As I understood it PGI are doing something along these lines, but more advanced and probably using game metrics as input... so they have a good chance to get better quality of input, but what I am curious if they intend to attempt this without any subjective input at all?
As I remember this, it would be really hard to catch a some things by objective numbers that can be extracted in a simple way, like:
- Heat efficiency. This will depend on lots of factors. XL engine vs geometry, Hardpoint distribution vs viable builds, # truedubs etc. Not straightforward to say if a mech is heat efficient or not without deciding which build you are going for...
- Hardpoints. The number and placement of hardpoints is one thing... but how viable are available asymmetric builds actually? The type of hardpoints vs the weight of the mech. How many of the hardpoints are placed high, does that reach the critical mass vs chassi? For example, for a heavy it can be enough with 2x B, for a light that would be useless, while it would need a critical mass of 3-4E clan mech and 5-6E for an IS mech....
I am sure there are plenty plenty more of those.
Any speculations?
Original OP:
Was a little bored so I made a very simple model to describe mech tiers. There are still subjective parameters, that's unavoidable, but I tried to do this with as little bias as possible.
I have finished tweaking the weight now to the point where I think it won't get much better, a model like this has it's limitations and I think I have reached them. Before I post the last graphs below I'll fill in some of the missing information i the OP about the method used.
- Hardpoint capacity (1-5): The total number of hardpoints and type. Score was given relative to class so that for example ballistic hardpoints for lights scored low, AC20 capability gave a small bonus.
- Hardpoint locality (1-5): The distribution and position of the main weaponry hardpoints. Here high mounts and possibility for asymmetric builds would score high, main weaponry on arms would score low.
- Armor (1-5): More or less spread even between score 5 to 1 within each weight class
- Hitboxes (1-5): Here I tried to make this value reflect durability in terms of hitbox design as well as mech size. For example Spider, Stalker and Atlas would all score high, but for different reasons. Spider because of being generally thin and ghosty, Stalker for having a small CT and STD engine and Atlas for having very well proportioned hitboxes and big arms allowing it to roll and shield damage really well.
- ECM mod (flag): Self explanatory
- JJ mod (flag): Self explanatory
- Clan XL (flag): Self explanatory
- Engine mod (-0.5 to -2): Being locked/restricted to a too small engine. Applied for example to Adder, Kitfox and Direwolf.
- Off quirks (0 to 1.5): subjective estimate of how many tiers of offense quirks add to the offensive metascore. Guideline here was that heat efficiency quirks would score high, a 10% heat bonus would give 0.5 etc. Cooldown of main weaponry would score higher than range/velocity in most cases (not ERPPC for example)
- Def quirks (0 to 1): subjective estimate of how many tiers of defensive quirks add to the defensive metascore. This would include armor, structure, agility and speed. Torso generally rated higher than arms/legs unless for a light with leg problems.
The input was combined into two meta scores, one for offensive capability and one for defensive capability. W = weighting.
Off. meta score = (W x Hardpoints capacity + (1-W) x Hardpoints locality) + Off. quirks
Def. meta score = (W x Armor + (1-W) x Hitboxes) + Engine handicap + W x JJ + W x ECM + Def. quirks
Tier = 6 - (W x Off. meta score + (1-W) x Def. meta score)
Lights: JJ=0.75, Hardpoints=0.50, ECM=1, Clantech=2.0, Hitboxes=0.75, Offense=0.5
Mediums: JJ=0.50, Hardpoints=0.75, ECM=1, Clantech=1.5, Hitboxes=0.75, Offense=0.6
Heavy: JJ=0.25, Hardpoints=0.75, ECM=1, Clantech=1.5, Hitboxes=0.75, Offense=0.64
Assault: JJ=0.10, Hardpoints=0.75, ECM=1, Clantech=1.5, Hitboxes=0.75, Offense=0.66
There's a bit of trial and error to arrive at these weightings, but I can sort of see some logic in what I ended up with. For example, JJ being more important for lights since they actually jump instead of hovering. Hardpoints locality being less important for lights than for larger mechs since they are so fast they have less need for ridge humping. Clantech being more important for lights because light weapon allow more firepower, while for bigger mechs it becomes less important because of heat. Offense gets relatively more important that defense the bigger you are could also make sense because of the lower agility and speed. If you are slow and get hit it's perhaps more likely that your tank won't save you. These could be discussed til the end of the world, but I think these does the job quite alright.
The graphs:

