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Battle Of Tukayyid Full Event Details!

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#461 Krellshand


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 04:48 AM

View PostMGA121285, on 26 April 2015 - 12:19 AM, said:

30+ mins in queue to get stomped with 74 pts. Great event PGI.

P.S. CW as it is unplayble for IS PUGs. Absolutely.

ewww, sorry to say that, but the problem sits in front of th monitor here.

I play IS solo pug and I had not one single game below at least a 120 points - stomps included. If your not able to do 800+ damage and 5 or 6 assist in 4 Mechs, maybe work on your skills and loadouts. I mean, we had 2 LRM Atlases in the lastgame - you drop with sth like that, you dont get **** done in the game.

With the waiting times I agree - they suck

#462 RavensScar


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:08 AM

This is getting insane. I just spent 30 minutes queuing, got to first in the queue, and then got booted back to position 25.

I've tried the LFG tool, but it's completely deserted. So my choices are to spend hours in the Tuk queue, or hours in the LFG queue, then another 15 mins or so getting to the front of the Tuk queue?

I managed to get 4 matches in yesterday - I'd like to get the banner, but even that is looking unlikely.

#463 Asmosis


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:28 AM

View PostKrellshand, on 26 April 2015 - 04:48 AM, said:

ewww, sorry to say that, but the problem sits in front of th monitor here.

I play IS solo pug and I had not one single game below at least a 120 points - stomps included. If your not able to do 800+ damage and 5 or 6 assist in 4 Mechs, maybe work on your skills and loadouts. I mean, we had 2 LRM Atlases in the lastgame - you drop with sth like that, you dont get **** done in the game.

With the waiting times I agree - they suck

last event, vs organized premade 12-man teams quite often half our side would not reach points target. Your quite right, getting 80 points with 4 mechs shouldn't be too hard ... if you get to use them. The problem is you dont vs organized teams you only get to utilize 1 or 2 mechs, the last two die within 5 seconds of their feet hitting the ground.


you know I was just thinking about it, what else takes the same amount of time as this event? a full time job.

Edited by Asmosis, 26 April 2015 - 05:31 AM.

#464 StoneRhino


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:32 AM

View PostTaffer, on 23 April 2015 - 07:59 PM, said:

I don't know why these still shock me. I should fully expect it to always be a ludicrous time sink that's only available for the weekend. Would it be so bad to make events last an entire week?

I don't know if I can do this one. Between rl stuff I need to do and...well other **** I'd rather do, we are talking about CW. You are really making it hard for me to care. By the way, that first reward should be 3 days of premium time, I think you guys accidentally made it something lame.

50 points in cw? over the weekend?
Posted Image

I haven't played MWO in a long time because it felt like a god damn grind to get a new mech, get it so its not a piece of junk, then cbills to upgrade the mech so its not seriously outgunned, then getting bored of said mech by the time I'm half way through upgrading it. Rinse, recycle, repeat.

I heard about the event through a facebook post and thought it sounded fun. I updated the game, which takes way to damn long since planetside 2 has bigger updates and take far less time to get through. I then check out how things work and click the box that pops up about the event. I wait in line, and since I haven't played in a long time and never really ran into people I wanted to really associate with, I'm running solo. 20 minutes roll by, I wonder if perhaps something went wrong so I bail on the queue and try again. Another 20 minutes go by, the queue then does something and resets the clock. I say "**** this **** " and log for the night never getting a chance to drop.

Next day: I log on and try it again and finally get into a cw match. Long ass wait, at least 20 minutes followed by another 10 once the team is assembled. The match takes 30 minutes. I try another round after taking a piss, getting something to drink and snack on since I know I need to dig in for an hour for the match. go through another match, forgot how long it took, we lose IIRC. Then, out of nowhere as if to say " forget this event" my monitor burns out on me. The night is over for me.

I have another backup monitor that takes an hour to dig up and set up. Of course other stuff comes up and I end up losing 4+ hours of the day because someone else is just a lazy ass grouch. I get things set up, set up for another drop. Another 20 minute wait followed by a 25 minute match where we lose because ...I don't know, clans have a huge advantage over the I.S. forces and terrain is sparse leaving I.S. forces completely ******. That match apparently did not count towards my score, which is absolutely awesome since I was doing everything I can to keep my team from falling apart while others just stood around like dopes, but that's cool screw me over for trying, I appreciate it. Stupid scoring system.

