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Battle Of Tukayyid Statistics

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#221 WVAnonymous


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 07:53 AM

View PostBront, on 05 May 2015 - 08:26 AM, said:

My longest 12 man wait time was 15 minutes by the clock timer, and I doubt folks were getting 30 minute wait times in 12 mans.

My assumption is that the sub-12 man queue flush was a roundabout way to promote the "LFG" function. Get your random 12 man together before entering the queue.

#222 Freebrewer Bmore


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 01:31 PM

View PostWVAnonymous, on 08 May 2015 - 07:53 AM, said:

My assumption is that the sub-12 man queue flush was a roundabout way to promote the "LFG" function. Get your random 12 man together before entering the queue.

My unit tried using LFG when we had partial groups and quickly abandoned it. As I recall it was because once you finally got your 12 together with some combo of unit members plus LFG-pugs and everybody readied and launched and entered into the planet defense queue, some dumb pug would wind up canceling before you got a match anyway, thus kicking the whole group back out to the group-readying screen. At that point you'd need to piece your 12 back together yourself via LFG before you could even go back to the end of the line in the defense queue, thus making LFG even worse than just jumping into the sea of CW pugs with your partial unit group and crossing your fingers.

#223 WVAnonymous


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 02:37 PM

View PostFreebrewer Bmore, on 08 May 2015 - 01:31 PM, said:

My unit tried using LFG when we had partial groups and quickly abandoned it. As I recall it was because once you finally got your 12 together with some combo of unit members plus LFG-pugs and everybody readied and launched and entered into the planet defense queue, some dumb pug would wind up canceling before you got a match anyway, thus kicking the whole group back out to the group-readying screen. At that point you'd need to piece your 12 back together yourself via LFG before you could even go back to the end of the line in the defense queue, thus making LFG even worse than just jumping into the sea of CW pugs with your partial unit group and crossing your fingers.

Too bad. I was hoping that if you could see the pug's name, he'd be more likely to stick through the 10 minute wait versus the 30+ minute wait of the straight up pug queue.

#224 Freebrewer Bmore


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 03:46 PM

View PostWVAnonymous, on 08 May 2015 - 02:37 PM, said:

Too bad. I was hoping that if you could see the pug's name, he'd be more likely to stick through the 10 minute wait versus the 30+ minute wait of the straight up pug queue.

Yeah, I suppose that one could try saying something in group chat to each person as they join, stating the expectation that everyone must stick things out until the match is completed and telling them to drop out before launching the group if they don't already know they'll be able to commit to that, and that your unit could also keep a blacklist of the pugs who do wind up canceling out while in queue. I dunno how much that'd really accomplish, tho. For one thing, people may not even be looking at the group chat box, much less caring about it, and during Tukayyid there were likely plenty of pugs who were just in CW for the event and couldn't care less about what the groups they were dropping with thought of them, now or ever.

Theoretically LFG could have an advantage over dipping into the pug soup, leading you to a higher-quality mixed group if you manage to hook up with another unit trying to run their own partial group, but attempting that just by going cold into LFG seems dubious. At the very least you'd probably need to be working the faction chat too, and there are plenty more coordination issues to deal with even if you manage to put something together for a match. For example, what happens when one of you needs to drop out after the match? Now you've got to figure out thru LFG's group chat (not voice comms unless I was missing something) how collectively you're going to fill his slot, otherwise you're less than 12 and it's back to rolling the dice on the faceless pugs again despite your LFG effort (yeah, the larger the group the better the odds, but still...)

So it seemed more effective to just use the TeamSpeak server side to try to organize groups and take a chance on the pug soup when we couldn't scrounge up full 12's. I'm not saying LFG is a lost cause, but we weren't going to keep messing with it during the heat of the event. Outside of the event I dunno that this stuff even matters unless we see another situation where groups are queued up 30-deep waiting for a match, since under more ordinary CW circumstances each planet's queue kinda functions as a LFG in itself.

