ShinVector, on 17 April 2015 - 11:00 AM, said:
12 Seconds.... From whats that !?
The funny part is the second alpha you lost the lock and the ssrms followed the spider anyway. not to say that this would have saved him, since you got the lock back, but then well he would have been around of the corner and radar derp would have caused tracklose. So in the end he died, because the dice didn't liked the spider and both salvos shot his back. this was 60 damage to 7 parts - so somwhat 8 damage the first time rip of the rear armor and kill the internals the second time. But jeah hail the ssrm - i just thought a second what you have done to a battlemaster or banshee coming out of the tunnel instead of the spider when you were all alone there.
This thread runs from one extreme to the other, without coming to anything - while at least the most have the same conclusion - situational well but not op or something like the OP means.
Edited by Kuritaclan, 17 April 2015 - 01:57 PM.