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Cool To See Pugs Picking Up On Teamwork So Fast

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#1 sycocys


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 11:53 AM

Dropped into a few standard matches after finishing of the event to elite out a mech and it was really amazing to see that in nearly every match the pugs were actually working as a team, communicating before and during match, and really upgrading their game.

If that's all that comes from this CW event I'd say it was a complete success and the game will be overall much better for it.

Just really, really cool to see the pugs go from a few days ago running around aimlessly or hiding the entire match to transforming into teams that used strategy and *gasp* teamwork in matches.

#2 Creovex


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 12:18 PM

I am a very vocal pugger (most of the time, if others lead I let them).... However the difference has been noticeable SINCE VOIP was put ingame, not just this weekend.

I watched a team claim "elo/matchmaker issues" after my side wiped them today....Thedifference is my team called ALL 12 targets to focus fire on, to the point where the shot caller was calling specific parts to aim at (ie. "left leg, right torso", etc...)

#3 627


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 12:44 PM

see it this way... pugs aren't a "dumb" herd you have to carry or newbs and what not the so called high ego elo players call them.

Pugs are your everyday player with skills ranging fom newbie to pro. But one thing is true for every pug player: they (or better we) play their game.
Some people level mechs. Some farm for cbills or XP. Some want a good team game. Some want to try new builds. And some... like us... just play the game for the troll chat.

People are capable to play as a team. IF they want.
Ever played battlefield? there are so many solo players who just want to play there game, they don't care about losing or winning, some just want to sit in a bush and snipe other players.

So stop judging people. Pug life, you know?

#4 sycocys


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 01:39 PM

Honestly I've been playing this game since closed beta and this was the first time I not only witnessed pugs in consecutive standard matches discussing tactics in a way to support each other, but also not a single person threw out any nonsense about pugs not being capable or willing to perform as a team.

In other words people were treating it like the game it was designed to be, and having more fun with it than treating it like whatever generic shooter out there and getting frustrated because they get rolled all the time.

While yes there have always been good and bad players in those drops, the voip to some degree but definitely this event seems to have really changed the mindset of a lot of them, and in a positive way. Before this week, nearly every match was half or more of the team blatantly disregarding the fact they have other players on their team until they get caught up in their suicide rush, now you have the grand majority starting to be not only willing but interested in team play which brings up the mode to a whole new level of interesting and fun for all the players.

And yes I am in one of the upper elo tiers by PGI's weird standards, regularly get matched with guys that can barely move their mechs as a result - but this new found interest in playing as a team actually does a lot to balance that out. The higher elo players don't have to try to carry 4 guys that won't move or shoot and get frustrated because now usually those lower ranked guys actually seem to want to move on from the COD type play and play MWO now. It's a lot more fun for the guys that are veterans, and going to be a lot more fun for the newer pugs as well once everyone is playing the game they are actually playing.

It's really a great thing to see more of the pugs starting to learn that this isn't your generic FPS game and that there's a lot more involved that just hiding in a bush as you say.

#5 Bongo TauKat


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 02:45 PM

I have yet to hear any tantrums or the like over VOIP so far. Lots of teamwork and at the very minimum, calls for help and "copy on my way" responses.

Edited by Bongo TauKat, 29 March 2015 - 02:45 PM.

#6 Jon Gotham


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 07:14 PM

View PostCreovex, on 29 March 2015 - 12:18 PM, said:

I am a very vocal pugger (most of the time, if others lead I let them).... However the difference has been noticeable SINCE VOIP was put ingame, not just this weekend.

I watched a team claim "elo/matchmaker issues" after my side wiped them today....Thedifference is my team called ALL 12 targets to focus fire on, to the point where the shot caller was calling specific parts to aim at (ie. "left leg, right torso", etc...)

Why did you put "since voip" in capitals?

#7 Otto Cannon


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 07:20 PM

View Postkamiko kross, on 29 March 2015 - 07:14 PM, said:

Why did you put "since voip" in capitals?

Premature capslockulation can be an embarrassing condition, you shouldn't draw attention to it.