I don't even really know where my score is displayed. I know i did hundreds of points of damage, piles of kill assists, a kill perhaps. I know I got hundreds of exp for my mechs, but no apparent score. I know I got screwed over because its been a few hours and my event point count is missing what should have been a point.

Forget the 40 point mech. I know that is out. The lower tier stuff is not something that will make me want to log in more then what I have been feeling for some time. A little banner won't mean anything, especially due to the problem that I am having with getting it.

If I could say that I was at least gunning for a 10 point light mech-special event variant, that would be fine. Yeah, some people get up in arms about someone that isn't constantly dropping cash on what is really just another counter strike dares to say anything other then tons of praise for the game and company, but thats just nonsense. What those fools don't understand is that most of the people that are around are making small purchases to zero purchases. Without those people logging into the game there are fewer people for those that are constantly dropping cash on the game to shoot at. Events such a this would be mostly a ghost town if it wasn't for the free to play players or once in a great while spenders.

Events are nice to have in game. It got me to bother logging in and playing a few matchs. But unless I hear that the next event is completely different then I'll probably not be logging in for that event as I'll expect it to be pie in the sky crazy time sinks that become yet another grind upon a grind.

Also, the cw system sucks for solo players. Serious turn off. This event is geared for those that are a part of a large group. I have seen how large groups operate in other games and I do not have any intention of joining such. This just adds to the feeling of not wanting to log in since its a grind fest that gives zerg groups great benefits while ignoring those that don't like that style of play.

Someone should have actually tried playing a test run of this event so that they know how long it will take and how absurd it is. I'm not talking about the 50 pointer, but what was stated as the main prize for most people.

#465 Bigbacon


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:57 AM

View PostCpt Leonidas, on 26 April 2015 - 04:40 AM, said:

*cough* still in beta *cough*

Keep Calm
pew pew

Seriously...you are still going to let them hide behind the "Beta" being slapped on there??

#466 StoneRhino


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:59 AM

View PostAsmosis, on 26 April 2015 - 05:28 AM, said:

last event, vs organized premade 12-man teams quite often half our side would not reach points target. Your quite right, getting 80 points with 4 mechs shouldn't be too hard ... if you get to use them. The problem is you dont vs organized teams you only get to utilize 1 or 2 mechs, the last two die within 5 seconds of their feet hitting the ground.


you know I was just thinking about it, what else takes the same amount of time as this event? a full time job.

One of the matches that I got into had I.S. forces being shot to pieces in relatively flat terrain. The range of clan lasers and their ability to hit us without us being able to hit them back allowed even those low skilled players to kill us over time. Waving beams around and hitting with just a small fraction sounds pointless until there is 4 or 5 of them coming from a single mech that is firing with impunity.

Of course we had people crying to do something, to rush forward, but that just meant the rest of their team was going to focus fire and kill people in 1s and 2s. Being spawned camped in a game is one thing, but not being able to fight back is another. These maps, they just suck for this event. The standard maps would be fine due to the fair amount of terrain that allows for cover but the ability to use it while fighting instead of just being cover that stops everything including lrms or flat open terrain. theres no balance and without balance I.S. is going to get steamrolled.

As for the individual that was talking about the problem being in front of the monitor and needing to work on their skills, something makes me think that they don't think five feet ahead of themselves. Pub games with pub maps, with pub players is completely different then facing groups of people that play together often, including full companies of them. Its easy to get 120 damage in a pub game where people are far less focused, and good for him, but the way this event is going it seems to be a stalemate until someone screws up or someone gets a serious charge going. That leaves a lot of time in between where people are trying to take a shot at a target that wasn't going to engage. Throw in people that want to get in the way and it gets harder to get shots in until the charge happens. Hopefully you are in your highest dps mech with the most armor or that window is going to close rather fast.

Maybe that player beats up little kids and thinks he should be in the UFC, with that kind of flawed logic.

#467 Ridir Semii


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 06:06 AM

so PGI. do all of these pugs have something in common? yes they do, they are all your customers and part of the "community"

You know which one, the community for community warfare, the one you at PGI have flat said is designed only to work properly for the 12 man groups.... well, that is elitism and if the solo guys are not part of the MW:O community at large, what are they?

