I'm curious what people would like to see in future mech packs? What should each pack be called?
The first thing some of you may notice is a lack of some of your favorite mechs. You find yourself asking "why did you not include [insert favorite mech name here] in your poll?" Well, I'll tell you.
I selected mechs on certain criteria
1) They had to of had an official production year of 3052 or before since PGI stated that 3052 is about as far as they are looking for inspiration right now. I know some mechs you want to justify had prototypes running around before this deadline but if their official mass production year was later I left them off the list
2) They cannot be referred to as "extinct" by 3052. If the source material says they went extinct during the succession wars it didn't make the list. If the source material says it was extremely rare or only existed in a Comstar vault, I still included it
3) They had to of had at least 3 variants with existing MWO and time period appropriate tech or easily altered variant (what they did with the Orion protector)
4) No quad or LAM mechs made the list.
5) There is only one IS Omnimech in production within this time frame and I left it off on the thought of a future all IS Omnimech pack might be a thing and that it would more appropriate for it.
6) I included unseen mechs because PGI already has some in the game and seem to not mind changing things enough to get around licensing issues/concerns
If I left off one that still fits within the criteria please list it and I'll add it to the polls.
Otherwise please vote and discuss!!
Fell free to look up any mech you have never heard of on
Edit-Added suggested choice to last question
Edit - removed the robotics/macross unseen mechs as I previously did not understand how they differed from other unseen mechs
Edit - changed criteria 3 with consideration of some choices PGI had made in the past I was unaware of at time of making this post
Edit - removed all unseen mechs as it was stated that PGI would not be revisiting that controversy and did not want them taking votes away from more likely options
Edited by Smell Da Glove, 09 April 2015 - 12:21 PM.