Bill Lumbar, on 17 April 2015 - 05:56 PM, said:
This really is very simple and has been brought up so many times before in many threads.
Well, I think there are a lot of good and simple recipes for improving the game. But I'm not one of the people who is very optimistic about my ability to influence PGI's decisions. After thousands of posts and God knows how many hours spent on this forum, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the result of all my involvement in discussion, all my creative ideas and suggestions, all my constructive criticism... was zero. I think I would be more surprised to find out that I actually had an impact on the game.
Hence my decision to stop attempting to communicate with PGI through the forums . It doesn't seem to be working at all. And I'm not going to attempt any kind of Twitter dialogue either.
Deathlike, on 17 April 2015 - 05:53 PM, said:
I don't think chastising players really helps in the cause. People will put in the money that they feel they need to... for whatever the reason. It's their decision, and if they don't feel the game is worth putting in a dime for... well PGI probably didn't do a good enough job to convince them... or that they are satisfied with their experience "as is".
Although, it is amusing sometimes to poke a little fun @ the gold mech owners.
You may be right. But ultimately, I think the P2W model has something in common with the "name your price" model that a lot of artists are using, including game developers. Like when Radiohead released
In Rainbows and just let everyone pay whatever they wanted for the album. In principle, no one was obliged to pay anything. But morally, I take issue with people who have the ability to pay, who derive a lot of pleasure from a product, and decide not to give anything back.
Of course, even if you were to grant that such behaviour is wrong (which you may still disagree with), that doesn't necessarily mean that it's constructive to chastize those people. But I figure it's worth a shot, when the opportunity presents itself
Deathlike, on 17 April 2015 - 05:53 PM, said:
Sure, but at this point... the merits don't always need to be debated... but a reminder is necessary instead of just throwing money and hoping things resolves themselves... as people seem to think sometimes that will somehow get the game that they have been asking for..
Rebas Kradd, on 17 April 2015 - 05:42 PM, said:
Alastair, I agree that our wallets are our ballots; I just have to take issue with the things you find a priority.
Give people fun, varied, and interesting game modes, and watch every other issue dwindle into a manageable nuisance.
Oh, I'm not going to argue against that. Like I said in the OP, people may disagree about what's most important. I merely picked the issue of graphics and sound because it's been something of a hot topic lately and a lot of people have been vocal about their discontent. So my question is "Well, what are you going to do about it?". The forum circlejerks are fun, but I'm not sure they actually accomplish anything.
I've written much and often about MWO's gamemodes and how I'd like PGI to imitate other popular game modes instead of trying (and IMHO, failing) to come up with entirely new ones. On a positive note, Russ says a 4th game mode is planned for public queue. On a negative note, it doesn't sound like we're going to see it in 2015. Maybe the game will be 4 years old by the time we see that 4th game mode.
For me personally, the stuff I want most from MWO is apparently planned anyway. I've always said that I'd pay for PVE and Solaris, and Russ is saying that it's coming in the future. When it's here, I'll probably pay for it.