I think your event has proven one thing.... regardless of how loyal a customer may be to you, unless he can be in a large premade group, you really don't care about "the little guy"

I would like to say this event has been my only issue with CW to this point, but it is not, I go in occasionally (after each patch) to see how it is working, the fps drop I get in there is rough to deal with, but workable. Again, I have no issues getting in groups, WITHOUT using the apparently broken lfg tool, so I have no problems there... I find the lack of decent mechanics in the game mode to be less than optimal, I find the lack of any kind of real coordination by the players to be just as bad as all the cash-grab, add more crap in but leave the game broken and many times breaking it further with each patch, when was the last time we patched without having a repair patch or hotfix?

I also believe that the quirkening is slowly destroying this game, no I do not feel it will happen immediately, I do feel that it will happen. Why is it that when a few people complain about useless garbage, you will jump on it and fix it, rapid style, but the real issues, balancing the game, fixing movement issues, I am so tired of huge machines of war getting stuck on a slight elevation change... or a pebble, or statues that finally got removed from river city, none of these items will stop my car, how can they stop giant war machines with feet larger than my car?

Take this from a primarily solo (pug) player:

I am a part of this community, stop pushing me away
the guys without the ability or desire to group up are no less a member of the community than I am...
The large premade groups are no more a member of this community than I am...
we are all a part of the MW:O community

Start acting as though your customers (all of them, yes, even the ones who don't pay into the game) actually mattered to you. I went out last night and was asked about this game, I sent several people elsewhere, just by describing the general experience of CW as described repeatedly in your forums... they don't want broken games at all. Remember these customers you have saying the things that are running others off... Ultimately they will make or break the growth and continuation of mechwarrior

Also,. the next person to say, "beta, get over it" doesn't seem to realize that the average person see the game in full release and expects all of it to be complete, not in beta, it is not too much to ask a game development company to develop the game and stop going on vacations and such.... I know many people who will scour the website and forums to get a feel for a game, as described by the players.... I also know you have lost a few of the locals here because of that.... I also know those same guys would have had no problem downloading this game, had their views of the existing customer/playerbase been paid proper attention to, vs the attention paid to the elite few.... perhaps you at PGI should rethink your business model at this point.

Things have gotten a bit better since IGP left, but slowly I see PGI slipping back directly into IGPs old bad habits, cash grabs, bad events with no real chance for a HUGE part of the population.... go back over this thread and see how many people in relation are happy or mad about this event. Chances are, like most of the development of this game to date, that overall the unhappy customers outnumber the happy ones... and that is just the players who actually post on here.... on that note, once I get my 5 minimum matches, I am done with the event, since PGI has seen fit to run a broken event in a broken game mode for a game that is barely above the broken state itself....

I have paid into this game, up to and including the new griffin, and I have no regrets, as long as I forget that Competitive Unit Warfare exists, oops, I mean Community Warfare... I will continue to play and I woill continue to help fund this game, only because I enjoy the franchise (mechwarrior) and once I get my points, I have a battletech campaign to work on... after the queue goes back to normal after this BS event, I will come back to mechwarrior, but really PGI, start listening to all of your customers (not just the uber gamers and larger units,)

RUSS BULLOCK you have a twitter account, fine, but why do I have to sign up for you or other employees off-site social media to get real info about mechwarrior? Look dude, I am not your friend, and if I even had a twitter account, you still would not be my friend, nor would I follow you, the information relating to this game should be accessible by anyone VIA THIS WEBSITE, not through personal social media....

OK, off to waste the next 2.5 hours or so to hopefully get my 2 points to be personally done with this garbage event... all you shlubs sticking it out, you guys are tough... o7 and good luck to you

#468 Soulstrom


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 06:37 AM

View Postdragnier1, on 26 April 2015 - 12:29 AM, said:

maybe you should have played clan? idk...the only game i had below 80 pts was because i afk'ed, not remembering i was queueing for a match

Oh, and most of my games were losses (6 wins out of 23)

That sounds about right. I am sitting on 4 wins and 20 loses. But when you win, boy you know you have earned that win.

#469 Smoked


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 06:44 AM

I don't know why anyone should be actually surprised that this event turned out like this. This is par for the course and meets my expectation when it comes to PGI doing anything. They don't have any true engineers or marketing professionals on their staff so can't do a proper analysis or look at the right metrics when it comes to evaluating the data they are compiling.

