keith, on 22 May 2015 - 05:18 PM, said:
pretty sure he means mektek the ppl who kept MW4 alive after Microsoft let it die. they added 3.5 exrta mech packs for free, keep the servers/ MM system running. heres the last vid of the MP4 before they were basically told to stop( if i remember right)
Ah yes MekTek, I remember them well. Quality stuff, enjoyed it thoroughly. I was pretty psyched to play that MAD. Good times.
Still the point stands. MekTek was allowed to live, like MW:LL in the good graces of Microsoft because they were free and only free until a deal came along that meant money in the bank for Microsoft. Its business and that's how business works. Also when discussing shoulda, coulda, woulda knowing who owns what and what the properties are is key before going on a rant about how the toys got taken away by money grubbing capitalists.