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Mechlab PTS - Known Issues & Suggestion List

Known Issues Important

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#1 Alexander Garden


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Posted 06 May 2015 - 04:56 PM

This thread compiles a public list of Known Issues and Suggestions regarding the Public Test Server build of the new MechLab.

Please read through this list carefully before posting a thread about any bug(s) you may have discovered.

Posts that outline Known Issues may be removed to help keep the Public Test sub-forum organized.

#2 Alexander Garden


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 10:39 AM


  • Names of top row Standing Cockpit Items will be cut off if the player is clicking & dragging the scroll bar
  • Most buttons/tabs within Mechlab that contain text are not centered properly
  • The GXP icon is touching the Unlock button in the Pilot Modules screen
  • The XP icon is touching the top left corner of the border in the Skill Trees screen
  • The [#/#] text on the 'Mech trees screen is located slightly out of the title bar
  • Text font/size for the full 'Mech name, weight class, and type is hard to read
  • The engine size up and down toggles is extremely small and hard to click or even spot
  • The icons for ST and XL engines look like placeholder icons
  • Opening the Mechlab after adjusting the Screen Resolution may show the 'Mech stats popup off-center before sliding to the proper position
  • Upon first login in the Mechlab the Warehouse will display all weapons for the Head component
  • Text in the Mechlab Warehouse menu stretches and overlaps when quickly toggling between the different tabs
  • Clicking from the Equipment tab to either the Ammo or Modules tab will show the Owned Items check box as momentarily checked
  • There is an empty black box below Upgrades in the column view
  • Hovering over any button may cause a 'Chat only to unit officers' tooltip to appear
  • Hovering over any button may cause a 'Click to view Faction Details' tooltip to appear
  • All weights that feature .5 under Tons feature a smaller 5
  • Unavailable upgrades (in Red) sometimes blink when increasing or decreasing Engine size
  • Tonnage display slowly shifts up over time when you increase/decrease engine size
  • "Tonnage" is overlapped by the Warehouse menu when viewed in Expanded view
  • In certain resolutions Mech Stats overlaps the Left Leg Component in expanded Layout
  • Warehouse items can sometimes get stuck on screen

#3 Alexander Garden


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 11:23 AM


  • The Warehouse will disappear until the user changes the layout if they switch from expanded to column layout and drag an item off of the list
  • User cannot drag Heat Sinks from another component into the Engine
  • Error widget is not accessible if client resolution is 1024x768
  • Reset 'Mech description is inaccurate
  • Home menu 'Mech Select screen is inconsistent with the Mechlab 'Mech Select
  • Attempting to quickly click & drag items off a ‘Mech will sometimes not work
  • Incorrect amounts are shown under the warehouse when the Mech has Ferro Fibrous Armor equipped
  • Rapidly clicking the ‘Mech Stats check box in the bottom right of the screen will cause the stat box to open and close.
  • Some Clan ‘Mechs Upgrades are not highlighted
  • The cart will still show the unsaved amounts of the previous ‘Mech's changes when selecting a new ‘Mech
  • Hovering over any button may cause a 'Chat only to unit officers' tooltip to appear
  • Hovering over any button may cause a 'Click to view Faction Details' tooltip to appear
  • The XL and ST engine icons remain in the warehouse if user switch from IS ‘Mech to Clan ‘Mech
  • Disable tool tips in the options do not turn off any of the newer tool tips
  • Error message when trying to change the name of a Trial Mech is unclear
  • The engine hover info overlay pops up when user is changing engine size with the up/down toggles
  • Dragging an Omnipod from the warehouse will not highlight the component on the Mech

