Triordinant, on 14 April 2015 - 06:59 PM, said:
Thanks. So in other words, there was no percentage said.
You DO REALIZE there is a difference between claiming this was said:
When what was really said, is this:
6 or 7 times the number of players in public queue vs. CW queue
And even that's not what was really said, as the person who typed up the Town Hall notes had to paraphrase many of the answers. Here's what Russ really said himself:
But it's consistent, and it's pretty high. It's been consistently, pretty much the same, and even slightly growing since the beginning, so I haven't seen some kind of major dropoff. Obviously when the feature first went out there was a lot of people...every solo player was hitting those queues before we had the queue information, so it was probably a little bit higher right in the first two weeks of community warfare coming out, but otherwise, it's been very consistent.
It's definitely a more hardcore mode, and that could change with introduction of more and more missions in Community Warfare.
Right now it's mostly about 12v12 units, and we certainly have a majority of our players playing in the public queue. Probably could be 6-7 times as many people in the public queue than there is in Community Warfare, and I'm not overly concerned about that at the moment. Again, it's very consistent in Community Warfare. We know who those players are. They're unit players, they're social players. They like playing in big units, they like playing in 12-man units, and competing...they're competitors.
So even though he said there's about 6-7 times as many people in the public queue than there is in Community Warfare, some of those players may still play CW, but simply play the public queue more. All that it really says is that at any given moment, public queue has more activity than CW queue. It absolutely does not correlate in any way, shape, or form, as to which amount of players don't play CW at all.
So your percentage is correct, but your assumption is wrong. For example, what if during the time Russ pulled those statistics I was in a public match? I would be adding to the number of players in the public queue, despite the fact I play CW fairly often. Saying 86.5% of players play ONLY the public queue and don't touch CW is pure, biased speculation, and impossible to determine with the statistics given.