Shiro Kell, on 18 April 2015 - 05:06 AM, said:
Ok my OCD is giving me a thing behind my eye, so I'm going to be "That Guy" and correct a few things...
Quoting the InnerSphere News original post...
In BattleTech lore, the Battle of Tukayyid was a massive campaign that pit the combined forces of the invading Clans against the entirety of the Inner Sphere.
-, it was a series of staged battles fought between twenty-five Galaxies of Clan forces and Twelve armies of ComStar's Com Guards.
Right. They should have at least mentioned the ComGuards, quiaff?
However, it was a campaign on its own right; battles were not staged in the sense that the location of the engagement was previously agreed upon and logistics and supplies played a vital part; the main reason the Clans lost is because their forces are not used to long campaigns vs short and brutal engagements.
ComStar challenged the Clan forces to a 'batchall': a ritualistic trial of combat
- urgh...The batchall is the ritualistic challenge of combat issued by Clan warriors. It almost always involves the attacker announcing to the defender their identity and size of their forces, the objective of their challenge, and a request for what forces will oppose them. The defender then responds by identifying what military forces they intend to use to defend the objective and may choose the battlefield the challenge will take place on. The actual combat, in this case, was a Trial of Posession with Terra being the prize.
Right. I would have mentioned Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht bargaining with IlKhan Urlic Kerensky for the conditions of said Trial.. Since we are talking about BT lore and not MWO's rewritten history.
If the Clans achieved victory under the stated terms, they would claim Terra without ever needing to step foot on its soil.
- Ok, technically this should read, If the majority of these targets were conquered by the Clans then Terra would be allowed to fall into which ever clan could advance to it first.
Indeed. It sounds like the Clans would claim Terra and just go away without even landing on it
GG PGI lol.
I think Niko Snow would have written a slightly better description
Edited by CyclonerM, 18 April 2015 - 05:34 AM.