have cast votes)

Are you disappointed with PGI and MWO?

  1. Voted YES (36 votes [27.07%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 27.07%

  2. NO (49 votes [36.84%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.84%

  3. SOMEWHAT (48 votes [36.09%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.09%

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#1 CwStrife


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 01:11 PM

I would just like to express my concerns. I have been playing this game since late 2012 and I have to say I am not impressed with what little work has been done. They want too much money still for premium time, mechs cost an absurd amount if you choose to buy them with MC, and the development is horribly slow.

PGI is constantly more concerned with new mechs because they want money instead of new maps and fixing constant buggy and crappy issues. Take the new UI for example. I have to physically go into my mechs loadout to see what engine it has if I want to try and pull an engine off a mech and put it into another. They could just put a little thing next to the speed of the mech to say what engine it has in it?

I took a break from this game for nearly 6 months and in that time there has been so little development. To me the clan wars is nothing special.. Adding in the Clan mechs things are completely off balance now. They do wayy too much damage. A DireWolf with 4 Ultra AC2's can rip you to shreds in an assault mech because the speed at which they fire... The LRM's are absurd. None of the old mechwarrior were just LRM heaven, yet this game is. It's just not fun anymore.

I've seen alot of people leave and not come back... most of the founders don't care to play anymore, and i'm basically in the same boat. I pop in for a little bit here or there then i'm off to go play something else. It has completely lost my attention and the fun of the game is gone. The last good mechwarrior game was MW4.... this is just a disgrace they made, i'm sorry to say.

#2 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 01:20 PM

I won't deny or sugarcoat it.
I am somewhat disappointed in the overall direction this game has taken since closed beta. I always was and had even quit the game for an extended period of time (i may have forgotten my account info and not bothered to create a new account since quite recently).

However, I still am (probably shouldn't be, though) hopeful that the Developers can turn this thing around.

Edited by Juodas Varnas, 26 March 2015 - 01:21 PM.

#3 Idealsuspect


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Posted 26 March 2015 - 01:45 PM

If this game wasn't a battletech thing but one other basic COD-like ... well this game would be already dead since long time.

I like the game ( even i play it on minimal setting ) but matchmaker , UI popups and issues, lags, desync, freezes, crashs and no real tutorial for news players ruin the potential of MWO

Maybe cryengine was a terrible mistake too ^^ but maybe unreal engine was expensive too.
Anyway i like the game ^^. I just wish better in 2015 for battletech universe.

And please give a solo queue for CW or don't allow non-12' premade to play it, just choose. Thoses unfair matchs make people left the game.

Edited by Idealsuspect, 27 March 2015 - 02:11 AM.

#4 The Massive


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 04:20 AM

I blame IGP. PGI have made large steps in the right direction since buying them out. Looking forward to the next additions to CW. :)

#5 s0hno


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 05:54 AM

Hard to tell. There are some issues that are really annoying: the UI, stability issues, poor map design, lack of an official competitive league and little to none community involvement into the development.

However, despite these issues, I started playing MWO in the beta phase, and I'm still at it - consequently, they must have done other things right :-)

#6 Burktross


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 12:25 PM

It aint perfect, but its hellagood!
I'm more so disappointed with CW... just feels like bottleneck rush simulator 2015...

#7 GravityDrop


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 09:22 PM

It seems to me they are too interested in mostly adding anything that can make them money in the short term instead of trying to develop new maps and fix bugs, such as mechs getting stuck on a pebble. LOL

They should be focusing on fixing this and adding more awesome maps to the game to retain players for the long term. A happy long term player will spend more in the long run. They need to look ahead into the future, not short term.

And the clan mechs really need to be fixed. They are just too powerful especially the autocannons the Clan has vs Inner Sphere... It's just not cool.

#8 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 27 March 2015 - 11:26 PM

Good feature suggestion, your amazingly insightful ideas are sure to turn this game around.

#9 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 28 March 2015 - 01:06 AM

View PostArseInvader, on 27 March 2015 - 09:22 PM, said:

And the clan mechs really need to be fixed. They are just too powerful especially the autocannons the Clan has vs Inner Sphere... It's just not cool.

Autocannons is the only thing that IS has that is better than what Clans get :lol:

Part of me wishes that Clan ACs were better so people would use them instead of boating nothing but lasers 99% of the time

#10 CwStrife


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 08:50 AM

It's sad how double the amount of people are disappointed than actually think the game has no issues. And those who think the game has no issues I think may not have fully functional cerebral cortex's. Maybe PGI will listen to this thread. Doubtful though

#11 shellashock


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:03 AM

I am disappointed that this game hadn't reached this point sooner, but I personally think that since PGI started self publishing, they have made more then enough progress for me to consider IGP to be the limiting factor. Don't get me wrong, I still have lots to complain about and look forward to (interactive smurphy style mechlab for march-april last year...), but I am confident that PGI will get there eventually. I would expect development to pick up some more as they finish the next few mech packages (not very many mechs left in current time line to add that wouldn't provoke a lawsuit IIRC).

