The only circumstance where nerfing the stalker would make sense is if they did a big blanket nerf to all the top mechs at once, inner sphere and clan, otherwise all you are doing is giving the already dominant clan builds even more of a lead.
As for my reasoning for this, I play both IS and clan mechs a lot, when looking at my stats I found that my Stormcrow/Hellbringer stats were right up there with my Pre-nerf wolverene-6k stats (I don't play the timber a lot). To reiterate, the stormcrow is as powerful as the Wolverene-6K and they nerfed that to hell and back, why haven't they nerfed the Stormcrow when it's easily as powerful as something else they considered OP?
Edited by washout, 04 April 2015 - 01:32 PM.