#225 WVAnonymous


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Posted 08 May 2015 - 06:59 PM

View PostFreebrewer Bmore, on 08 May 2015 - 03:46 PM, said:

Yeah, I suppose that one could try saying something in group chat to each person as they join, stating the expectation that everyone must stick things out until the match is completed and telling them to drop out before launching the group if they don't already know they'll be able to commit to that, and that your unit could also keep a blacklist of the pugs who do wind up canceling out while in queue. I dunno how much that'd really accomplish, tho. For one thing, people may not even be looking at the group chat box, much less caring about it, and during Tukayyid there were likely plenty of pugs who were just in CW for the event and couldn't care less about what the groups they were dropping with thought of them, now or ever.

Theoretically LFG could have an advantage over dipping into the pug soup, leading you to a higher-quality mixed group if you manage to hook up with another unit trying to run their own partial group, but attempting that just by going cold into LFG seems dubious. At the very least you'd probably need to be working the faction chat too, and there are plenty more coordination issues to deal with even if you manage to put something together for a match. For example, what happens when one of you needs to drop out after the match? Now you've got to figure out thru LFG's group chat (not voice comms unless I was missing something) how collectively you're going to fill his slot, otherwise you're less than 12 and it's back to rolling the dice on the faceless pugs again despite your LFG effort (yeah, the larger the group the better the odds, but still...)

So it seemed more effective to just use the TeamSpeak server side to try to organize groups and take a chance on the pug soup when we couldn't scrounge up full 12's. I'm not saying LFG is a lost cause, but we weren't going to keep messing with it during the heat of the event. Outside of the event I dunno that this stuff even matters unless we see another situation where groups are queued up 30-deep waiting for a match, since under more ordinary CW circumstances each planet's queue kinda functions as a LFG in itself.

The FRR hub is definitely a good place to hook up for larger groups on TS3. We'll probably do Tuk again next year; maybe it will be better.

#226 meteorol


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 12:35 AM

View PostNightshade24, on 08 May 2015 - 04:19 AM, said:

I have never seen a direwolf use less then 6 UAC 5's or more then 2 (2 = trial / nostelgia prime, 6 = meta / band wagon / nostelgia solaris, 5 = nearly extinct species of whale?)

on top of that I rarely see medium lasers (or anything not large) on a direwolf besides one guy with like 14-ish Small lasers and 2 gauss rifles who insta killed but insta died due to over heating when alpha'ing near the end.

Also how is 5 gauss rifles meta for the direwolf? you can't make it under current construction rules and even then running 4 would have the 'gauss ghost heat' equivilent that prevents firing more then 2 at any time, meaning you basicly got 2 rapid fire gauss which could be replicated with right omnipods and modules to make it obselete and have space for more weapons, targeting computer, ams, jumpjets, etc.

Also Laser vomit direwolf? never seen those, I've seen more 15 ER PPC direwolfs then those and that says a lot because they die under 2-3 alphas. Hearing laservomit direwolf is like hearing Catapult laservomit... by catapult I mean the C1.

I ment you see a DW with gauss/laservomit 5 times before you see 1 direwolf with UACs. There are 5times more gauss/laservomit direwolfs than Uac direwolfs.

That aside, i would really like to know in which elo you play.
2 Gauss rifles, and lasers (most common: 2lpl, 4 erml, but it depends if you wanna use jumpjets or not or go ERLL instead of LPL, there are quite a few variants of this build with slight differences.)This is THE metabuild. Close to everyone uses Gauss rifles and lasersvomit on direwolfs.

watch this video to get an idea.

I'm literally baffled someone says he has never seen this build. It is all over the place. Easily 7 of 10 DWs i see use it. It is flat out better than a UAC direwolf in almost all situations for many reasons i'm not gonna elaborate here, because it has been done in countless DW build threads.

Edited by meteorol, 09 May 2015 - 12:42 AM.

#227 Nightshade24


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 01:21 AM

View Postmeteorol, on 09 May 2015 - 12:35 AM, said:

I ment you see a DW with gauss/laservomit 5 times before you see 1 direwolf with UACs. There are 5times more gauss/laservomit direwolfs than Uac direwolfs.