#12 NyteStrike


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 07:57 PM

Been playing Mechwarrior games for a long time. I'm very used to getting a great deal more for my money. Yes the graphics and physics are great, but that's to be expected as it's a new generation game. But old box games came with a campaign, 20-30 (or more!) mechs, full access to the mechlab (which was a lot easier to use), full access to in game weapons (well, maybe minus the plot weapons). There was community support for mods that added even more mechs, add-ons that had minmial cost, and not anywhere near as steep a learning curve. On top of that is the added entry barriers of sometimes long wait times to use a Heavy or Assault mech.

I understand the allure of the 'free to play' model for developers. You might have half as many people paying, but they may be paying 5 times what they would for a 'box', or more. (I know one person that blew over $1000 on Facebook games in one month and had to shred their Credit Card to stop using it.)

However, this is a PC game that requires some decent system specs to play, not a simple browser game. It's also not a Console game, which generally has a higher user base. I somewhat fear for the longevity of this game.

#13 Ryoken


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Posted 01 April 2015 - 11:23 PM

Wait, a DireWhale with AC2 and LRMs are your worst fears? Just add me ingame or watch some tutorials, you must be doing something wrong, like standing in the open without cover to long.

#14 Vellron2005


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 02:02 AM

The thing that irks me the most about this game so far, is the general unfinished perma-beta state of the game.. I mean, this game started back in 2012, so WHY does it still look and feel as a beta?

I mean, if I have an hour's worth of game time, I DO NOT wanna spend 40 minutes of that time waiting for the bloody comunity warfare match to start?!?

And why do we wait? Well maybe becouse the general attitude of the dev's has been such as to discourage gamers from playing, becouse let's face it.. if you'r a deticated gamer... what would you rather do with your 20 bucks? Buy a coffe mug for your cockpit, and slap on some paint on your mech or say.. oh, I dont know... Buy Diablo3 and play it all friggin day long??

PGI needs to change the business model for this game, lower prices, invest heavily in marketing and attract new players otherwise the future of a great mechwarrior game looks grimmer than Grim Portico..

#15 Salinor


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 02:26 AM

There may still be bugs here but think of how far this game has come. I started this game back in open beta. A few problems there:
no ghost heat: this may not seem like a problem but it is not very pleasant to have you face melted ff by 6 ppc stalkers
no jj shake: the poptarters
maybe half the mechs we have now
no gauss charge: poptarters that you can't brawl with
no tutorial at all

See how far this game has come

#16 Tarogato


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 03:21 AM

I voted "Yes - disappointed" because of a few reasons:
  • The User Interface
  • Lack of gameplay variety
  • The User Interface
  • The New Player Experience
  • The User Interface
  • The Website
  • The User Interface
  • The abominable skill tree
Not to mention that the user interface is terrible and needs to be completely reviewed. PGI just doesn't seem to care that their UI is appalling.

Community: "We want a faction chat!"
PGI: "Okay, here comes faction chat!"
*faction chat is useless as implemented*
*implementation takes months to change*

#17 Astarot


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 03:33 AM

I'm sure that if you guys throw enough whine at it, you might attract some rich folk to peak at what flavor it is.

A lot of this thread is just bitching and doesn't provide any real, involvement.....

You complain about lack of community involvement, but when people constantly post whine and ***** threads, why would someone want to involve themselves in the community, as the community you arn't offering anything worth while. You are not holding up your side of the bargain, if you want more community involvement with the developers, then it time that you, the community, start actually providing meaningful feedback, instead of threads like these.

#18 Lord0fHats


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 05:26 AM

Somewhat. I'm pretty sure many of us would like more from the game than is currently present. Good thing this is a niche genre with next to no competition with a popular IP to back it up ^_^

View PostTarogato, on 02 April 2015 - 03:21 AM, said:

I voted "Yes - disappointed" because of a few reasons:
  • The User Interface
  • Lack of gameplay variety
  • The User Interface
  • The New Player Experience
  • The User Interface
  • The Website
  • The User Interface
  • The abominable skill tree
Not to mention that the user interface is terrible and needs to be completely reviewed. PGI just doesn't seem to care that their UI is appalling.

Community: "We want a faction chat!"
PGI: "Okay, here comes faction chat!"
*faction chat is useless as implemented*
*implementation takes months to change*

I'm getting the distinct impression that you're disappointed with the user interface :rolleyes:

#19 CwStrife


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Posted 02 April 2015 - 10:30 AM

The UI is balls. Sure it looks fancy, but it isn't practical. Plus it drives me nuts having to go into my loadout to figure out what engine is in what... Why can't it just list it next to the speed?

#20 Koniving

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Posted 02 April 2015 - 11:13 AM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 27 March 2015 - 11:26 PM, said:

Good feature suggestion, your amazingly insightful ideas are sure to turn this game around.

The sarcasm is strong with this one. But I agree. This thread belongs more in general discussions than here.
I confess I haven't been happy with PGI's direction of the game for a long time. The shift in direction from Sim to Game and the gull to still call it a Sim is... infuriating to say the least. Part of the fun I have these days is a long term study of what not to do when I enter game development.

That said, the concerns voiced about the UI, according to the April roadmap, includes some serious updates to the UI and specifically to the mechlab. So there is that.

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