Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 08:47 PM, said:
Issue of weaponry: No you use whatever you have that's the best. But that evades my point. The point is that Trek soldiers tech advantage doesn't mean much since they're equally as killable as you say Space Marines would be. That negates their advantage. That doesn't even begin to touch that Space Marines don't even need to see their targets to kill them, they could have librarians with them who could kill them just by sensing their presence.
Except that the Space Marines would be at a disadvantage, because their combat doctrine is built around fighting against opponents that their battle armor protects themselves against. Their combat doctrine is not built around engaging an enemy whose sidearms would penetrate their armor and vaporize them inside their armor with a single shot. They would be at a disadvantage against lightly-equipped Trek security forces for that reason alone.
Furthermore, we know for a fact that Starfleet personnel can be equipped with additional armor than we typically see in day-to-day ship operations. We've seen it on a number of occasions in the 23rd and 24th Century. We also know that Trek infantry can be equipped with personal deflector shields - we rarely see them because Trek doesn't focus on ground combat situations, but we do know they exist. We saw Worf jurry-rig one using a comm badge and a few bits of 19th Century equipment, and Admiral Leyton told Sisko that they had stockpiled enough of them to equip an entire army on Earth. That would give well-equipped Trek infantry a decisive advantage against Space Marines.
As for the librarians... If their psychic capabilities are as supremely capable as you claim, why does the IoM need anything else? Additionally, how effective will these psychic capabilities be against non-humans? Remember, Trek powers are a wide mix of species, many of which have their own latent psychic or telepathic abilities, or inherent
resistance to psychic or telepathic influences.
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 08:47 PM, said:
Issue of teleportation: They can do that. Teleport them to kingdom come if you want. Except there are Space Marines everywhere in your ship, your engineers are mentally paralyzed by Space Marine librarians so you don't even have the option to use your technology. There is no technological defense against incoming SM teleportation either since they travel through the warp directly onto their ship.
Except that the Federation has demonstrated the ability to defend against similar teleportation methods... VOY "Equinox" shows a Nova class frigate, under-manned and with incredibly limited resources, jurry-rigging a defense against extra-dimensional aliens opening spacial rifts inside the ship with their existing shield generators. Developing a defense against IoM teleportation tech, if their shields don't already protect against it, would be well within the capabilities of Trek engineers, especially Federation engineers.
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 08:47 PM, said:
Issue of Super natural powers: Since you have an education in natural sciences, it will be understandably difficult to comprehend the power of chaos. And that's exactly the point, chaos escapes all definition. It is the power of raw posibility, it is not something that can be measured, contained, or explained. That is why it is simple called "Chaos". It doesn't have to(and doesn't) follow the laws of nature that you were taught, that is the first key to comprehending chaos. And I think you'd be surprised just how well Chaos can control things that don't exist.
As Catamount pointed out, it may be nonsensical voodoo magic to the IoM, which views just about any real science and technology as nonsensical voodoo magic, but that doesn't mean that the Federation wouldn't be able to understand it. Hell, -we- have at least a basic understanding of Quantum Mechanics today, and that's far, far, far more random and chaotic than anything 40K Chaos is (because on the quantum scale, everything literally is possible, the perception of persistent, logical, ordered laws we have on the large scale is merely an illusion caused by the Law of Large Numbers). 40K Chaos forces might be able to bend 'normal' rules of reality, but they still behave and operate in relatively ordered and consistent patterns, including the existence of specific personalities manifested in persistent life-form entities. Chaos may well bend the conventional rules of reality, but that doesn't mean that they don't still follow the fundamental principles of existence. At the very least, an advanced understanding of Quantum Mechanics (which Trek has down pat) would readily apply.
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 08:47 PM, said:
Warhammer ships travel through the warp. So that's not something the Fed can detect, it's not something the Fed is ready for and it's not something the Fed can defend against since they don't have technology that affects or even reads warp currents. So what prevents the IoM from simply dropping out of the empryean all over the Fed's core worlds and bombing them with life-eater payloads? Lets say the Fed did somehow manage to destroy every single IoM ship, the life-eaters will still have already annhilated all of their worlds. They'll have no people, no infrastructure, no hope.
The thing about Warp that gets me is that, aside from the mind-raping demon-entities, it sounds a LOT like subspace in Star Trek, especially early in the 40K pre-history, before the massive war events that turned the relatively peaceful Warp into the fractured Chaos it is in modern 40K. Given Trek's remarkable ability to scan space and subspace in fine detail at remarkable ranges (10+ lightyears for individual ships, with stations and sensor nets far exceeding that), I very highly doubt that IoM ships would be completely undetectable to Trek sensors even in Warp.
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 09:35 PM, said:
Oooh looks like I've found the Fed's weakness. The Fed has no defense against the warp.
See above. We have no reason to believe that IoM ships would be invisible to Trek ships in Warp, and the Warp sounds remarkably similar to what Trek calls Subspace.
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 09:35 PM, said:
That makes this discussion a triviality. Without an ability to defend against the warp the Fed would have no way to put up a fight against the IoM. A psyker like Mephiston could destroy an entire Fed ship with his mind alone.
Now who's going over the top with fanboyism? } ; = 8 P We have no reason to believe that the Warp would be incomprehensible and an ultimate foil to Trek, especially when it largely operates remarkably similar to forces that Trek has long since mastered.
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 09:35 PM, said:
Science cannot overcome Chaos, as Chaos controls the laws that science is built around. Even the IoM cannot control chaos.
Someone doesn't understand what science is.
Science is the study of what is, of what the universe is and how it works. Or, more specifically, Science is a METHOD for studying the realities of the universe and how it works. A very effective method, the best discovered so far by a longshot. Science isn't a set of rules of how the universe works. Science isn't even itself a set of knowledge. Knowledge discovered through Science is called Scientific Knowledge, but it is not Science itself.
Basically, Science is the study of the universe and how it works, however it works. It doesn't matter if it works according to Newton's Laws or the magic in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, it is still equally applicable. Chaos is just another part of the universe, and while mystifying and apparently defying of the 'normal' physical rules, it can still be understood through science, and is no more difficult to understand and master than Quantum Mechanics (and trust me, Quantum Mechanics gets crazy - it's literally possible to boil water until it freezes, or for Jupiter to turn into a giant orange juice monster and come down to Earth to eat our brains, they're just ridiculously
improbable, especially the latter).
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 09:35 PM, said:
The Fed soldiers cannot resist psyker attack, thus cannot fight. Their engineers cannot operate the ship when paralyzed by pskyer attack. Their scientists cannot create a counter to something that allows science to exist.
Does anyone else in IoM have a defense against psyker attacks? What about the species in Trek that have psychic/telepathic abilities of their own? Like the Vulcans and Romulans, or the Betazoids? Or the species that are inherently resistant to psychic/telepathic influences, like the Ferengi? Will they be insta-disabled by psyker attacks? All of them? Across an entire ship?
How many psykers does the IoM have? How many could disable the entire crew of a starship? From what I gather, psykers of that level are rather few in number in the IoM (psykers in general are strictly controlled or culled, are they not?). They can't be everywhere at once, on every ship at once. And if the IoM really does have psykers powerful enough to wipe out entire advanced civilizations, why are they still locked in a constant battle for survival?
Miles Tails Prower, on 23 December 2011 - 09:35 PM, said:
Oh and before you mention it... let me reinforce that you cannot build something to counter chaos.
Meh, the Voyager crew would just inverse the polarity of the quantum and make it go away.