That aside, i would really like to know in which elo you play.
2 Gauss rifles, and lasers (most common: 2lpl, 4 erml, but it depends if you wanna use jumpjets or not or go ERLL instead of LPL, there are quite a few variants of this build with slight differences.)This is THE metabuild. Close to everyone uses Gauss rifles and lasersvomit on direwolfs.

watch this video to get an idea.

I'm literally baffled someone says he has never seen this build. It is all over the place. Easily 7 of 10 DWs i see use it. It is flat out better than a UAC direwolf in almost all situations for many reasons i'm not gonna elaborate here, because it has been done in countless DW build threads.

well literally 100% of all direwolfs I see are A) trials, or B) spammed UAC 5's, or AC 5's, or LBX 5's.

Paragraph 2)
Well alas no one can check my elo, not myself, not others, etc. I would like to assume I'm a high elo based on the fact I verse meta/ top units quite often in public pug, public group, and in CW (however CW doesn't have elo MM so doesn't count?)
I would assume I am quite high. I do not really do meta builds however I often equal or surpas the damage of said meta mechs. (for eg my 4 SRM 2 1 med las locust out damaged the firestarters of my team. or my stock timberwolf D out does the meta-wolfs)
etc, my friends often compliment me on that. But I just shrug it. I use the lore and the history of my battletech as my sword and shield. :D

I can not remember the last time I saw a duel Guass direwolf.
The last spammed ammount I saw was 4 Gauss direwolfs but they were extremely easy to take on.

before that was twin gauss twin ER PPC.

However my word I have never thought about this build nor think about it.Taking the boiling hot Energy build of the timberwolf with the duel gauss capabilities of the direwolf that's pretty cool to have a powerful energy weapon firepower with following gauss while it cools off. I am as dumbfundled as you are by how I see a huge lack of these things running around.
I literally never saw a direwolf like that, the only direwolf I've seen along those lines doesn't have gauss and looks like... well.
DWF-Widowmaker (LRM)

Far from meta. Quite far...

3rd paragraph) I'm baffled as well. However direwolfs have problems in general... these being...

1) heat issues with energy weapons.
2) Slow
3) unfriendly hit box
4) huge
5) (CW) 100 tons, basicly forces light mechs for your other mechs or mediums

etc. Also when compairing this build over the 6 UAC 6 direwolf I can see some advantages it has over the other build

Advantages compared to your meta:
has areas where it does more damage at certain ranges
is cooler
each UAC 5 does 3 bullets, for normal firing that makes 18 bullets fly at an enemy and doubling that would be 32. The screenshake would be enough to petrify the enemy practically.
/doesn't matter/ being a hero mech from lore. nostelgia point

Disadvantages compared to your meta;
no energy weapons, thus dependent on ammo and capped max damage.
Weaker up close
Ghost heat
is not Srin Odesas Direwolf (6 UAC 2, 1 Gauss rifle)

I think the main reason I do not see these builds is the fact the timberwolf even though has no fancy gauss with no heat, is still faster, lighter, and more agile. Direwolfs are extremely rare. looking at these numbers it's obvious from the tukayyid event
  • Light: 114478

  • Medium: 205358

  • Heavy: 304425

  • Assault: 44751

I think it is due to the meta devisions between timezones, being new zealand, my morning is most likely your afternoon. when a community is devided by any way, shape, or form, metas split. This could be servers, regions, languages, timezones, factions, etc.

for instance what I hear nearly every time I play MW: O is that the direwolf is not meta and that it's fragile and people having fingers crossed for quirks to bring it to validity or life.
In your region, your meta could be composed of summoners with streak 6's and Direwolfs with the build you listed.
(do not take this as an insult, this is just a psychological social behavour when communities are slightly devided, this is also more the reason PGI has issues ballancing. one group of people say it's very bad and is dying and needs quirks, another group of people say it's OP and need to be nerfed to the ground, even then it may still be OP. :ph34r: )

#228 Uncle Totty


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 04:41 AM

I use LB2s.


PS. **** THE META! B)

Edit: U-AC2s now.


Edited by Nathan K, 10 May 2015 - 03:26 PM.

