Amsro, on 09 May 2015 - 06:40 AM, said:
I have a couple LOLrm mechs, only works if I win the pug lottery. Otherwise I'm food for the skilled.
That's just it. LRM's aren't really a great PUG weapon once you start being placed against veteran players. It's not a problem of the Weapon system as much as its role changes. MWO Isn't a game about individual skill. Its all about team play and working together. That is where the skill of this game is. Otherwise its the "no skill" lock on weapons or the point and click adventures someone talks about in their sig.
Positioning and coordination is everything. Games where neither side does it well tend to be the close fights everyone supposedly wants. Teams where one side does it tends to be steamroll games. Teams where both sides have that skill still tend to be rolls but with the occasional reversal halfway through.
Where this all comes back to LRM's is that their role changes in a team fight. LRM's do three things well. Soften a target, Shake a target, and deny the target. They aren't great at killing things although skillful teamwork can make them deadly. Every time someone says anything about LRM's being op you inevitably, even in this thread, have people tell you its all about cover. That makes, by their own admission, LRMs an epic area denial weapon. The problem with an Area denial weapon is it requires a team to take advantage of it. That is always lacking in PUGs and most comp teams don't want to bother with it. In PUG play you also can run into a problem of too man LRMs. You only need one or 2 LRM mechs and preferably those two mechs will have some kind of short range backup weapons. Another problem you have in PUG play is you can get overloaded on LRM mechs.
Well I've rambled I suppose. to the OP, If you are sincere with your concern, understand that the range of the LRM's isn't as far as you think. At extreme ranges they tend to be easy to dodge unless you are way out of position. Stay close to cover. They are going to deny you the open areas. You have to let LRMS deny you that area or else you will get pummeled to death. Area denial is their power. You have to respect it. You have to work together as a team to worm your way closer to the LRM launchers and take out the spotters. Its all about teamwork. LRM's can pin you if your a solo player and a pinned player is food for the LRM boats buddies.
Edited by ThomasMarik, 09 May 2015 - 07:10 AM.