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Battle Of Tukayyid Full Event Details!

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#581 mad kat


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 01:33 AM

I've not fought a single battle in the Tukayyid event yet out of choice due to time constraints and the fact i have a life and the rewards are pitiful for what should be such a monumental point of the game (6 days seriously)?? Judging by the comments other in-game friends are giving it really sounds like im not missing out either Note i'm not speaking on their behalf though.

Don't get me wrong they're doing well but i predicted this would be a typical PGI Tourney grind fest, fun removed badly planned mess up. I'm not incentivised to even bother trying to put time aside for the event at the moment and have been sticking to PUG queues where i can actually find and play a match in the time its taking my unit to even find an enemy!! let alone drop.

Edited by mad kat, 28 April 2015 - 01:50 AM.

#582 Xione87


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 03:10 AM

I agree that the time limit set for this event was way too... limiting.

First of all, I just happened to have planned a social weekend last weekend and getting the most desirable reward requires 40 points, or about 20+ hours of gaming (10 mins wait + 20 min matches, optimistically...). Try cramming 20 hours of gaming in an already busy weekend. And it doesn't help that the event is only announced in the week beforehand.

Secondly, 10 min. waiting time is very optimistic, it's been closer to 20 most of the time.

Third, the battle for Tukayyid lasted about 20 days in the lore. And PGI wants to cram it in 3-6 days and be done with it? It doesn't do the lore justice...

I think this event should last as long as the battle of lore, about 3 weeks. Or 4 weekends and the weeks in between. Just add some more stretch goals above 50 points for the people that are actually getting there in the first place.



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Posted 28 April 2015 - 03:15 AM

I dunno. I have had fun so far and I'm not dominating anything. Been great to see the tactics and strategies and trying to offset them and react. You can ask my group m8s of C4 how I was the biggest opponent of CW before this event. I hated it. Now I realized it was cause I was dropping with pugs before and not working with a 12 man. Even when we didn't have a full C4 12 man on we grouped up last night with other Davion on Teamspeak and still did good I thought and had some interesting battles. Get in a 12 man of any sort and you will drop and get plenty of games. Unfortunately CW is currently coded to support 12 man more than pugs but maybe they can tweak it some more in future to allow PUGs to play their way, possibly the 4 vs 4 scouting missions coming in soon.

#584 theta123


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 04:22 AM

12 minutes in lobby and waiting

#585 dragnier1


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 04:32 AM

I didn't really pay attention to the queues until just now...14 IS queues and only 5 people in Clan...

No wonder you all waited long.

You should have gone clan, our queues are empty.

#586 Xione87


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 04:34 AM

View Postdragnier1, on 28 April 2015 - 04:32 AM, said:

I didn't really pay attention to the queues until just now...14 IS queues and only 5 people in Clan...

No wonder you all waited long.

You should have gone clan, our queues are empty.

Yeah if I only knew that beforehand... and if you break contract now you can't play the next 3 days right? And the limited time offer from PGI to switch sides has already expired.

#587 Tom Sawyer


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 05:23 AM

Thanks PGI for this event! OLD are battling hard to do our part from the FRR

Been having a lot of great games and some god awful ones.

But when 12 OLD's get rolling we have a blast and even we lose the clans go away knowing it was not a roflmao stomp :)

#588 HelBound


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 05:55 AM

Im at 29 event points, might be able to squeeze in 2-3 games tonight. So close to the 40...yet so far.
This work business is really getting in the way of this other job I have, the one where Im in a mech.
Thats kind of what it feels like.

I was sour at the beginning due to technical issues on PGI's side but those have been sorted out and Im having a lot of fun dropping and enjoying this event.

Edited by HelBound, 28 April 2015 - 06:07 AM.

#589 happy mech


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:07 AM

managed to get one game today, still no hotfix?

Posted Image

#590 HelBound


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:11 AM

View PostWANTED, on 28 April 2015 - 03:15 AM, said:

I dunno. I have had fun so far and I'm not dominating anything. Been great to see the tactics and strategies and trying to offset them and react. You can ask my group m8s of C4 how I was the biggest opponent of CW before this event. I hated it. Now I realized it was cause I was dropping with pugs before and not working with a 12 man. Even when we didn't have a full C4 12 man on we grouped up last night with other Davion on Teamspeak and still did good I thought and had some interesting battles. Get in a 12 man of any sort and you will drop and get plenty of games. Unfortunately CW is currently coded to support 12 man more than pugs but maybe they can tweak it some more in future to allow PUGs to play their way, possibly the 4 vs 4 scouting missions coming in soon.

The solution there is the LFG function is it not? I almost never drop CW with less then a 10man, on occasion we fill ranks from the LFG. They are invited to join us on TS but often that is not an option, so we use general com's or the chat window to relay plans and info to the PUGs. A group of 12man PUGs is 100% doable through the LFG function ingame Voip is available now as well.

Last night we dropped 11man and a pug filled the ranks, not from LFG but just a single dropper. They had a blast and used chat to talk things out, thanked us for the game etc.

Edited by HelBound, 28 April 2015 - 06:13 AM.

#591 Kidler


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:26 AM

View Postdragnier1, on 28 April 2015 - 04:32 AM, said:

No wonder you all waited long.

You should have gone clan, our queues are empty.

