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Everything you never wanted to know about Joysticks

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#21 Radar


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:09 PM

I use the X52, but after a while it starts to drift real bad, So my reserve stick is the Cyborg X.

#22 Steelgrave


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 03:22 PM

Nuts...forgot my joystick is fubar. Now I have to wonder what I'll replace it with.

#23 Rayah


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 07:56 PM

I'm just going to use a mouse and keyboard for this one.

#24 Mikhal Rain Longcut


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 08:04 PM


Going to go look for a couple good Joysticks, what about voice?? Has anyone heard if the game will support everyone being able, in a lance, to talk to each other, or are u going to have to set it up between merc companies??

#25 Mikhal Rain Longcut


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Posted 29 November 2011 - 08:05 PM


#26 Holmes


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 02:50 PM

I honestly can't imagine playing a game like this WITHOUT joystick support (even if I get my butt whooped.) I have fond memories of the classic MechWarrior games with this, and now I have an awesome stick (the Saitek X52) that is a blast to use in MW4. I had a REAL headache trying to get it to work with MW:LL, and I eventually just walked away from the whole mess. Will this game natively support things besides keyboard/mouse?

EDIT: Whoops, read the FAQ. Awesome! They will be!

Edited by Holmes, 01 December 2011 - 02:56 PM.

#27 Joanna Conners


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 03:02 PM

I've never been a big fan of using a joystick for MechWarrior. Still, I'm glad they have the option.

#28 Tweaks


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 03:32 PM

Go read the FAQ, it does say so. The answer is definitely yes.


Q. Will MechWarrior have support for custom mapping joysticks/other input devices? (multiple device support?)

A. We have partnered with some of the industry’s biggest hardware manufacturers and will be doing our best to support all types of joysticks and flight systems.

Edited by Tweaks, 01 December 2011 - 03:37 PM.

#29 Arnie1808


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 01:09 PM

I am thinking about getting this for when MechWarrior Online comes out -

But what I need to know is
A. Will it work for a Mech as good as a Plane?
B. Do you think I will be able to program it for MechWarrior Online?
C. Has anybody got one of these and uses it for MW3 or MW4 or Both?

Thanx for any advice ^_^

#30 Kef


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 02:06 PM

Thrustmaster pedals to twist the torso, keyboard + mouse for weapon/chat and remaining commands.

#31 Dead Meat


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 02:07 PM

Being a flight sim pilot I love the idea of Joystick support for this, I just hope they can add TrackIR support as well, that would increase the imersion greatly. I played both MW3 and 4 with a joystick, though at that time I did not do much online play.
With MWLL I use a mouse and keyboard becasue it so much like a FPS, but I hope this will feel more like a Mech sim and less like a FPS

#32 BduSlammer


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 08:48 PM

hoq good is the hotas warthog joy stick

#33 Spyder Chiken


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 09:11 PM

I have a Sidewinder Precision Pro 1 that still works perfectly, a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and a Saitek Cyborg X. So for the precision is still the best stick I have ever used. Right now I'm looking for something wireless though.

#34 Frantic Pryde


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 10:28 PM

View PostArnie1808, on 02 December 2011 - 01:09 PM, said:

I am thinking about getting this for when MechWarrior Online comes out -

But what I need to know is
A. Will it work for a Mech as good as a Plane?
B. Do you think I will be able to program it for MechWarrior Online?
C. Has anybody got one of these and uses it for MW3 or MW4 or Both?

Thanx for any advice ^_^

I have the same questions. This thing is way out of my price range but a decently priced onepops up on eBay every now and then.

It really is the ultimate cockpit setup :lol:

#35 Halfinax


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 11:03 PM

View PostArnie1808, on 02 December 2011 - 01:09 PM, said:

I am thinking about getting this for when MechWarrior Online comes out -

But what I need to know is
A. Will it work for a Mech as good as a Plane?
B. Do you think I will be able to program it for MechWarrior Online?
C. Has anybody got one of these and uses it for MW3 or MW4 or Both?

Thanx for any advice ^_^

This is really all dependent on whether or not Logitech works with the PGI to get full support for the G940 working properly.

I have one and I love it, but it does have some quirks. There is a rubberbanding issue with the rudder pedals, but it's never been any kind of real issue for me. basically for some reason when you rapidly change the input level on the rudder pedals they start to output in a jumpy manner shifting between the current rudder position, and the previous rudder position. I've never seen anything noticeable in game, but when you watch the input readings in the calibration menus it jumps noticeably. Also some units have overheating issues, and I've noticed that sometimes it can't quite center itself when plugged in, but not being used so you hear the motors whining. I suspect the two issues are related, but a simple tap when the centering motors are whirring you can just kind of tap the stick and it stops.

