What Are Your Dream Patch Notes?
Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:26 PM
+Atlas Armor
+Less AC2 Heat
+Greater PPC Velocity
Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:33 PM
Edited by xDust, 16 May 2015 - 04:33 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:33 PM
-) Fixed Problems with HSR and hit registration
-) Imrpoved weapon geometry on Catapult, Centurion, Jagermech,...
-) Reworked mech scaling
-) Environmental collission geometry now matches visible geometry
-) Due to advance in the Code and improvements on HSR, inverse kinematics for mechs are now enabled
And some stuff about ECM/LRM/Heatscale rework, would most likely to bee too long of a text for the patchlog.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:39 PM
- Introduced new heat penalties
- Removed instant convergence
- Hired new Lead Designer
Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:57 PM
New mech trees implemented. Pick and choose your mech specialties instead of having them chosen for you. Xp costs for mech tree specialties will vary from chassis to chassis and variant to variant due to hardpoint availability. This means if you want to spend xp on small pulse lasers for a firestarter you may have to give up speed tweak as you will run out of xp. While small pulse lasers on a mech with few energy hardpoints would be cheaper and allow more alternative skills to be chosen.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:04 PM

Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:05 PM
Short version:
Consumables don't cost c-bills per use.
Real heat scale (something like 30 heat cap, all HS in engine dissipate at .1 HPS, external singles .2, and external doubles .4).
EDIT, haha band aid isn't censored but band a-i-d-s is hahaha.
Edited by ICEFANG13, 16 May 2015 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:14 PM
- ____(any/every) Map Reworked & Expanded with a Full Makeover & Spawn adjustments
- All quirks given a maximum cap of 15%; all "doublestacked" quirks removed & changed to "iterative" quirks; Atlas and Orion given extra durability quirks; negative quirks removed from all 'Mechs
- Consumables removed
- Long Tom, Arrow IVs added
- Coolant flush added for all mechs (upgradeable through pilot skills)
- Hitbox adjustments for some of the most obvious problem 'Mechs, both for balance and to better reflect their visual construction:
- Jenner (bigger ST, narrower CT; basically hitboxes are more fairly split, but still reflect visuals accurately)
- Firestarter (more 'reliable', what you see is what you hit, etc.)
- Stormcrow (lots of adjustments, see picture here Spoiler
Coming soon:
- Additional public qeue modes (including former CW mode, renamed "Invasion" mode)
- In-depth Community Warfare mode with multiple dynamic objectives, tangible rewards for owning planets, and more
- Faction adjustments: loyalists gain more rewards & get certain rewards specific to their faction, while Mercenaries continue to enjoy the benefit of switching contracts wherever the please; "contract cooldown" periods reduces to reflect this for Mercs, while the same is increased for Loyalist players
Edited by Telmasa, 16 May 2015 - 05:16 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:27 PM
- Atlas glowing eyes return with on/off toggle
- Catapult missile launchers reduced to original C1 size.
- Jagermech barrels reduced to original size
- Gauss rifle barrels are lengthened on all mechs in the game
- Jump jet fuel capacity buffed. All of them. Particularly the 2-ton Class I jump jets.
(I'd also be happy with a more explosive lift-off combined with minimum burn time to prevent poptarting and jump jet pumping) - CPLT-K2 gets new cooldown and / or heat reduction quirks for PPC
- Atlas gets considerable armour buff, loses most weapon quirks
- AC2 heat reduction + AC2 ammo per ton increased
- MGs brought back to being useful
- Added targeting control for 'Find closest target' and 'Find closest target targeting me"
- Big Summoner jump jet buff
- Adder's flamer no longer hard mounted.
- Introducing NARC damage C-bill and XP bonus that actually makes the NARC worth equipping in pug matches
Edited by Alistair Winter, 16 May 2015 - 05:28 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:34 PM
-PGI will be returning to the 'release a mech every month' format instead of simply creating a new package deal every two to three months. First mech, to be released in July, will be the Hammerhands.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:39 PM
Posted 16 May 2015 - 05:52 PM
- MWO now includes a free to download, no internet required, 45 hour single player campaign set during the return of the Clans.
- Additionally, two more campaigns will be forthcoming, one set in 2950 during the Third Succession War, and another in 3005 in the Clan Homeworlds.
- Also, all quirks have been removed due to mass rebalancing and correction of longstanding errors.
- Hero Mech status can now be purchased with C-bills (or MC, though at a HIGHLY reduced rate) for your favorite ride. Doing so allows you to select three bonuses from a list of ten, as well as giving the requisite C-bill and XP bonuses.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:21 PM
PVE Content has been placed to the top of our priority list, we are currently commencing internal testing of a couple PVE/Coop missions. PTS release of this next week
Quirk Changes:
+15% CERPPC Velocity
-10% CERPPC Heat generation
+10% Heat dissipation(LT)
LT/RT Armor: +15
LA/RA Armor: +12
Warhawk remodel has been completed, all laser pods now have a new bigger gun look and the Side torsos have been remodeled to be slightly smaller, the arms reworked to slightly shield the side torsos.
