Posted 05 May 2015 - 12:05 PM
Отсортировано по вин/матчи:
EmpyreaL EmP 93,7%
Steel JaguaR SJR 92,9%
Kell's Commandos KCom 92,6%
White Death Mercenary Company WDMC 90,9%
North Kurita NKVA 90,5%
EmpyreaL EmP 89,7%
Varangian Guard VRGD 87,7%
Battle Magic Mercenary Unit BMMU 87,6%
228th IBR 228 87,5%
RageQuit Mercenary Corporation QQ 84,6%
Russian Clan Wolf RCW 83,5%
Black Spikes BSMC 81,5%
Night's Scorn NS 79,9%
Antares Scorpions AS 78,9%
Mercstar -MS- 78,3%
Black Hawk Mercenaries BHM 77,4%
KFC KFC 77,4%
House of Lords Lord 77,2%
331st RBMD-The Minnesota Tribe-EU 331 76,9%
Falcon Guards International FGI 75,9%
313th Czechoslovak Mech Company 313t 75,4%
Clan Smoke Jaguar Competitive CSJx 74,9%
Clan Jade Falcon Prime JFP 74,6%
Smoking J's 4 20 74,6%
Black Outlaws Mercenary Company -BO- 74,0%
Outer Heaven -OH- 73,4%
TooL TooL 72,6%
Death Watch -DW- 72,1%
Old Dragon Battle Group OLD 71,9%
Russian Clan Ghost Bear RCGB 71,3%
Clan Kodiak CK 70,4%
Phoenix Legion PHL 70,4%
Smoke Adders -SA- 69,6%
Tikonov Commonality Armed Forces TCAF 69,0%
The Remnant REM 68,3%
12th Donegal Guards Battle Group 12DG 67,9%
T A M A R - J A E G E R DE -TJ- 67,8%
Restless Adders (RA) 67,6%
1st Grunwald Iron Fist Regiment GIFR 67,3%
Clan Ghost Bear International CGBI 66,5%
1. Kampfkompanie Franken KKF 66,5%
Clan Nova Cat International CNCI 66,3%
Russian Death Legion RDL 66,1%
SexGamesAndRocknRoll ORCS 65,2%
Clan Wolf - Germany CWG 65,0%
Battle Clam Invasion BCLI 64,8%
Aseveljet ASE 64,6%
57th Squadron 57th 64,1%
Clan Wolf Delta Galaxy Competitive CWDG 63,9%
Eridani Light Pony ELP 63,9%
Ultima Ratio UR 63,2%
Clan Wolf - International CWI 63,0%
Black Hawk Mercenaries BHM 62,1%
Clan Blood Spirit Galaxy CBSG 61,7%
The Prismatic Hydra Initiative PHI 61,4%
Berserker BSK 61,4%
German Clan Ghost Bear GCGB 61,4%
Baltic Battalion -BB- 61,2%
1st Midnight Pride MP 61,0%
5th Falcon Dragoons 5FD 61,0%
Hanseatic League of Free Mercs MERC 60,9%
The BlackWatch Mercenaries TBW 60,9%
3rd Takata Lancers 3TL 60,8%
Cameron's Highlanders CH 60,0%
66th Avalon Hussars 66AH 60,0%
Isumi's Valkyries A-01 59,5%
9th Sword of the Dragon 9SD 59,3%
DudesClub Dude 59,2%
Legio XIII 13L 59,0%
4th Regulan Hussars To the Knife TTK 58,5%
Russian Clan Jade Falcon RJF 58,3%
Metal Shape MS 58,3%
Black Sheep Mercs BSM 58,0%
RavenWood RWD 57,9%
2323 Reggies 2323 57,7%
PUGS United PUGS 56,7%
Armored Combat Escalation Service ACES 56,3%
Russian Expertise ReX 56,2%
Brotherhood of Steel BoS 55,7%
1st Blue Vengeance Naglfars Journey BVNJ 55,5%
6th Rangers Night Talons 6RNT 55,3%
The Librarians LIB 54,9%
140th Ghost Bear Striker Cluster BEAR 54,9%
Just a bunch of Falcons CAST 54,7%
Black Widow Company Veteran Mercs BWC 54,7%
Old Fanged Farts OFF 54,6%
Russian Eridani Light Horse ELH 54,4%
SilverGryphons BURD 54,1%
Skye Rangers of Terra SRoT 53,8%
36th Dierons The Hungry Ghosts 36th 53,6%
9th Blood and Fire 9th 53,4%
Comstar Irregulars CI 53,2%
Star Wolves SWOL 52,8%
Red Border RDBR 52,8%
Mean and Green LlAO 52,4%
The Templars - T 52,4%
Phoenix Company PC 52,4%
Marine-Mechs MM 51,9%
Golden Keshik Gaming -GK- 51,7%
267th Battle Cluster 267 51,6%
Lord Marik's Associated Officers LMAO 51,6%
Robinson Rangers Brigade RRB 51,4%
The Crows CROW 51,1%
Diamond Shiver DSx 51,1%
Shadow Hounds KH 51,1%
HH Phoenix Guard HHPG 50,7%
Sputnik Military Corporation SMC. 50,5%
Sons of Odin -S0- 49,7%
1st Rasalhague Dragonregimente 1RDR 49,6%
31st Hussar Regiment 31HR 49,2%
QueenAnnsRevenge QAR 49,1%
Harloc Raiders - Irregulars HR-I 49,0%
1st Free Worlds Guards - Eagles 1FWG 48,9%
WordBearers WB 48,9%
WidowMakers CWM 48,3%
Ironclads IRN 48,0%
Kong Interstellar Security KONG 47,8%
