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Additional Tonnage Quirk? For Mechs That Need Just Abit More!

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#1 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 08:32 PM

ive done allot of Digging and math,
and here's what ive come up with,

=10Minium HeatSinks for Lights=

Andi Nagasia said:

Commando and Locust are hurt by this,
as both could be well with 3-4 more tons,
as both really dont have a Ton of options,
so needing extra Tons to be Viable!


Andi Nagasia said:

UrbanMech stock Engine= STD60
weight(-2.5Tons)Internal HeatSinks(2),
so again needing extra Tons,... Tons to be Viable!

=Endo for Clan Omni's=

Andi Nagasia said:

-Possible Fixed Endo Locations-
NVA+2.5= 1HD(-), 1STs(-1DHS of Space in STs), 2Arms(no UAC20)
HBR+3= 1CT(-), 3STs(no UAC20 & limiting DHS&Ammo to Arms&Legs),
DWF+5= 1CT(no LPL/PPC in CT), 3STs(no UAC20/Gauss in STs),
All these Locations can be changed for Balance if needed!
-Because the Below Mechs have Ferro-
MDD(8.5Tons of Armor)= -Ferro(-1Ton) +Endo(+3tons)= +2Tons After Switch,
SMN(9.5Tons of Armor)=-Ferro(-1.25Ton) +Endo(+3.5tons)= +2.25Tons After Switch,
GAR(11Tons of Armor)= -Ferro(-1.5Ton) +Endo(+4tons)= +2.5Tons After Switch,
WHK(14Tons of Armor)= -Ferro(-1.75Ton) +Endo(+4tons)= +2.25Tons After Switch,
Assuming a Ferro to Endo Switch is allowed with these mechs,
most feel this would help but its only roughly adding 2Tons!

=Lack of Tonnage and use for IS Omni's=

Andi Nagasia said:

-Possible Up in Coming IS-Omni-Mechs-
most are worried they dont have enough Tons to be Viable!

so since we are on a Quirk RollerCoaster,
and PGI has Thought that Maybe Mechs should get Quirks to give more ammo,
Why not make a Quirk to give Bonus(Extra) Tonnage to play around with?

just think a (+2Ton)Quirk could really help a Commando or Locust,
and as its unlikely that Endo/JJ will be unlocked for Omni's this could help there as well,

Thoughts Comments Concerns?

Edit- Spelling

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 22 April 2015 - 08:44 PM.

#2 FupDup


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Posted 22 April 2015 - 08:48 PM

For little mechs like the Commando, a good way to give them "more tonnage" without literally giving them Ghost Tonnage would be to integrate all 10 base heatsinks into the engine. This means you'd no longer have to spend 9-12 critical slots on external heatsinks, which would let you equip FF armor (in addition to Endo) for some minor weight savings.

The improved cooling of 2.0 engine Trudubs over 1.4 Poordubs would also in way give you "free heatsinks" (well, more like the heatsinks that every other mech gets to enjoy) due to that higher efficiency.

Weapon quirks can also be used as a more indirect form of "Ghost Tonnage." For example, you could give Commandos a massively tighter missile spread quirk, which would essentially give Commies access to weightless/slotless free Artemis.

Literally giving some mechs "extra tonnage" out of completely nowhere is something that even Space Magic has a hard time with. Weapon/armor quirks at least have some reasoning behind them. If we're really worried about mechs like the Owens and Strider, I'd honestly just want to have PGI create their own non-canon "Mk II" versions that have somewhat more min-maxed base chassis (i.e. XL for the Strider, remove CASE from Strider, DHS for both of them, etc.).

Edited by FupDup, 22 April 2015 - 08:54 PM.

#3 Lily from animove


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Posted 22 April 2015 - 11:57 PM

yes true, the best "quirk" would be buffing those with a fixed additional heatsink, like heat dissipation +1.2

#4 GreyNovember


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:32 AM

With regards to lights and min heat sinks, why not just buff their HS by default?

Justify it with smaller volume and mass, making their heat sinks more effective than if they were on, say, an atlas.

#5 Leone


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:55 AM

Okay, something you failed to notice, but both of those are IS mechs.

This means of course, they have tons of tonnage options. Endosteel is pretty much a gimme. Might as well take Double heat sinks, and then just rip out the engine, and add what weapons you want and armour you feel you need, and then live with whatever speed you can manage.

If you want to play a medium, drop in a medium, or live with moving like one but with half the armour.

~Leone, Raid Leader of the Crimson Hand.

Edited by Leone, 23 April 2015 - 01:01 AM.

#6 SirSlaughter


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:04 AM

Just NO

#7 Nothing Whatsoever


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:44 AM

With Commandos and the Missile Locusts, they can fit a fine amount of weapons, but the main problems is that missiles are too slow and spread. A secondary issue is with our Rate of Fire being so high, that we also generate, much more heat in the process, So only the 1V Locust could argue that less HS is a good idea, but with how poorly MG's perform on average I would rather keep 10 HS min and stick in a bigger laser.