So PGI, let me just breakdown Customer Needs Analysis back to it's basics. Before putting on any event, sale, promo, etc.
Just ask the 5 W's and H. Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.

If you asked yourselves Who would be participating in the event, it would have been crystal clear that you were going to have an extreme population balance issue. All ONE member of your team had to do was check the faction numbers and you would've been like, Duh, this event would be frustrating for the majority of the players. But based upon the amount of feedback, you put out a move to clan for free post if you contact customer services, house AFTER the event started. That is a result of poor planning.

Yes, you comfort yourselves in that you've made other decisions right, but in the real world, no one really cares. If I had a track record of PGI's results the past 6 months, I would've been fired regardless of how many projects I did correctly. The overall grade of any business is revenue. And the numbers speak for themselves. I would suggest you guys hire a professional to discuss customer service and driving a product for quality for the entire organization. I'm not sure if you quite understand that PGI is in direct competition with every product out there, including consoles, stand alone PC games, MOBAs , GTA online, etc. But this isn't just limited to other games, it is against anything else that consumes time. Whether it is dating a gf, taking a wife out for her birthday, getting extra hours in at work, doing homework for class, cleaning your house/room, eating meals, etc.

So just ask yourselves, members of PGI, is a game that similates driving to work, in heavy traffic both ways and getting a flat tire right before you get into the parking lot, a good product for most consumers? That's the closest analog I could come up with based on my queue wait times and getting dc'ed during the match. Where would this game rank with my list of available things to do with my time? Do you think it is fair to an average consumer? Not even sure if you guys ponder to think about these issues or even take an empathetic look at the product. Perhaps I'm just wasting my time here, maybe this is similar to yelling at a new player for losing a PUG match.

#470 Christopher Hamilton


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:03 AM

for the record: im in the queue for more than an hour now, didnt have a drop yet. spot 12 out of 29. i got rescheduled to the end 4 times because someone left.

I do doubt i will be able of even getting the medallion for 5 matches above 80 this way.

you guys may have balanced US times, but european daylight is still a mess... :/

regarding population imbalance, there is a simple fix:
allow people to declare allegiance mercenary, which makes them "drop in any queue" with IS gear. if they fight for the clans, be it. by declaring mercenary, they declare that they are willing to fight for whatever team that has a slot.

problem solved. you have a huge mass of buffer then.

EDIT: after waiting for 62 minutes some idiot dropped from our group and now im 25 of 32 again.... so much for the SOLO PUG experience. im fooked.

EDIT: wait. im the idiot for hanging in here waiting more then an hour for a match for some item thats not worth it. im out. have a nice day.

EDIT: just before looking, we`re back at 31 again, 67 minutes into it. LFG queue is empty.

Edited by Christopher Hamilton, 26 April 2015 - 07:10 AM.

#471 Fat Jack Murphy


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:14 AM

just to second my unit mate: best match turnaround in europe i had all over the weekend was 30 minutes to play.
dont ask, i have given up many times past the 60 minute mark and turned to walking the dog, mowing the lawn, tending the house or other tasks more interesting then staring at a blank screen for WTF minutes.

cool event, cool idea, but the 50 marks for the event to gather are pure sarcasm for anyone not organized in a 12man.

thumb down. last two events where cool, though. this one needs a bit fixing.

PS: regarding any "but it is on twitter" crap: sorry, we are europeans, none in our unit has an account with an US-based spyware. please post stuff on the forums or in game. thats where we expect it. thanks.

vote pls

EDIT: solo CW drop, 80 minutes, spot 17 out of 31. and i have screenshots to prove it. F.C.K. the solo queue. im logging.

Edited by Fat Jack Murphy, 26 April 2015 - 07:26 AM.

#472 Smoked


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:17 AM

Anyway PGI, let me solve this problem that you vaguely identified, based upon Russ's town hall comments. And I shall do this for you for free because I care about the game, regardless of bugs, queues and turds within the community, such as random tk'ers.

PROBLEM: CW, Group Queues, PUG Queues split up the gaming population. Faction distribution is uneven. Faction participation is diverse but relatively low for CW. CW is ultimately the goal for MWO, to become more lore like to appease the core consumer, the ones that provide the majority of the income for PGI.

