Monolith, on 05 July 2012 - 11:12 AM, said:
I suppose my question is this: With the improved technology available today, can we expect larger engagements in terms of both numbers of players and also map size? Will we see any truly EPIC engagements in this game? Matches that we remember for years to come due to the thrill level? (I am getting goose-pimples just imagining the FEELING of some of my past battles in this franchise.)
I am also fan of large engagements, but this will likely depend on how the client side is able to handle large groups of battlemechs on the field.
As for MW4 the biggest reason it is not a great marker is because that game pretty much ignored the battletech construction rules regarding 'mechs and substituted their own, and in my opinion poorly thought out, hardpoint system that heavily reduced the amount space many of the larger weapons systems took up. The maps were pretty good however and offered a lot of interesting tactics, but because of how things worked out with the mech customization only a couple of tactics were used as opposed to the large number of possible tactics available.
Edited by Bobfrombobtown, 05 July 2012 - 11:42 AM.