CERPPC Buffs: 13/15, 4s CD, 1200ms velocity
ISPPC Buffs: 10/10, 3.5s CD, 1175ms velocity, minimum range reduced to 75m
ISERPPC: 10/12, 3.75s CD, 1275ms velocity.
All associated quirks have been reworked slightly to keep PPC parameters at a reasonable level. (1300-1400ms velocity and no less then 10 heat for ERs, no less then 8 for PPC.)
CUAC have been altered to make them a more viable weapon option.
CUAC2: 1 pellet, 2 dmg, 1200ms, 7.5% jam chance
CUAC5: 1pellet, 5 dmg, 1150ms, 12% jam chance
CUAC10: 2pellet, 5/5 dmg, 1025ms, 15% jam chance
CUAC20: 4pellet, 5/5/5/5dmg, 950ms, 20% jam chance
Gauss Rifle has been changed: Charge mechanic has been removed, instead velocity has been reduced to 1500ms. It remains the highest speed weapon but cooldown has been drastically increased to help keep it in a mid-long range role.
Ammo has been reduced to 8 shots per ton for both Clan and IS Gauss.
15dmg 1 heat, 1500ms, 8s CD.
Economy changes:
Win bonus has been increased to 50,000
Assists are now back to 5000
Damage has had its bonuses increased by 5%
Edited by LordKnightFandragon, 16 May 2015 - 06:27 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 06:35 PM
Override-able Shutdowns at 28, 32, 36, 40 Heat (Each value needs a separate Override)
Ammo (and/or Gauss) Explosion, with increasing chances at 29, 33, 42 Heat
Damage to Internals occurs at and above 40 Heat [Can trigger Ammo (and/or Gauss) Explosion]
External Double Heat Sink Dissipation raised to 0.2 each (Consider doubling Rates SHS to 0.2, DHS 0.4)
Engines Restricted to Intervals of Mech Tonnage, (85 tonners can use 170, 255, 340 for example).
Agility / Mobility Profiles removed from Engine Rating and incorporated into Base Chassis (Agility / Mobility Quirks rolled into base Profiles)
Speed is still tied to Engine Rating (Consider a Modified Speed Tweak to at least allow speeds to reflect TRO values, tied directly into Engines)
Mech Tree Efficiencies disabled, replaced with expanded Module System, including new Slot Categories.
Skills page merged into Home Page or Mechlab, replaced with Codex
XP / GXP system tied to cosmetic unlocks to expand cockpit and pilot customization, and also tied into the system for displayable Badges and Titles
Codex provides sections on how to play MWO, explains topics ranging from Solo drops to CW, and contains loads of background info on BattleTech.
Front and Rear Torso sections have separate Armor totals (Still equal to previous combined values)
Armor and Structure quirks applied to account for Hit Box sizes (Yay for Jenners and Awesomes)
MGs are Ballistic Weapons, 0.5 to 0.6 Damage per Projectile, 1 DPS, 200 damage per ton
Flamers have a burn Duration and Cooldown, 1 DPS
Missiles track the Crosshair / Reticle (Limited Guidance, Artemis, TAG, NARC modify Missile Response) Streaks Lock-On simply to conserve ammo
Laser Beam Duration Normalized by Class (ER, Regular, Pulse)
Ballistic Velocity Increases with Decrease in Damage per Projectile
Clan ERPPC deals 11/3/1 Damage
I probably have more, but brain stopped, and I gotta run now anyway.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 08:45 PM
That is all.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 08:53 PM
Praetor Knight, on 16 May 2015 - 06:35 PM, said:
Override-able Shutdowns at 28, 32, 36, 40 Heat (Each value needs a separate Override)
Ammo (and/or Gauss) Explosion, with increasing chances at 29, 33, 42 Heat
Damage to Internals occurs at and above 40 Heat [Can trigger Ammo (and/or Gauss) Explosion]
External Double Heat Sink Dissipation raised to 0.2 each (Consider doubling Rates SHS to 0.2, DHS 0.4)
Engines Restricted to Intervals of Mech Tonnage, (85 tonners can use 170, 255, 340 for example).
Agility / Mobility Profiles removed from Engine Rating and incorporated into Base Chassis (Agility / Mobility Quirks rolled into base Profiles)
Speed is still tied to Engine Rating (Consider a Modified Speed Tweak to at least allow speeds to reflect TRO values, tied directly into Engines)
Mech Tree Efficiencies disabled, replaced with expanded Module System, including new Slot Categories.
Skills page merged into Home Page or Mechlab, replaced with Codex
XP / GXP system tied to cosmetic unlocks to expand cockpit and pilot customization, and also tied into the system for displayable Badges and Titles
Codex provides sections on how to play MWO, explains topics ranging from Solo drops to CW, and contains loads of background info on BattleTech.