SOLUTION: Don't assign 10/11 zones for every planet like cookie cutters. Every planet should be themed. Not every planet would have icy regions and swamps. Do proper research on available lore and base planet available maps based on the planet. Every planet should have different values based on resources, population, value to factions etc. therefore they shouldn't be fought the same way.

Drop decks shouldn't work for every planet. Integrate PUG and group queues in this fashion. You fight with IS, Clans, or your FACTION/CLAN (if IS vs IS, Clan vs Clan) ALL the time. You go into private matches if you want to mess around with friends from opposite clans/IS. Every PUG, group, CW drop should be a CW drop that affects the faction map in some form. So let's say a planet had very little worth, then it would be realistic that it may be a 4 vs 4 map, single mech (no drop deck) for 5 zones which may be all ice based. Integrating pug map objectives such as assault, skirmish etc would be appropriate in these "remote" locations. Why would every planet have a cookie cutter omega cannon? LARGE Plants such as Luthien should have like 25 zones and require a lot of resources to conquer. Players in PUG queues should see no difference in their game play if they don't care about CW except they earn loyalty points/rewards for assisting any side inadvertantly during their match.

Summary: REINTEGRATE the entire MWO community where everyone is fighting for a stake in the map. Reward UNITS for coordinated game play by offering MC per day based on conquering the planet. This MC is based on the planet's value to the faction. Create UNIT MC coffers so it can accept the MC and be able to distribute it to it's members based on loyalty rank. So a green private may be 0.5% of the distribution authorized by the unit leader, where as a colonel may get 5%. Therefore players get rewarded for CW play appropriately and it is fair. PIRATE merc units have a chance at taking a part in the reward scheme by going after small planets. PUGS become integrated back into the community because they can see the whole map change based on their participation. Non faction PUGGERS now will be motivated to join a unit or even create new units based on this opportunity to get reward MC. Think of this reward as not giving away potential money earned but a way to keep players involved and reward them for their continued participation in game. Also most people, if they want something in the store on sale or normal price, will buy additional MC to make up the difference. So it should generate a higher revenue.

Also have an option to either pick the planet to defend/attack or just play next available match which lets match maker fill in that player for any available slot that is available to get them started. This should result in same or even shorter queue times for most PUG players.

EDIT: Daily reward for unit owning the planet doesn't have to be MC, C-bills would work as well since there is a large demand for c-bills, if PGI was worried about devaluing MC.

Edited by Smoked, 26 April 2015 - 07:25 AM.

#473 Bigbacon


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:26 AM

View PostUminix, on 26 April 2015 - 06:06 AM, said:

so PGI. do all of these pugs have something in common? yes they do, they are all your customers and part of the "community"

You know which one, the community for community warfare, the one you at PGI have flat said is designed only to work properly for the 12 man groups.... well, that is elitism and if the solo guys are not part of the MW:O community at large, what are they?......

people have been saying since very early on that the solos need to be included in a much better way for CW to work. it continuously falls on deaf ears and CW continues to suffer.

now the group folks will just tell you get 'get skills' and play as a team but when most of the community doesn't want to spend hours to get good or group up then you sort of need to start fixing that. If the majority of players are solo types then you need to include them. Group folks can have fun fighting themselves if they can actually get a match in. If the solo folks aren't having fun, then they don't play. If they don't play, CW ceases to exist in any meaningful way and they should just start putting their efforts into more Solo queue maps/modes.

I think a big help would be to make it so 12 mans can't play UNLESS it is against another 12 man group in the queue..max it at 8 and let solos fill in the rest.

Edited by Bigbacon, 26 April 2015 - 07:27 AM.

#474 Bulvar Jorgensson


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:36 AM

Maps need to be way bigger.....

Solo and group objectives within a match.

and matches lasting as long as is needed.

That way teams and solos can have reasons to play this damb game.

And for all you I wana just get into it and shoot stuff, go play Call of Duty on your console.

this game is crying out for a tactical, wargame with big stompy robots.

I.e. ALPHA lance SECURE objective GAMMA.....Achieved...hold objective for 2 minutes.....INCOMING ENEMY......Company strength.....FALLBACK to CHARLIE LANCE on OMEGA.....we have lost 2 mechs there...reinforcement swing left over A4-d4 RIDGE LINE.....SCOUT FOR ENEMY...

FLUID FLOW of gameplay.......not this poor show of a CW.

#475 Dawnstealer


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:06 AM

Okay, because I see this argument over and over and over again:

Clan mechs are better. Period. They just are. They're supposed to be.