Conclusion: I put this together just for fun, and I must say that it has given a result that I think is more consistent than I had expected. I will now try the predictive power of is to guesstimate the Tiers of the upcoming Wave III mechs, and perhaps also to predict the size of quirks needed to move one of the worst mech to a solid Tier 2.0.
Clan Wave III prediciton:
Input: Hardpoints capacity=5, hardpoints locality=4, armor=4, hitboxes=3, ecm, jj, clantech
Output: Tier 0.3
Comments: Hardpoints are excellent, locality looks very good too with 3E in the torsi, went modestly with a 3 on hitboxes and still end up with a better score than any other Light in the game.
Input: Hardpoints capacity=3, hardpoints locality=4, armor=2, hitboxes=3, ecm, jj, clantech
Output:Tier 1.5
Comment: Again, excellent hardpoint locality, could be a 5:er from the looks of concept art. Went conservative with a 4 and a 3 for capacity. If hardpoints are as good as concept or if hitboxes are above average though, this quickly turns below Tier 1.0 so there is lots of potential.
Input: Hardpoints capacity=5, hardpoints locality=5, armor=3, hitboxes=3, clantech
Output: Tier 1.2
Comment: Again, awesome hardpoints, here I went all in with 5/5 for hardpoints, medium armor and hitboxes and end up with a Tier just behind Hellbringers. If hitboxes are above average we may have another winner.
Input: Hardpoints capacity=4, hardpoints locality=2, armor=5, hitboxes=4, clantech
Output:Tier 2.4
Comment: Hardpoints come in plenty, but limited podspace, so a 4. Locality down to 2, majority of E hardpoints in the arms and they look really low slung like the Gargoyle. Gave it 5 armor and good hitboxes assuming they will be similar to the Gargoyles. All in all an average mech, right among the Gargoyles. The 3 nipple-E's may help quite a bit, but I still think that PGI could safely ship this guy with some decent quirks.
All in all, looking forward to Wave III. If you didn't buy it already, order today!

DRG-5N rescue: Model concludes it can't be done. It can be put on the 1N level by giving it similar level of AC/2 quirks but that's about it. Even then, it could safely receive more armor/agility and would still not break the game in any way.
//Below is the original OP:
The model is very straightforward, I've given each variant a score for: Hardpoint capacity (including podspace for clams), Hardpoint locality (height and asymmetry), Armor, Hitboxes, Offense quirks and Defense quirks. I then also added flags for JJ, ECM and clan xl engine. These scores were combined into an offense meta score and a durability meta score, which were then combined into a Tier value. I choose some weights, so I weighted hardpoint locality 3 times more than hardpoint capacity (except for lights), I weighted hitboxes 3 times more than armor and I weighted JJ as 0.25 for assault, 0.5 for heavy, 0.75 for mediums and 1.0 for lights. Mechs with engine restrictions got a handicap. I then mashed it all together. The nice part is that now that I have set it up I can play around with any weightings and scores to improve accuracy.
The results slide:

There are definitely lots of weaknesses in this model, its simple and in some cases rather subjective. I am not sure how to share the input with you but I'll be happy to try. Nevertheless, there are some interesting observations.
I think it visualizes quite nicely that the quirks have really helped some chassi, and the quirked tier-list is much more consistent compared to the unquirked one, and it also shows that there are quite a few variants that are still far behind.
There are a few surprises, or outliers, or shortcomings in the model if you will. I am thinking that speed is under-estimated for lights, and cooling capacity doesn't really go in there at all. Quite possibly clan-tech needs to weighted in more because I think the SCR's are a bit behind, but I think a big contribution to that is the extremely wonky hitboxes and they are hard to describe. The DWF is a bit behind, I am not sure if that is wrong or not... it's not my favorite chassi so I'm fine with it but I guess many will disagree...
Anyways, I think a model like this is a good starting point for balance discussions... so, discuss?
Edited by Duke Nedo, 14 August 2015 - 04:34 AM.