luxebo, on 06 April 2015 - 08:32 PM, said:
Theres clearly a Catapult and Nova, along with very similar looking mechs shown in the links I had earlier. That game makes me want to hurl in how similar it is. Too similar.
I disagree, the 'Mechs aren't
that similar. I had a look through your links, and most look comparatively original for the mecha design field as it stands these days. Not as original (or radical, at least) as some of Hawken's designs, but certainly within the norm. The Catapult-like 'Mech (the Dread) isn't any more close that it is to a Mad Cat, or an Excelsior or Sovereign from Reaper Miniatures CAV tabletop game.
The Timber Wolf in the advert, though, is indeed dead-on, but that's not necessarily a thing the game devs have done themselves. Earlier, MWO inadvertently ripped off the art of well known BattleTech artist Shimmering Sword, because they had outsourced their advertising to a third party, and that party in turn figured it was perfectly fine to steal images wholesale from the internet.
I'm not saying it's a great game or anything, or even that they've spent a lot of time developing distinct and unique designs, but the designs to me look fair generic mecha, not purposeful rip-offs of the BattleTech franchise.