So what I would give the missile variants is missile velocity boosts and tighter spread.

Globally raising SRM ammo to 120 missiles, from 100 is another boost that helps out too.

Then add some armor and structure quirks like the 3V introduced to aid mech geometry / hitbox issues.

Then I'd rather just fix the Heat System so that SHS can at least function, than mess around with Endo, no Endo more tonnage freebees.

Since more weapons and other goodies are around the corner and we need to adjust an important part of MWO's foundation.

I'd really like to test out having a set Heat Capacity at 30 for all mechs, have HS no longer modifiy Heat Threshold and then boost up Dissipation to be closer to our Rate of Fire.

Otherwise, reduce the gifted 30 Threshold to 15 to at least match the original scale (of 0 to 14 for Shutdown), make external DHS true dubs, and have Mech Tree Efficiencies that include Cool Run and Heat Contain disappear.

And I'm all for adjusting what Mech XP and GXP do to allow other sorts of unique unlocks, with more that do not impact match performance, while also expanding Modules, and Module types so that we have a different sort of dynamic customization available.

#8 Brizna


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 02:36 AM

Great idea I always wanted to run 2AC20+4ERPPC Pirate's Bane :P

Seriously now, the extra weight is a crazy idea in a territory better not to be threaded, at most I'd give some ultra light mech variants that rely on ammo some kind of ammo efficiency quirks, so they can make better use of those missile hard points.

#9 tangles 253


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 03:30 AM

ha, no.

#10 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 03:36 AM

Posted Image

#11 EvilCow


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 03:41 AM

Let's make this boat sink faster into the ocean of silliness.

#12 ZhaLinth


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:36 AM

Tonnage quirks? Sure, would love to see em.
But only as dropship tonnage to make the underperformers more viable for CW.

#13 Decadre


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:00 AM

Sure, as long as your happy with a Shock Absorbance and Speed Penalty

#14 zagibu


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:33 AM

Soon they will implement a quirk gun that removes a random quirk on the target that has been hit. Also, buffs. Wolverine roar, if you are closeby, weapon range -20% but weapon damage +50%. Timberwolf howl, all enemies in close range automatically power down.
And then they will implement lock boxes.

#15 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:35 AM

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 22 April 2015 - 08:32 PM, said:

ive done allot of Digging and math,
and here's what ive come up with,

=10Minium HeatSinks for Lights=
so needing extra Tons to be Viable!

so again needing extra Tons,... Tons to be Viable!

=Endo for Clan Omni's=
most feel this would help but its only roughly adding 2Tons!

=Lack of Tonnage and use for IS Omni's=
most are worried they dont have enough Tons to be Viable!

so since we are on a Quirk RollerCoaster,
and PGI has Thought that Maybe Mechs should get Quirks to give more ammo,
Why not make a Quirk to give Bonus(Extra) Tonnage to play around with?

just think a (+2Ton)Quirk could really help a Commando or Locust,
and as its unlikely that Endo/JJ will be unlocked for Omni's this could help there as well,

Thoughts Comments Concerns?

Edit- Spelling

If they had extra tonnage they wouldn't be what they are! Folks need to stop trying to make mechs MORE than what they are or can be.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 23 April 2015 - 08:36 AM.

#16 Almond Brown


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:36 AM

That Slope? It be a very slippery one. Tread very lightly, lest you fall to your doom. :)

#17 EvilCow


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:37 AM

View PostAlmond Brown, on 23 April 2015 - 08:36 AM, said:

That Slope? It be a very slippery one. Tread very lightly, lest you fall to your doom. :)

This game already slipped on that slippery slope.

#18 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 23 April 2015 - 03:09 PM

so i guess this concludes my Bad Idea for the Week? :)

#19 Repasy Cooper


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 03:17 PM

It just won't happen. If they implemented this they'd lose the respect of every battletech/mechwarrior fan forever (successfully killing an entire franchise), and their player base would instantly plummet.

Same goes for quirks to hold more ammo. They already increased the ammo yield per ton for several weapons.

These ideas would make that quirk roller coaster fly off the rails into deep space. I would jump off and not look back.

Edited by Repasy, 23 April 2015 - 03:17 PM.

#20 Nean


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:08 PM

View Postzagibu, on 23 April 2015 - 08:33 AM, said:

Soon they will implement a quirk gun that removes a random quirk on the target that has been hit. Also, buffs. Wolverine roar, if you are closeby, weapon range -20% but weapon damage +50%. Timberwolf howl, all enemies in close range automatically power down.
And then they will implement lock boxes.

That will be pretty dumb.

And by the way not to crush your dreams, but It ain't gonna happen.

View PostRepasy, on 23 April 2015 - 03:17 PM, said:

It just won't happen. If they implemented this they'd lose the respect of every battletech/mechwarrior fan forever (successfully killing an entire franchise), and their player base would instantly plummet.

Same goes for quirks to hold more ammo. They already increased the ammo yield per ton for several weapons.

These ideas would make that quirk roller coaster fly off the rails into deep space. I would jump off and not look back.

I think he is very right about this.

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