I've had mine for about a year, and honestly for the price you can't find a full HOTAS and rudder pedals anywhere else. I've been very pleased with it, but there are issues that should be considered and you should look up some reviews and make your own determination. I may have just gotten lucky with a unit that works as intended unlike more vocal users out there.



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Posted 03 December 2011 - 11:29 AM

View PostArnie1808, on 02 December 2011 - 01:09 PM, said:

I am thinking about getting this for when MechWarrior Online comes out -

But what I need to know is
A. Will it work for a Mech as good as a Plane?
B. Do you think I will be able to program it for MechWarrior Online?
C. Has anybody got one of these and uses it for MW3 or MW4 or Both?

Thanx for any advice ^_^

I've looked into this joystick as well. It's a bit pricey at $300, but it's rather unique in that it includes joystick, throttle, and pedals. Several other joystick/throttle products run about $300, but don't include foot-pedals. Additionally, the G940 joystick is Force-Feedback enabled. So, the inclusion of Force-Feedback and pedals rivals that of the competition and balances the price.

There's really no way to know at this point what peripherals will work with MechWarrior Online, but seeing as how the developers themselves are using this joystick, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be compatible. :lol:

As I haven't purchased this stick myself, I can't comment on its effectiveness. I have used a different Logitech stick (WingMan 3D Pro) with MechWarrior 4 however, and it works flawlessly. I would expect the G940, a more expensive product, to be much more effective.

Hope this helps!

#37 BOTA 49


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 11:43 AM

Saitek x52 Pro (similar to the x52 but with better hardware). I use it right now for the DCS games and occasionally in ArmA 2. If they add the use of TrackIR in this I'll be in heaven.

#38 Alphawolfe


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 12:22 PM

Thrustmaster T16000M is a reasonable cost joystick, Been using it for MW4 and X3 for approx 8 months. Simple to config, can be programmed for right or left hand use. Seems fairly rugged for a plastic joystick.

#39 Arnie1808


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Posted 04 December 2011 - 10:41 AM

View PostHalfinax, on 02 December 2011 - 11:03 PM, said:

This is really all dependent on whether or not Logitech works with the PGI to get full support for the G940 working properly.

I have one and I love it, but it does have some quirks. There is a rubberbanding issue with the rudder pedals, but it's never been any kind of real issue for me. basically for some reason when you rapidly change the input level on the rudder pedals they start to output in a jumpy manner shifting between the current rudder position, and the previous rudder position. I've never seen anything noticeable in game, but when you watch the input readings in the calibration menus it jumps noticeably. Also some units have overheating issues, and I've noticed that sometimes it can't quite center itself when plugged in, but not being used so you hear the motors whining. I suspect the two issues are related, but a simple tap when the centering motors are whirring you can just kind of tap the stick and it stops.

I've had mine for about a year, and honestly for the price you can't find a full HOTAS and rudder pedals anywhere else. I've been very pleased with it, but there are issues that should be considered and you should look up some reviews and make your own determination. I may have just gotten lucky with a unit that works as intended unlike more vocal users out there.

View PostREDSLATE, on 03 December 2011 - 11:29 AM, said:

I've looked into this joystick as well. It's a bit pricey at $300, but it's rather unique in that it includes joystick, throttle, and pedals. Several other joystick/throttle products run about $300, but don't include foot-pedals. Additionally, the G940 joystick is Force-Feedback enabled. So, the inclusion of Force-Feedback and pedals rivals that of the competition and balances the price.

There's really no way to know at this point what peripherals will work with MechWarrior Online, but seeing as how the developers themselves are using this joystick, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be compatible. :D

As I haven't purchased this stick myself, I can't comment on its effectiveness. I have used a different Logitech stick (WingMan 3D Pro) with MechWarrior 4 however, and it works flawlessly. I would expect the G940, a more expensive product, to be much more effective.

Hope this helps!

Thanx for the input and advice :P It's nice to see that the Dev's are using this set-up because I will more than likely get it. I haven't bought it yet so I will wait until its more near the time of the game being released and then I can find out if it is properly supported before shelling out for it though :)

Edited by Arnie1808, 04 December 2011 - 10:42 AM.

#40 PMOH Dread


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Posted 05 December 2011 - 02:18 PM

View PostNik Van Rhijn, on 28 November 2011 - 09:39 AM, said:

MS Sidewinder Precision 2 - unused, keeping it for MWO :P ( got it unused and still boxed at a car boot sale)

Still have mine, currently being used to play Battlefield 3. Since finding this site it has being twitching with anticipation at being used for piloting Mechs again!!!

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