When FASA designed this game, it was a ROLE-playing game, not a tabletop combat game. Oh, it had that element, for sure, but the FASA guys weren't that kind of game designer. They were "You suit up in your heat-vest and walk over to your mech..."-kind of designers.

The Clans were a STORY element that were NEVER meant to be balanced. The only thing that the Clans were was an external, existential threat that would unite the Inner Sphere: the only thing that possibly could. They were supposed to be this massively powerful, alien, unstoppable force that the IS had to deal with...in a ROLE-PLAYING setting.

Ever since that time, in all the computer and tabletop (the actual mech fighting mech mechanics of the game), no game designer has been able to balance to Clans to IS. The only way to do it is to either boost IS mechs to the point where they're basically Clan mechs (so that would be those two viable VARIANTS everyone cries about), or two reduce the effectiveness of Clan mechs until they're basically IS mechs.

[side note, here: VARIANT - the IS has two variants that are actually effective against the Clan mechs and start to reach viability. The reason you see so many Stalker 4Ns out there is because it's the only mech the IS has that consistently matches up to Clan mechs. I actually heard a Clan player crying that a 4N was better than his Timberwolf. An 85 ton Assault mech...was as good...as his 75 ton heavy...]

The way that FASA tried to balance this was twofold: role-playing and numbers. The Clans had a huge honor system that the Clan players of this game do not (and I don't blame them: it's a computer game). Clans fought one on one, limited their own numbers, etc, etc. Matches were balanced because of role-playing.

Second, Clans limited themselves with numbers. Clans would regularly engage the IS with half or less the numbers and STILL win. That was the point.

MWO has neither of these elements, so you get a lot of "CLAM OP" threads. The problem? I don't know how PGI fixes that. Clans were never meant to be balanced. They weren't originally designed to be balanced. And every game designer (including FASA, by the way) that has taken a stab at them has failed.

That said? After the map reset? I think I'll probably focus on IS vs IS fights and leave the Clan front alone. I think Kurita had the right idea pushing into Davion initially.

And finally, I'm betting that this event ends with a 60-66% Clan win. Why? Because, all things being equal (player skill-wise), this is the truth of the game:

Clan Prebuilt > IS Prebuilt

Clan Prebuilt > IS PUG (duh)

Clan PUG < IS Prebuilt


Since we won't see too many PUG v PUG matches, you can toss the last one out. Let's see what the % is at right now:

52%. And I'm guessing that's because of the Asia and Europe populations leaning towards IS. As NA wakes up, watch that percentage swing back up.

Edited by Dawnstealer, 26 April 2015 - 08:09 AM.

#476 Frank Burns


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:21 AM

wtf is this event.
I went to play with my clan mechs and all got was IS premades all time long.
All that why I am queing alone and getting into pug clan team. Ended up facing IS premades and not even getting event point.

this game can only grab money and not give anything in return

#477 Major Lag


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:23 AM

First things first:
Thanks for the event PGI, for the good intent and giving away free stuff just for participating (I don't see 80 points a major challenge in normal matches).

Please stop wasting everyone's time by putting 12-premades versus PUGs. If YOU cannot be bothered to do this, I cannot be bothered to do more than eject thrice and overheat once. Sorry for my teammates, but it's like putting a major league team against a kindergarden softball group.


#478 Frank Burns


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:38 AM

I like this game but this event show me something.
being soloplayer I feel like my mechs and money put into this game are just food for 12man teams that prey on people that play this game either alone or dont have it as main goal in life.

master designer fail

Edited by LilShlomo, 26 April 2015 - 08:40 AM.

#479 Pilotasso


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:40 AM

I'm experiencing drop screen lockout where I can see events happening but cannot take control of the mech. The Adversary then camps outside the landing area and take my entire team out. On second drop I managed to get out of he drop screen but the adversary already had a comfortable 30 kill advantage, and noticed several in my team were still frozen in place. So the next 2 drops I just got mobbed out o the drop ship and die in seconds.

I waited 20 minutes on average and lose the matches in 3 minutes. very cute.

Edited by Pilotasso, 26 April 2015 - 08:49 AM.

#480 dr lao


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:54 AM

Im a solo drop IS and I almost make my 80 every time we don't half to win just stay back and pound um .
Its just the wait time

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