#4 Alexander Garden


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:20 PM


  • The OmniPod icons are 'flipped' compared to the OmniPod inventory listings
  • Text inside the Warehouse window is too small
    • ​Submitted by: amenophis
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
  • Add UI markers/highlights to indicate which 'Mechs are IS and which are Clans, inside the 'Select Mech' menu
    • ​Submitted by: Agatheis
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
  • Move the 'Strip Mech' and 'Reset Mech' buttons to a more visible location
    • ​Submitted by: Banditman
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
  • Make the Layout switching (Column/Expanded) dropdown more obvious/clear
    • ​Submitted by: Xeren KelDar
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
  • Make the UI scalable
    • ​Submitted by: Everyone.gif
    • Type: Functional/Visual
  • Add Quirked values to the Weapon values in the Tooltips
  • Update the 'Mech images in the 'Mech Selection' screen to show any custom Patterns/Colors that are currently applied to those 'Mechs
    • ​Submitted by: Myray
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
  • Provide better indication that the organization toggles in the 'Mech Selection' screen are toggles, i.e. with hover-over animations
    • ​Submitted by: Cimarb
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
  • Align the Tooltips for Equipped Items so that they appear next to or closer to the highlighted item
  • Move the current 'Camo Spec' menu window into larger windows for Camo and Color
  • Suggested re-design of the Warehouse Posted Image
  • Players should be told where the equipped weapons are physically located on a 'Mech in any menu where Loadout information is provided
    • Submitted by: Mathium/Multiple
    • Type: Visual
    • Post
    • Summary: In the Select Mech menu, for example, players are told which weapons are equipped on the 'Mech, but they are not told which hardpoints those weapons are equipped onto. This information could potentially be provided by a hover-over tooltip, a UI marker, or text.