Front and Rear Torso sections have separate Armor totals (Still equal to previous combined values)
Armor and Structure quirks applied to account for Hit Box sizes (Yay for Jenners and Awesomes)
MGs are Ballistic Weapons, 0.5 to 0.6 Damage per Projectile, 1 DPS, 200 damage per ton
Flamers have a burn Duration and Cooldown, 1 DPS
Missiles track the Crosshair / Reticle (Limited Guidance, Artemis, TAG, NARC modify Missile Response) Streaks Lock-On simply to conserve ammo
Laser Beam Duration Normalized by Class (ER, Regular, Pulse)
Ballistic Velocity Increases with Decrease in Damage per Projectile
Clan ERPPC deals 11/3/1 Damage
I probably have more, but brain stopped, and I gotta run now anyway.
Trackable missiles would be amusing to try. Might make SRms and the like alot more viable.
Clan PPC should not be split....no real point in that, the split is a joke.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 10:46 PM
Semi-randomized objectives on 8 or so maps (to start) about the size of forest colony, maybe river city.
Objectives such as defend dropship, raid outpost, get from nav point A to B, convoy escort, patrol etc etc
Teams spawn as opposite roles, possibly with non-mirrored objectives ie, Blue team has to go to nav point A, cover a small group of tanks from air attack, then move to nav point B. Red team has to go raid a small outpost at their nav point A, then move to Blue team's nav B and intercept tanks and mechs. Blue teams objective is to ultimatley have tanks survive. Red teams is to kill those tanks.
oh yeah, Vehicles introduced to game!, NPC only, adjustable AI, not all that powerful though.
Weapon Adjustments!
-PPC projectile speed up.
-LRM's have better plotting of missile path depending on how long lock is kept, ie, they will fly over buildings a bit better.
-Clan LRM's have a shorter stream end to end
-SRM's have very limited tracking, easily broken, slow turn speed, artemis improves strength of tracking, does not lock on to bones, or areas of the mech but the mech as a whole. No longer point and shoot deadfire but a bit like LRM's
-Streaks will not fire unless you have lock, gets lock faster then SRM's, Faster fire rate then SRM's
-AC 2 heat per shot reduced to .25 per shot rather then 1
-many other weapons adjusted
quirks based on stock loadout, or stock 'role' of mech only. reduced efficacy, nothing higher then 15%-20% as a quirk. weapons improved slightly across the board instead.
jump jets have hardpoints based on stock location of jumpjets.
jump jets have a more appropriate efficiency according to how many is installed. a single jumpjet will do **** all.
no more hover jets!. heavy and assault jj are improved to be usable. propellent refills slower per weight class.
new module! extra jump jet juice! adds 15-20% more jump jet fuel
Mech Adjustments!
-Catapults get their proper PPC size back
-Jager's keep their new arms

-Blackjacks get a geometry pass and are now less wide, get thicker barrels for PPC's and AC's and short barrels for large lasers.
-Panthers get their wonky arm lasers re-geometried using firestarter/locust sized laser boxes and instead of dangling below the arm they are installed around the arm, with two side by side on the bottom, in case of the one with four energy hardpoints.
-that trebuchet with the many energy hardpoints stacked one atop the other in the arm is fixed in much the same way.
-any mech that has multiple energy hardpoints stacked in such a dumb way are now more intuitively wrapped/stacked/placed on the arm.
-Stormcrows lose their prodigious torso twist and is reduced to a more normal level. hitboxes remain
Sniper ravens give a bonus c-bill reward that slides on how quickly they are utterly annihilated into the match they are, 'cause **** em'
Ravens when killed will create a large sparkly confetti cloud and a pitiful 'wah wah waaaaah' warhorn effect will occur.
When a locust pilot achieves a kill a 'I'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL' warhorn effect will occur. Multiple kills unlock randomized "K-K-KILL STREAK!", "HAIL TO THE KING BABY!", "WHO WANTS SOME!" and "YIPPIE KA YAY [surats]" warhorn effects. (duke nukem

The TheBeef warhorn, "HAH HAH HAH" (laugh while emoting a locust laughing in one of his videos)
the fantastic tuesday warhorn, "*LAUGHTER* *incomprehensible gibberish*... oh god" (the end of mg banshee is op video)
I could go all night, I better get to bed
Edited by Marvyn Dodgers, 19 May 2015 - 03:26 PM.
Posted 16 May 2015 - 11:42 PM
Posted 16 May 2015 - 11:50 PM
Modified hitboxes on following mechs:
Reduced quirks in general to the maximum of 25% (i.e. no more 66% faster RoF, 50% more range, that kind of shite)
Edited by Juodas Varnas, 16 May 2015 - 11:52 PM.
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