Dropship 5 DS5 47,7%
Black Tigers BTgr 47,6%
The Skjaldborg SoR 47,6%
CSJ - 1st Jaguar Guards JGx 47,6%
Roaming Orbital Armors Regiment ROAR 47,5%
201st Strykers 201 47,5%
Mordian Ironguard 39th 47,1%
Isengrim ISEN 47,1%
Eclipse Mercenary Corps EMC 46,9%
Southern Cross Alliance SCA 46,9%
Five Finger Adz Punch FFAP 46,9%
362nd Assault Cluster 362 46,9%
Red Shadows Mercenary Unit -RS- 46,6%
Dire Wolves Alpha Regiment DWAR 46,5%
11th Legion Vega Sumpfratten 11th 46,4%
Paragon Sect -PS- 46,2%
Oceanic Merc Clanners OMCX 46,1%
19th striker (GER Smoke Jaguars) 19th 46,1%
22nd Argyle Lancers 22AL 46,0%
Eagle's Claw ECMM 45,9%
Davion Royal House Guards DRHG 45,8%
Praetorian Legion PL 45,7%
Giant Stompy Robots GSR 45,4%
Oosik Irregulars OOSK 45,4%
BattleLoaders 88BL 45,3%
Alpenkasperl ALP 44,9%
Exiled Wolves of Lord Fenris XWLF 44,8%
Russian Steel Viper Clan RSV 44,7%
Elite Squad Kiel ESK 44,7%
256th Bear Cavalry 256 44,7%
Heavy Rocco Seals HRS 44,6%
Canadian Expeditionary Force CEF 44,3%
DarkStar Alliance DSA 44,1%
The Aeon AEON 44,1%
4thRCT 4RCT 43,8%
Goliath Scorpion International CGSI 43,6%
Carrion Crows MRDR 43,4%
Clan Wolverine in Exile WV 43,4%
Iron Fist Syndicate IFS 43,1%
Rabtar's Raiders RBRD 43,1%
Russian Clan Diamond Shark RDS 43,0%
Coalition Of Greatness 1COG 42,9%
New Texas NTEX 42,9%
OmniCorp OCP 42,7%
Devil Dogs DOGS 42,7%
Australasian Royal Mechanised Div. ARMD 42,6%
Clan Jade Falcon Outcasts JFO 42,5%
4th Tau Ceti Rangers - Orks Hussars 4TCR 42,4%
122nd Fireforce Infantry FFI 42,4%
Blackthornes Dragoons BTD 42,1%
Warpigs Mercenary Company WMC 41,8%
Tercio Viejo de Loeches TVL 41,6%
Hussar Remnants 1stH 41,6%
Marik Gunfighter Alliance MGA 41,5%
Ninja Turtles NT 41,5%
Black Widows -BW- 41,5%
Iron Serpent IR0N 41,4%
HeadHunters of Davion HHoD 41,3%
Aces Wild AW 41,1%
Marik Republican Roughriders MRR 41,0%
Brasty's Hell Hounds BHH 41,0%
Blutige Templer BT 40,9%
Legion of Phobos LoP 40,7%
Death's Hand Brigade DHB 40,4%
Apache Division - 6thRCT 6RCT 40,4%
Gyrfalcon Striker Cluster GFSC 40,2%
Ghost Bear GHBE 40,1%
Arkab Legions Expeditionary Force ARKB 40,0%
2nd Falcon Guards 2FG 39,8%
Alpha Legion A 39,5%
Ghost Bear Kodiak CBK 39,2%
10th Solaris Rangers 10SR 38,9%
Phoenix Crusader International PCI 38,8%
Genesis GEN 38,4%
Apocalypse Lancers APOC 38,4%
5th Regimental Combat Team 5RCT 38,3%
1st Crucis Recon 1CR 37,9%
- Wolf Dragoner - 'WD' 37,8%
The Older Gamers TOG 37,4%
Hungarian Radical Prowler Group HRPG 37,0%
The Beer Warriors BEER 36,9%
Seraphim Regiment SRPH 36,8%
The Omega Space Ostriches OSOs 36,7%
Obsidian Pugs -OP- 36,5%
House Jurai HJ 36,4%
The Lazy B-tards TLBT 36,2%
C4 C4 36,1%
GermanSpecialGroup-9 GSG9 36,1%
Murderface (MF) 35,7%
Phoenix Dominion PhD 35,7%
Cobra Command CbR1 35,5%
Grog Corps GROG 35,4%
DrunkShip and Co D'Co 35,2%
Strata Merc Corp SMC 34,8%
Les Snorkies snks 34,4%
White tigers (WT) 34,2%
Team Cortez Mercenary Corps TCMC 33,9%
Clan Guardian Rebels CGR 33,9%
rumb rumb 33,3%
Twisted Metal TMTL 33,1%
Brotherhood of Randiest BoR 32,8%
New Texas NTEX 32,7%
Grendel's Blue Star Irregulars BSI 32,7%
Laser Therapy LzT 32,5%
Cloud Cobra 77th Assault Cluster 77AC 32,4%
Pleiades Mobile Patriots PMP 30,9%
SchorleHeadz SHZ 30,4%
The Forlorn Hope FLH 30,2%
Hackworth's Rangers HACK 30,2%
The Brethren TBRN 30,1%
Clan BattleHammer CLAN 30,1%
BismarkAD B776 28,8%
Gatekeepers Battalion HLGK 28,8%
Blood Pearls BP 28,0%
Tyrfing Irregulars TYRI 27,6%
Larin Janglemanglet LARI 27,4%
Mat-Tsu-Kai WHM 26,7%
The Art of Warfare TAW 26,6%
The Five Deadly Venoms 5th Cavalry TFDV 26,1%
Rim Worlds Rangers RWR 25,3%
The Cadre BOSS 25,2%
Clan ExV ExV 24,8%