This. How the hell we can finish this event when we haven't opponent to play with? I noticed that this morning, our (IS) queue was full and Clan was almost empty. I don't blame clan players, they reached their goals and go back to life.
PGI should rethink future events.

#592 Todeshonk


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:33 AM

i for my self want to thank PGI for this event.

My kitchen has never been cleaner, my floors are freshly mopped and i even called my mother.

i dont grasp all the rage about wait times...

#593 demoyn


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:33 AM

View PostPhoenixNMGLB, on 27 April 2015 - 10:14 PM, said:

And taking that kind of attitude with a new player will really encourage them to join in and play with you.

I couldn't care less. He wouldn't be dropping with me anyway because I only drop with people I trust. I'm just tired of the forum crying by people that refuse to take 30 seconds to better themselves.

Edited by demoyn, 28 April 2015 - 06:34 AM.

#594 Redoxin


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:35 AM

View PostKidler MD, on 28 April 2015 - 06:26 AM, said:

This. How the hell we can finish this event when we haven't opponent to play with? I noticed that this morning, our (IS) queue was full and Clan was almost empty. I don't blame clan players, they reached their goals and go back to life.
PGI should rethink future events.

The queue you see is the queue for waiting teams. There can still be like 50 clan groups out there playing, there are just none waiting to find a game. Since they dont have to wait as there are more IS than clan groups.
Bascially the faction with more players queuing up has wait times, the one with less numbers has none.

#595 ThatGuy539


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 06:39 AM

I've been dropping with PUGs for the whole event. Gotten a point for every match. And it's been about 50/50 on the wins and losses. And most of it fun. :)

I also didn't use TS or VOIP for this event.
I've used it when dropping with my unit or with other guys I've gotten to know. (usually the 4 20 dudes but also people from other groups too.) And ya, we usually do better when in TS. But having said that, even without TS I've had a lot of wins. If you have some good people generally everyone plays their part, when there is a push everyone pushes, when someone needs support they get it, when there is enemy separated from the pack we focus on them, etc etc. Good use of UAVs, scouts, focused fire, the mini-map, aggressiveness, and the chat.

TS does make a huge difference, especially if you have people that know what they are doing. But ya, it still mostly comes down to the experience of the players. I've been in a few VOIP PUG matches with lots of newish players where they still didn't coordinate well or follow the group, or where someone who takes charge doesn't know what they are doing, or a few people take charge and there's confusion and bickering. A unit that plays together all the time will almost always be better than a group of PUGs with or without TS. ;)

Meh...it's just part of the game. When I see a 12 man group of EMP or 228 or whoever I just expect it to be more difficult. But I'm still gonna try and mess them up....and get some XP, C-bills, and points. Winning is nice, but loosing is part of the game too. Just gotta roll with the punches.

I think the only time I get really bummed is when I get killed early with a one shot or something. (or arty head shot....those are always fun) I like to at least get in there and do some damage before I get wasted.

I got my 50 points last night. But I'm gonna try and keep playing to the end of the event. Try and help the GB Faction score, and give the IS guys someone to fight against. Plus with the wait times for Clans being so low (better than the PUGs) it's easier than usual to make some money and Faction loyalty points.

PS: Got rolled by more than a few 12 and 10 man groups during the event so far. But most were still fun. And some more than others. The OLD guys were pretty funny, and there were a few other large units that were fun to play against too...good winners. Actually I didn't see a whole lot of poor winners or losers over all...although there were a few notable ones. ;)
Oh, and we also won against an equal number of large premades...so PUGs can kick premade butt. B) Although generally groups I've never seen before.

Edited by ThatGuy539, 28 April 2015 - 06:44 AM.

#596 MFZ


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 07:21 AM

View Posthappy mech, on 28 April 2015 - 06:07 AM, said:

managed to get one game today, still no hotfix?

Hotfix for what? Lack of opponents?

View PostWronka, on 28 April 2015 - 07:08 AM, said:

I have been noticing the larger groups have been playing in the solo que.

There are no separate solo/group queues in CW.

#597 Triban


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:07 AM

I was FINALLY able to switch to clans and it is extremely unfair for IS players.

I was unable to get a match in IS as the LFG queue was empty and PUGing it took over an hour to even get a match.

Switched to clans today, matches instantaneous. Have 3 points. ****** event.

#598 M4NTiC0R3X


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:11 AM


+ This:

View PostKidler MD, on 28 April 2015 - 06:26 AM, said:

How the hell we can finish this event when we haven't opponent to play with?


Posted Image

Edited by M4NTiC0R3X, 28 April 2015 - 08:17 AM.

#599 MemeCreamSupreme


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:21 AM

View PostRad Hanzo, on 28 April 2015 - 01:03 AM, said:

Do you go to war all alone and hope to find someone to fight with you along your way ?

What the hell? It's a video game. You're going to have 11 other people on your side no matter what. The issue is being matched with people who have been training with each other vs. pugs that HOPEFULLY have a plan. Ideally 12 man group would be matched with other 12 man groups.

#600 Pz_DC


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Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:34 AM

This even got one but realy critical mistake (ok lets say its fine with tech problems.. its wrong but lets say it ok) - no reason to win it! Come on - all those pugs 'to get 80 and end it faster" makes all fun cost nothing! Realy PGI, was it so hard to make a global VALUABLE reward for winning faction?! Even such small thing like 10 mlns can drasticaly improve some players performace...

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