Let's use the IS/Clan ER LL/ ER PPC as measuring sticks since they are somewhat similar in weight and range.
Here is a link to the Smurfy weapon stats for easy referance.
These are all the problems i've heard for all the AC2's.
- Constant stream of explosions effectivly blinds the target.
- Target get shaken a lot. Especially by the UAC2.
- Firing flashes and big explosions on the target hinders the aim of the user. Especialy at longer ranges.
- Long facetime (3.6 secs) to inflict 10 damage. Half that for Clan UAC2 if it doesn't jam.
- Quite high heat to damage ratio for an AC.
- Heavy for it's low power.
- Some say it needs more shells per tonn of ammo.
I think the firing flash, explosion size and the shaking has to be toned down.
Not just for our opponents sake but our own too.
Firing flashes alone could give someone epileptic seizures the way it is right now.
I don't think lowering heat per shot is the only thing necessary to fix the AC2.
The facetime of 3.6 secs to inflict 10 damage is the biggest problem i think.
Sure it has slightly better dps than an ER PPC but the damage would be all spread and the enemy would respond by then.
While the ER PPC can get 10 instant damage and get back behind cover.
Instead of lower heat how about making the cooldown (firerate) faster?
It would become a weapon best used in bursts to keep cool.
Right now the AC2 has a firerate of 1 shot per 0.72 secs.
5x0.72 = 3.6 secs for 10 damage.
Any of these sound fair for all the AC2's instead? (UAC2 gets that doubleshot thingie in addition to this.)
A) 5x0.35 secs= 1.75 secs for 10 damage.
B ) 5x0.30 secs= 1.5 secs for 10 damage.
C) 5x0.25 secs= 1.25 secs for 10 damage.
I like the C alternative best because it pulls even with the IS ER LLs burntime for almost the same amount of damage.
Many would say it would do 30 damage in 3.75 secs which is too overpowered, but i got a possible solution to that below titled Burst Fire Limitations(BFL).
If BFL is not good enough the other alternatives are decent too.
With this the AC2 would be colder to fire than an IS ER LL, have the option to keep firing past the 10 damage.
But in return it's still heavier and it would become a devourer of ammunition.
Anyone standing still and just taking such a barrage all on the CT for the full 1.25 secs would take nearly the same amount of damage from an ER LL.
UAC2 would get the same cooldown but with the doubleshot it's firerate would be 1 shot per 0.125 secs.
But the jamming keeps it unreliable, the ammunition and the heat demands would be high too.
Others say lowering weight is the way to go.
But we would still be saddled with that facetime of 3.6 secs to inflict 10 damage if we went down that road.
Besides it seems PGI wants to stick to the lore as much as they can.
Burst Fire Limitations.
Let's say we get a limitation on how many shots we can fire within 4 secs (ER PPC cooldown) with an AC2.
For example. If i fire a burst of 5 shots within 3-4 secs i get a 4 secs cooldown till my next burst.
UAC2 could get double the number of shots before the cooldown kicks in to keep that extra firerate meaningfull.
Or it could be exempted from BFL completly since it has the jamming chaining it down allready.
Is there anyone out there who actually wants the AC2 to be concidered an rival the ER PPC/ER LL?
If so give me some suggestions for how the AC2 could be improved.
Please provide some answers beyond-
AC2s are only supposed to be anti aircraft weapons.
AC2 is supposed to suck.
Lower the heat to 0.5 and its fixed.
Edited by Spleenslitta, 19 May 2015 - 08:51 AM.