#8 PurpleNinja


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 09:41 PM

I think you accessed the forum of the wrong game.

#9 Anjian


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 09:46 PM

A shout out and a hats off for the squad known as 4 20. We were facing a 12 man premade Marik squad in a defensive counterattack on Boreas Vault. On our side we got a four man premade from 4 20 and an 8 man pug. We felt disheartened at first at the thought of what might be a sure loss, but the 4 20 lance leader immediately took control of the situation with his VOIP. Everyone's spirits were raised and they followed his clear vocal commands to a tee. In the end the gulleys of Boreas ended up as valleys of death for the Marik squad, and we won with a significant margin to spare.

Edited by Anjian, 29 March 2015 - 09:47 PM.

#10 ShinVector

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Posted 29 March 2015 - 09:49 PM

All I am going to say is...
I am glad you only need to score 80 points regardless, win or lose. :mellow:

Posted Image

#11 Rakesch


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:00 PM

My expirience this weekend was on the other side.
The LiaoCWPugs ™ were much worse than usual. Many players did not followed lead and many times we pushed with 4-6 mechs and not with 12.
Standing behind a gate and sniping is not CW for me.
hope it will be better at tuesday.

#12 ShinVector

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Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:09 PM

View PostRakesch, on 29 March 2015 - 10:00 PM, said:

My expirience this weekend was on the other side.
The LiaoCWPugs ™ were much worse than usual. Many players did not followed lead and many times we pushed with 4-6 mechs and not with 12.
Standing behind a gate and sniping is not CW for me.
hope it will be better at tuesday.

LOL... I saw the opposite... Hold Territory and we should be hard on camping in cover in the new map.
Instead... I see people repeated show their faces into firing windows where the more experienced enemy snipers repeatedly... mow them down with lasers....

Was I... Uhh.. What is camping a little patience too hard ?
But oh well... I guys it was the first time that many of these guys played CW and the Davion scums had surprisingly decent euro team like the 313 running about.

Edited by ShinVector, 29 March 2015 - 10:10 PM.

#13 Evan20k


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:17 PM

PUG CW isn't as terrible as people say it is. I don't have a unit and I'm having a very enjoyable time, even against premades.

#14 ShinVector

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Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:41 PM

View PostEvan20k, on 29 March 2015 - 10:17 PM, said:

PUG CW isn't as terrible as people say it is. I don't have a unit and I'm having a very enjoyable time, even against premades.

For Liao's cases the ones that usually CW was the more hardcore experience fellows.
The event cause a whole lot of unknowns to come out of the wood work.. lol..
Not a bad thing I guess... Hope more will stay to learn how CW works properly.

#15 Paigan


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:47 PM

My experience in playing mostly PUG (sry I play only casual):

Me: "Can we stay together and wait for assaults instead of everyone dying one by one?"
Rest: "Yeah, of course"
And then 50% of the time everyone else still runs off to die alone.

Or literally every time on counter attack defending grim portico:
"Please don't run outside or stand in the choke points. Stay BEHIND the choke points and let the enemy choke in it."
And 10 out of 12 people run outside to die while usually one other guy and I try to talk sense into them.

It's like talking to 4 year olds.

I always imagine the average MWO player to have an intellect like "I'm gonna big boom boom those evil guys, I'm indistruckibl!"

Edited by Paigan, 29 March 2015 - 10:51 PM.

#16 Hit the Deck


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 01:00 AM

Some of my best matches in this CW event were actually with PUGs like this one:

Posted Image

I think both teams were pretty close but we lack that little edge in coordination on defending the base so in the end we lost. But it was a fun match where we PUGs worked together as a team.

BTW this usually happened with NA players I feel. EU players use much less VOIP probably because of the language "barrier" (I currently live in EU).

#17 Jon Gotham


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 03:40 AM

View PostHit the Deck, on 30 March 2015 - 01:00 AM, said:

BTW this usually happened with NA players I feel. EU players use much less VOIP probably because of the language "barrier" (I currently live in EU).

I'd concur with this too. Wiki says we have 24 official languages here in Europe.

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