#5 Alexander Garden


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 02:46 PM


  • Modules are shown as Locked if they were previously hidden by a filter
  • 'Select 'Mech' menus need a Purchasable filter
    • ​Submitted by: Igor Kozyrev
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Summary: There is no way to see a list of 'Purchasable' Mechs inside the Select Mech menu. In the PTS build players must instead go to the Store tab.
  • Add a 'Max Armor'/'Add Extra Tonna to Armor' option
    • ​Submitted by: Banditman/KursedVixen
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Summary: Add the ability to spend any remaining tonnage to 'fill out' any available armor points, distributing evenly in a 'top-to-bottom' priority.
  • Classify 'Clan ECM' as 'Equipment' (not Weaponry)
    • ​Submitted by: Banditman/Igor Kozyrev
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Summary: In the PTS build, Clan ECM is defined as Weaponry.
  • Add a 'Modify Modules' button to the 'Home > Select Mech' menu
    • ​Submitted by: Leigus/SirEpicPwner
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Image Link
    • Summary: Players can Modify Consumables through the Home>Select Mech menu, but they are unable to Modify Modules.
  • Add a 'Modify Modules' button to the 'Mechlab > Select Mech' menu
    • ​Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
    • Summary: Players cannot Modify Modules through the 'Mechlab > Select Mech menu
  • Add a 'Modify Consumables' button to the 'Mechlab > Select Mech' menu
    • ​Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
    • Summary: Players cannot Modify Consumables through the Mechlab > Select Mech menu (only the Home > Select Mech menu).
  • Add the ability to drag an item anywhere into the desired Component window instead of directly into the empty slot
    • ​Submitted by: Igor Kozyrev
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
  • Add the ability to automatically assign an item to the 'ideal' available slot by double-clicking the item
    • ​Submitted by: Igor Kozyrev
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
  • Create a box around the 'Change Mech Name' pencil icon to allow for a larger click area
  • Make the UI scalable
    • ​Submitted by: Everyone.gif
    • Type: Functional/Visual
  • Increase the scroll speed/range inside the 'Select Mech' menu
  • Display Tooltips for items in the Warehouse without having to select that item first
    • ​Submitted by: ZuFFuLuZ
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
  • Once a Tooltip for a Warehouse item is revealed it will not appear again until you change the item tab in the Warehouse
    • Submitted by: ZuFFuLuZ
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
  • Add a dedicated 'Strip Items' menu or method to allow for stripping 'Modules', 'Equipment', 'Cockpit Items', and 'All' items from individual 'Mechs and/or All 'Mechs
    • Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
  • Add a 'Strip Mech' button inside the 'Select Mech' screen, leading to a follow-up box for stripping that 'Mech of 'Modules', 'Equipment', 'Cockpit Items', and 'All' items from the selected 'Mech
    • Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
  • Add a 'Select' button to each 'Mech in the 'Select Mech' menu to prevent users from having to click the 'Select' button in the bottom-right of the menu
    • Submitted by: Cimarb
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
  • Add a method for viewing the 'Mech Details' of a 'Mech while inside the 'Select Mech' menu
    • Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
  • Suggested re-design of the Warehouse Posted Image
  • Mech Bay information is no longer available inside Mechlab
    • Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
    • Summary: The 'Mech Bays' window (displaying the number of Owned and Available MechBays) is no longer present inside the PTS Mechlab. The only way to determine if you have any available MechBays in the PTS build (without attempting to buy a 'Mech) is by accessing the Mech Bay section of the Store tab.
  • Add a method for going directly to the Mechlab/Loadout screen of a selected 'Mech when using the 'Home > Select Mech' menu
    • Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
    • Summary: When first loading into the front-end, users are placed in the Home menu by default. Being able to go from Home > Select Mech > Loadout would be a beneficial feature (instead of Home > Mechlab > Select Mech > Loadout).
  • Add a method to search for and locate any equipped items
    • Submitted by: Multiple
    • Type: Functional
    • Summary: Players want the ability to quickly and easily locate any equipped module, cockpit item, weapon, etc. Once the results are provided in a results menu, players might want to have the ability to:
      • un-equip any items in question without leaving the results menu
      • re-equip any items in question onto another 'Mech without fully leaving the results menu (possibly by bringing up a modified form of the Select Mech menu)
      • directly switch to or access the 'Mech that the item is equipped on
  • The notification that appears when you are attempting to purchase a new 'Mech without an available Mech Bay should ask you if you would like to purchase that Mech Bay immediately (without having to leave the notification or navigating elsewhere to do so)
    • Type: Functional
    • Summary: Under the current PTS Build:
      • To purchase a new 'Mech the player must go the Store tab
      • After locating the Mech, they click Buy
      • A notification pops up telling them "You will need to purchase an additional Mech Bay"
      • Player clicks OK
      • Player clicks over to the Mech Bay section of the Store
      • Player clicks Buy
      • Player clicks Yes, they want to purchase the Mech Bay for X amount of MC
      • Player clicks OK on Purchase Successful window
      • Player goes back to the Battlemech section of the Store
      • Player clicks Buy
      • Player chooses currency
      • Player assigns name of new 'Mech
      • Player clicks Yes, they want to purchase the Mech for X amount of currency
      • Player clicks OK on Purchase Successful window
  • Add a method for going directly to the Mechlab/Loadout screen for a newly purchased 'Mech from inside the Store > Battlemechs screen
    • Submitted by: Alistair Winter/Multiple
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Summary: After purchasing a new Mech, if the player wants to immediately customize or access that Mech they need to click over to Mechlab then find and select the new Mech in the Select Mech screen. Instead, players should be able to go directly to the Mechlab/Loadout screen for any owned Mechs directly from the Store > Battlemechs screen
  • There should be a more clear and direct method for viewing the details of a 'Mech before purchasing it
    • Submitted by: Quaamik​
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Summary: In the current PTS build, the only way to view the details of a 'Mech prior to purchasing it in the Store tab is to hover-over that 'Mech and wait for the pop-up to appear. Players should be able to directly click on a Mech Details button for any Mech in the Store.
  • The current method for expanding the 'Mech Stats' window is not intuitive
    • Submitted by: pyrocomp
    • Type: Functional
    • Post
    • Summary: The current 'check-box' system for expanding the 'Mech Stats' window is not intuitive, and does not reflect any common behaviour throughout the rest of the Mechlab.

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