#229 Wormflush


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Posted 23 May 2015 - 07:41 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 01 May 2015 - 04:00 PM, said:

Total players by challenge points:


1: 2021
2: 1166
3: 813
4: 566
5: 1162
50: 1891

1891 players that were able to play enough games to earn at least 50 challenge points.

I just wondered how many of those were Clanners?

We had fewer Clanners, but Clanners had less waiting time.

Edited by Wormflush, 23 May 2015 - 07:41 AM.

#230 SCUD303


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 01:03 AM

As I am reading all these comments I become more confused! What is this 50 points you nedd, everybody is talking about. I thought you need at least 500 accumulated match score to qualify for main event awards. Then you need a total match score of 4500 for individual award! nowhere do I read anything about 50 points! Please help me out here!!

#231 Morgan Daval


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 01:22 AM

Good morning to you

Look an the date of the post, it say´s May 2015.
This was about the first battle of tukayyid.

Now we have had the second one.

Kind regards.

#232 Thomas G Wolf


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 03:26 AM

Am I blind or what for I cannot see any stats for the Ebon Jaguar, and in each game I played there were alot of them running around, I know because I was using 2 of them.

#233 Curccu


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 03:28 AM

View PostEric Wulfen, on 08 December 2015 - 03:26 AM, said:

Am I blind or what for I cannot see any stats for the Ebon Jaguar, and in each game I played there were alot of them running around, I know because I was using 2 of them.

Yes you are blind, topic says Tukayyid not Tukayyid 2.

Mods lock this thread...

#234 Thomas G Wolf


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 03:42 AM

View PostCurccu, on 08 December 2015 - 03:28 AM, said:

Yes you are blind, topic says Tukayyid not Tukayyid 2.

Mods lock this thread...

Your joking say your joking LOL LOL "runs out of the house to get a new set of specs"

#235 Lily from animove


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 04:35 AM

interesting is the data on the damage/detsroyed mech base, its 381 on both (damage +FF divided by mechs destroyed) only delta is 0,4damage. So amazingly close. Wonder why this ever created a need to blance things.

Edit inbetween: actually thinking about it, more clanmechs were destroyed and IS did more total damage yet by similar dmg/death ratio which would mean Is was better even. lol

Even the number of damage and mechs destroyed was very close. I am excited to see these data for Tuk 2 after all balancing patches and the new clanmechs, espeically EBJ and ACH hitting the field.

Edited by Lily from animove, 08 December 2015 - 04:54 AM.

#236 PeeWrinkle


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 04:54 AM

Anyone else notice that according to their statistics not a single Ebon Jaguar mech dropped? Makes me wonder how correct the rest of the statics are because I saw that mech in every single drop I participated in.

All in all though it is cool to see all those numbers. I really liked that the IS did more total damage, the IS had less friendly fire damage, and there were more Clan mechs destroyed in the event than IS mechs. Ironically the IS still lost the event, but that should be definitive proof that the game is decently balanced.

#237 Lily from animove


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 04:55 AM

View PostPeeWrinkle, on 08 December 2015 - 04:54 AM, said:

Anyone else notice that according to their statistics not a single Ebon Jaguar mech dropped? Makes me wonder how correct the rest of the statics are because I saw that mech in every single drop I participated in.

All in all though it is cool to see all those numbers. I really liked that the IS did more total damage, the IS had less friendly fire damage, and there were more Clan mechs destroyed in the event than IS mechs. Ironically the IS still lost the event, but that should be definitive proof that the game is decently balanced.

this is old tuk stats not tuk 2.

#238 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 05:11 AM

Heres hoping that the same stats are released for Tuk 2 as well. Its always good to see the raw statistics on each units real performance quality rather than only the performance quantity. The stats at least reflect the average skill of a unit no matter what its size.

EDIT: Btw. for all asking about why the stats are so wierd or Mech X is missing

This is for the last Tuk event. Not the one played in December 2015!

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 08 December 2015 - 05:12 AM.

#239 PeeWrinkle


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 07:29 AM

That makes total sense now. Except that it seems the game has been better balanced than I thought for some time! LOL

#240 xeromynd


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 10:24 AM

Lock this topic and whoever dug this from the grave pls eject from your mech, thx.

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