Wolfways, on 30 November 2017 - 08:50 PM, said:
I don't use big alpha builds, and don't see that many who do in QP, but lights are a PITA to kill and they are very often amongst the high damage dealers.
"Very often" is an exaggeration, and if lights are among the high damage dealers it's mostly because the few people who chose to pilot them on a regular basis usually know what they are doing. Those who don't die and die quickly. There is a reason why light Mechs are the least played weight class.
You also seem to forget that lights are not the only class capable of equipping a bigger engine. For other classes however this is a bonus, sometimes not even neccessary, although most do it anyway. A light with a stock engine on the other hand is dead meat, simple as that. Even the Clan Adder and Cougar - which are not really slow by overall standards and mount the high survivability cXL - rank among the bad lights because of their 'small' engines.
Lastly, as a dedicated pilot of mediums (with some experience on lights, too) I have to say that lights don't make mediums obsolete at all. If anything faster and lighter mediums like Assassin and Artic Wolf take traditional light roles.
Again it must be stressed lights are the least played weight class. And that's certainly not because our community is so damn noble that it refuses to play a good class of Mechs.